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Support by Institution

Select an Institution from the list below to show all Departments where grant, fellowship and training grant records are held.

Use the Up arrowDown arrow arrows to re-sort the columns into ascending or descending order.

12416 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £3,582,944,091   

Institution Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Abertay University3£639,927
Aberystwyth University71£13,692,468
Addis Ababa University2£301,669
Anglia Ruskin University3£730,782
Aston University1£265,781
Bangladesh Univ of Eng and Tech (BUET)1£795,644
Bangor University139£37,184,515
Basque Centre for Climate Change bc32£230,757
Bath Spa University1£7,731
BBSRC Institute of Arable Crops Research1£28,105
BBSRC John Innes Centre1£297,676
Birkbeck College18£2,345,340
Birmingham City University1£27,059
Bolivian Natura Foundation2£635,641
Bournemouth University16£1,576,806
Bradford Teaching Hosp NHS Found Trust1£370,805
British Geological Survey192£40,651,236
British Trust for Ornithology6£625,872
Brunel University London14£6,065,516
CAB International2£340,646
Carbon Foundation of East Africa1£87,597
Cardiff Metropolitan University1£7,731
Cardiff University190£38,337,028
Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)1£18,750
Centre for Env Fisheries Aqua Sci CEFAS18£4,532,132
City St George's, University of London4£1,176,369
CNRS - Delegation Midi-Pyrenees1£172,281
Conservation International Foundation2£885,095
CORDIO East Africa1£9,119
Council for Sci and Industrial Res2£325,905
Coventry University2£258,451
Cranfield University90£20,105,951
De Montfort University2£59,508
Diamond Light Source5£264,339
Durham University237£65,194,304
East China Normal University1£14,954
Edge Hill University4£655,926
Edinburgh Napier University10£1,670,469
EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute1£43,274
Environment Agency2£285,528
Falmouth University2£405,260
Fera Science Limited3£454,178
Fisheries Research Services Marine Labor3£476,482
Flinders University of South Australia1£106,147
Geological Survey of Ethiopia1£22,168
Glasgow Caledonian University5£1,255,236
Glasgow School of Art2£25,035
Global Canopy Foundation1£152,599
Goldsmiths College1£119,059
H R Wallingford Ltd6£1,085,256
Harper Adams University5£407,254
Hawassa University1£227,595
Heriot-Watt University67£24,003,997
ICLEI - Local Govts for Sustainability1£211,597
IHE Delft Foundation1£1,931,581
ILRI (International Livestock Res Inst)1£471,287
Imperial College London399£155,868,850
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee1£242,198
Inst for European Environmental Policy1£162,166
Inst of Grassland and Environmental Res2£195,803
Institute of Development Studies6£3,350,657
Institute of Occupational Medicine1£495,172
Institute of Research for Dev (IRD)4£896,973
Institute of Urban Environment1£26,636
Int Centre for Tropical Agriculture1£778,003
International Food Policy Research Inst2£608,731
International Institute for Env and Dev2£409,883
International Potato Centre1£51,996
International Water Management Institute4£707,842
Intnl Union for Conservation of Nature1£47,753
John Innes Centre3£886,797
Keele University23£3,074,510
Kenyatta University1£74,899
King's College London85£22,665,249
Kingston University7£296,102
Kulima Integrated Development Solutions1£576,346
Laboratory of Radioisotopes1£181,031
Lancaster University222£61,319,957
Leeds Beckett University1£4,923
Lilongwe Uni of Agri and Nat Resources2£152,220
Liverpool John Moores University12£1,429,987
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine3£1,476,739
London Sch of Hygiene & Tropic. Medicine13£4,424,251
London School of Economics & Pol Sci16£3,635,884
Loughborough University61£10,900,007
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich1£248,906
Macaulay Institute1£64,390
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute1£152,911
Makerere University2£130,538
Manchester Metropolitan University25£6,319,783
Marine Biological Association41£7,618,750
Marine Scotland Science4£102,382
Medical Research Council (MRC)1£203,061
Met Office6£2,784,800
Middlesex University1£149,162
Moredun Research Institute2£504,673
National Inst of Agricultural Botany3£646,549
National Museums of Scotland3£363,301
National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)1£309,181
National Oceanography Centre123£47,033,298
National Physical Laboratory NPL1£1,454,732
Nature Conservation Research Centre1£683,562
NERC British Antarctic Survey244£97,736,247
NERC CEH (Up to 30.11.2019)268£93,479,234
Newcastle University239£65,561,296
NOC (Up to 31.10.2019)234£73,123,058
North Carolina State University1£181,569
Northumbria University60£14,551,359
Nottingham Trent University2£241,672
Oxford Brookes University7£1,313,643
Plymouth Marine Laboratory161£48,571,340
Policy Studies Institute1£11,954,596
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory19£2,431,289
Public Health England1£439,818
Queen Mary University of London101£20,827,140
Queen's University of Belfast41£5,256,488
Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre1£207,422
Rhodes University1£62,127
Roehampton University7£302,355
Rothamsted Research31£8,111,712
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh11£1,745,848
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew22£4,988,344
Royal Central Sch of Speech and Drama1£5,423
Royal College of Art1£21,261
Royal Holloway, Univ of London94£17,717,756
Royal Northern College of Music1£4,923
Royal Veterinary College8£1,535,442
Scottish Association For Marine Science112£24,387,575
Scottish Crop Research Institute1£2,531
Scottish Universities Env Research Cen28£4,561,885
SEI Oxford Office Ltd2£248,949
Sheffield Hallam University1£11,597
SOAS University of London2£32,113
Sokoine University of Agriculture2£349,684
Southern Agricultural Research Institute1£315,311
St George's University of London3£670,648
START International Inc1£256,406
STFC - Laboratories59£12,112,089
Stockholm University1£1,207,243
Stony Brook University1£285,924
Swansea University95£20,950,910
Swedish Meteorological & Hydro Institute1£618,219
Teesside University3£64,330
The Alan Turing Institute2£514,302
The British Museum1£6,008
The Courtauld Institute of Art1£25,513
The Francis Crick Institute1£76,538
The James Hutton Institute15£4,683,797
The National Trust1£153,021
The Natural History Museum117£19,769,893
The Open University106£15,551,574
The Robert Gordon University4£958,679
The University of Manchester363£117,702,595
UK Astronomy Technology Centre1£18,831
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology124£55,274,580
UK Health Security Agency1£303,816
University College London364£117,095,085
University of Aberdeen220£55,630,101
University of Bath54£13,177,390
University of Bedfordshire1£4,923
University of Birmingham275£90,783,820
University of Bonn1£141,779
University of Bradford19£1,520,032
University of Brighton17£2,965,968
University of Bristol514£153,108,392
University of California, Santa Cruz1£7,182
University of Cambridge419£127,227,434
University of Cape Town2£2,028,130
University of Central Asia1£227,225
University of Central Lancashire2£284,741
University of Chester1£20,012
University of Cumbria2£112,380
University of Dar es Salaam1£61,202
University of Derby2£128,664
University of Dundee23£4,323,023
University of East Anglia389£109,103,135
University of East London2£149,644
University of Edinburgh466£164,730,292
University of Essex71£15,736,079
University of Exeter442£150,870,189
University of Geneva1£318,782
University of Glamorgan1£107,726
University of Glasgow157£41,362,649
University of Gloucestershire5£778,554
University of Greenwich5£1,155,131
University of Hertfordshire22£3,133,132
University of Huddersfield6£914,783
University of Hull77£12,640,391
University of Johannesburg1£177,065
University of Kent21£2,764,084
University of KwaZulu-Natal1£208,765
University of Leeds623£201,444,864
University of Leicester164£45,747,435
University of Lincoln16£3,678,186
University of Liverpool282£84,160,587
University of London1£5,423
University of Maiduguri1£15,960
University of Malawi3£509,827
University of Milan-Bicocca1£146,700
University of Nairobi1£221,661
University of Nottingham95£20,220,913
University of Oxford538£177,429,141
University of Plymouth151£29,407,623
University of Portsmouth33£6,948,884
University of Reading416£133,350,445
University of Salford17£3,183,560
University of Sao Paulo1£12,106
University of Sheffield277£80,348,257
University of South Wales1£138,232
University of Southampton429£126,504,771
University of St Andrews197£52,541,335
University of Stirling94£22,628,926
University of Strathclyde67£29,773,404
University of Sunderland3£67,132
University of Surrey31£7,104,063
University of Sussex49£11,460,833
University of Tasmania1£7,058
University of the Arts London1£34,017
University of the Highlands and Islands8£977,418
University of the West of England15£3,595,200
University of the West of Scotland5£1,300,926
University of Ulster21£2,336,349
University of Warwick90£22,948,030
University of Westminster2£104,572
University of Wolverhampton2£543,773
University of Worcester3£186,041
University of York252£60,713,198
Wageningen University2£452,463
WaterAid UK1£419,301
Weber State University1£93,720
Wellcome Sanger Institute1£153,088
Wildlife Conservation Society1£32,597
World Agroforestry Centre1£146,827
World Conservation Monitoring Cen WCMC1£120,496
York St John University1£45,657
Zoological Soc London Inst of Zoology33£6,382,997

12416 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £3,582,944,091   

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