NERC's programmes are listed below. Select a Programme name from the list below to view the grants. Specific programme details can be found on the list of NERC research programmes page.
Use the 
arrows to re-sort the columns into ascending or descending order.
12416 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £3,582,942,334
Programme   | Number   | Value UK £   |
18GCRFHubsFull | 5 | £84,039,297 |
AB-SIG Research Fellowship | 1 | £176,796 |
AFI | 106 | £21,495,321 |
AFI PhD | 1 | £26,246 |
AMR | 19 | £6,616,542 |
AMR India | 5 | £4,352,596 |
APHH | 43 | £17,742,693 |
APPRAISE | 17 | £3,655,958 |
Advanced Fellow | 92 | £32,536,161 |
Advanced Training | 184 | £7,549,328 |
Aerosols and Clouds | 9 | £2,899,975 |
Agri-Food KE Programme | 1 | £500,895 |
Analytical Sci and Tech | 28 | £1,961,838 |
Arctic IPY | 21 | £4,636,138 |
Arctic Programme | 47 | £12,668,425 |
Atmospheric Circulation | 7 | £2,797,654 |
Atmospheric Convection | 9 | £5,085,080 |
Autonomous Underwater Gliders | 5 | £634,390 |
Autonomous observing | 13 | £3,714,470 |
Autosub under Ice | 11 | £1,431,324 |
BESS | 38 | £11,902,288 |
BESS Fellowships | 1 | £238,058 |
BETR | 8 | £3,972,917 |
BIO Carbon | 30 | £7,990,788 |
BIO Carbon Champion | 2 | £1,061,546 |
Belmont Forum | 35 | £9,140,403 |
Big Data | 18 | £2,752,176 |
Bioremediation LINK | 3 | £1,021,970 |
Blue Skies MSc | 127 | £18,953,407 |
Blue Skies Professorial Fellow | 1 | £240,606 |
Blue Skies Senior Fellow | 3 | £932,592 |
Blue Skies Tied PhD | 2 | £201,345 |
Brazil Biomes | 7 | £1,992,593 |
CCROC | 14 | £5,537,763 |
CCS:Ecosystem Impacts | 8 | £1,665,753 |
CCS:Systems Analysis | 5 | £1,561,378 |
CDT | 16 | £35,136,414 |
CERAF | 1 | £5,212,426 |
CINUK | 14 | £7,932,345 |
CMIP5 | 6 | £539,810 |
COAPEC | 8 | £1,247,687 |
CONICYT - NERC Antarctic | 4 | £1,364,938 |
COVID 19 Rapid Response | 13 | £3,146,806 |
CZO | 25 | £6,034,185 |
Capital Call | 61 | £31,846,652 |
Capital Equipment | 48 | £10,624,986 |
Capital Funding | 6 | £1,756,341 |
Capital Priority Areas | 1 | £4,296,371 |
Changing Arctic Ocean | 49 | £15,567,434 |
Changing North Atlantic | 9 | £5,335,111 |
Changing Water Cycle | 34 | £10,268,880 |
Chemicals | 12 | £8,255,044 |
Clean Air | 44 | £26,485,817 |
Clouds | 15 | £11,277,116 |
Clouds, Water Vapour & Climate | 11 | £1,395,272 |
Coastal Sediment Systems | 8 | £2,858,610 |
Colombian bio | 14 | £6,311,991 |
Connect A | 30 | £154,720 |
Connect B | 32 | £3,730,365 |
Consortiums | 234 | £88,682,090 |
Core Strategic Measurements | 26 | £2,675,721 |
CtE | 5 | £41,026,247 |
DS Discipline Hopping | 38 | £3,830,780 |
DTP 2013 | 15 | £113,462,229 |
DTP2 | 17 | £166,906,447 |
Depleted Uranium | 5 | £940,495 |
DfT NERC Fellowship | 1 | £332,957 |
DfT Studentship | 4 | £336,400 |
Digital Environment | 37 | £9,806,565 |
Digital Solutions | 1 | £20,491 |
Directed Knowledge | 4 | £369,366 |
E-Science | 39 | £10,478,513 |
ECOFlow | 2 | £5,680,288 |
ECOWind | 19 | £8,543,819 |
EEF | 5 | £412,388 |
EEHI | 12 | £7,325,710 |
EFCHED | 20 | £1,672,876 |
EHFI | 28 | £5,693,066 |
EHH | 60 | £3,363,540 |
EM&HH | 14 | £4,745,221 |
EMS | 23 | £1,194,946 |
EO - Marine Project | 7 | £302,236 |
EO Enabling Fund | 21 | £1,098,030 |
EO Instrumentation DTG | 4 | £635,278 |
EO Mission | 27 | £2,502,736 |
ERA Net BiodivERsA | 12 | £3,045,525 |
ERA Net Env Health | 3 | £1,012,276 |
ES4 Summer School | 1 | £153,409 |
ESPA | 93 | £28,716,819 |
ESPA FRAMEWORK | 23 | £4,009,380 |
ESPA PPD | 36 | £1,294,844 |
EcoSYSTEMS Internship | 4 | £69,269 |
Econ Bio Synthesis | 9 | £354,333 |
Econ Biodiversity | 13 | £6,212,373 |
El Nino | 14 | £3,796,279 |
Engaged Environ Science | 3 | £2,564,789 |
Environmental Genomics | 39 | £12,274,881 |
Environmental Nanoscience | 26 | £4,495,131 |
Eurocores - Biodiversity | 3 | £412,777 |
Eurocores - Minsci | 2 | £356,984 |
Evidence Synthesis | 7 | £348,812 |
Exploring the frontiers | 110 | £8,021,751 |
FCFA | 45 | £18,928,299 |
FMRI | 3 | £1,960,617 |
FREE | 35 | £6,465,070 |
Faraday Partnership | 3 | £488,654 |
Fellows | 30 | £10,450,470 |
Flooding from Intense Rainfall | 9 | £5,006,026 |
Follow on Fund | 44 | £4,131,818 |
Follow on Fund Pathfinder | 80 | £934,043 |
Freshwater | 17 | £9,138,599 |
GCRF Grow GC | 7 | £38,513,538 |
GCRF Multi-Hazards Risk | 12 | £11,011,503 |
GCRF Plastics | 8 | £17,744,403 |
GCRF-Resilience | 29 | £4,556,273 |
GGR | 1 | £6,703,571 |
GHG emissions | 4 | £4,147,716 |
GPSF | 119 | £9,053,494 |
GeoDRAW | 7 | £4,311,538 |
Global Nitrogen Enrichment | 22 | £2,093,497 |
Globalink Placement | 155 | £1,571,393 |
Good Ideas Project | 16 | £1,835,603 |
Greenhouse Gas | 19 | £8,392,556 |
Greenhouse Gas Removal | 24 | £8,990,685 |
HIRDLS | 2 | £2,705,834 |
Highlights | 334 | £159,848,746 |
Hydrogen | 9 | £2,745,209 |
IEM | 15 | £6,641,443 |
IGBM | 6 | £1,166,115 |
IIASA NERC Fellowships | 3 | £1,040,079 |
INSITE | 3 | £159,912 |
INSITE Phase 2 | 13 | £5,099,016 |
IODP | 47 | £2,830,932 |
IODP Urgency | 1 | £27,678 |
IOF | 102 | £10,901,359 |
IRF | 189 | £97,905,342 |
IRNH | 20 | £5,508,559 |
IRNH KE Fellowships | 2 | £501,764 |
IRNHiC | 10 | £3,030,309 |
ISPF Co Centres Ireland | 1 | £6,425,354 |
Ice Sheet Stability | 19 | £4,230,968 |
Ice Sheet Stability Student | 4 | £284,067 |
Impact Accelerator Account | 11 | £2,218,563 |
Industrial CASE | 183 | £15,931,615 |
Innovation - Aquaculture | 6 | £1,225,699 |
Innovation - DRF | 7 | £2,019,559 |
Innovation - ESIP | 2 | £8,939,314 |
Innovation - GI | 15 | £1,178,511 |
Innovation - IMA | 17 | £3,522,828 |
Innovation - NERC/Innovate UK | 24 | £3,168,306 |
Innovation - Oil & Gas | 6 | £620,679 |
Innovation - RISE | 2 | £8,129,732 |
Innovation - Risk | 60 | £5,504,322 |
Innovation - SARIC | 15 | £2,735,932 |
Innovation - SPs | 7 | £208,596 |
Innovation Follow on | 23 | £2,291,296 |
Innovation Internships | 28 | £730,941 |
Innovation Placements | 27 | £928,869 |
Innovation Projects | 54 | £4,952,259 |
JIF | 3 | £2,351,012 |
JPI | 3 | £789,640 |
JREI | 7 | £652,686 |
JWCRP | 3 | £660,433 |
Jet Zero | 10 | £7,885,908 |
KE | 62 | £8,446,711 |
KE Fellows | 144 | £18,634,290 |
LATAM | 6 | £5,818,070 |
Land Based Renewables | 22 | £2,478,292 |
Landscape Decisions | 33 | £8,504,395 |
Landscape Fellowships | 7 | £1,160,141 |
Large Grant | 185 | £123,978,428 |
Lead Agency Grant | 106 | £22,685,922 |
Life and Planet | 22 | £4,813,318 |
Long Term Funding | 3 | £1,168,561 |
Lowland Catchment Research | 18 | £3,214,414 |
MCHP Scoping Studies | 8 | £189,692 |
MOSAiC | 8 | £1,889,177 |
MRE Business Internship | 8 | £95,344 |
MRE Sandpit | 26 | £3,908,503 |
Macronutrient Cycles | 22 | £8,615,351 |
Marine & Freshwater Microbial | 29 | £2,613,392 |
Marine Ecosystems | 13 | £6,051,004 |
Marine Productivity | 31 | £2,993,125 |
Marine Sensor Capital | 2 | £951,157 |
Marine Sensor PoC | 6 | £616,116 |
Methane Network | 1 | £245,210 |
Micro to Macro Behaviour | 1 | £60,645 |
Mineral Resources | 16 | £1,008,477 |
Minerals | 27 | £9,868,779 |
NASA/NERC UAV | 9 | £3,634,111 |
NC ODA | 3 | £11,983,987 |
NCLTS-M | 9 | £25,314,572 |
NERC Fellowship 2005 | 1 | £529,571 |
NERC/TSB Joint Projects | 1 | £49,254 |
NFIS 2020 | 2 | £120,069 |
NGWCP | 17 | £3,639,835 |
NPIF Allocation | 35 | £12,408,157 |
NPIF Fellows | 4 | £208,553 |
NPIF Training | 6 | £437,240 |
NZArC UAS | 2 | £1,865,042 |
Natural Flood Management | 6 | £4,264,893 |
Nature Based Solutions | 4 | £7,873,667 |
Nature Positive | 20 | £5,112,008 |
Net Zero DRI | 2 | £1,989,010 |
Network of Sensors | 21 | £5,143,585 |
Networks Project | 7 | £426,238 |
New Investigators | 240 | £14,013,150 |
New Observing Techniques | 13 | £1,753,288 |
Newton Fund | 16 | £6,264,893 |
Ocean Acidification | 42 | £9,360,386 |
Ocean Acidification Student | 9 | £618,622 |
Ocean Boundary Surface | 7 | £2,314,261 |
Ocean Drilling Programme | 30 | £1,216,255 |
Ocean Margins LINK | 23 | £2,419,367 |
Ocean Shelf Edge Exchange | 6 | £3,459,466 |
Oil and Gas | 25 | £1,663,073 |
Omics | 8 | £315,955 |
Omics Fellowships | 5 | £2,448,480 |
One and a Half Degrees | 10 | £1,030,813 |
Open CASE | 240 | £16,155,468 |
Partnership Grants | 15 | £3,554,038 |
Peru Glaciers | 9 | £2,886,534 |
Policy Placement Fellowship | 21 | £1,133,063 |
Polluted Troposphere | 14 | £2,587,195 |
Post Genomics | 29 | £7,502,855 |
Post Genomics & Proteomics | 20 | £1,096,207 |
Post Genomics Fellow | 1 | £133,100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowship | 282 | £55,276,379 |
Process-Based Model Eval | 7 | £1,897,721 |
Public Engagement | 7 | £1,883,294 |
Pushing the Frontiers | 143 | £102,251,595 |
QUEST | 74 | £11,542,367 |
Quantifying Uncertainty | 9 | £1,530,416 |
RAPID-AMOC | 8 | £2,490,872 |
RATE | 20 | £7,819,662 |
RCUK-CONICYT | 2 | £825,072 |
ROPA | 11 | £946,314 |
RP Coordination | 26 | £6,616,837 |
Rapid Climate Change | 54 | £10,368,621 |
Rapid Watch | 14 | £3,440,104 |
Responsive PhD | 564 | £117,156,700 |
SE Asia Hazards | 27 | £8,557,970 |
SE Asia Plastics | 6 | £2,866,117 |
SEASENSE | 2 | £123,033 |
SGF Brazil | 1 | £986,333 |
SHEAR | 25 | £12,182,834 |
SHEAR Studentships | 1 | £1,663,898 |
SMMR | 23 | £12,096,687 |
SOFI | 15 | £3,160,767 |
SOFI - Students | 11 | £786,613 |
SOLAS | 51 | £6,206,519 |
SOLAS DTG | 1 | £31,110 |
SR Impact Scheme | 3 | £465,249 |
SRO | 7 | £19,555,193 |
SSB Studentship | 5 | £424,908 |
SSPP | 12 | £8,661,823 |
SWAIS 2C | 5 | £2,653,196 |
SWIMMR | 24 | £9,550,949 |
SWOT | 3 | £438,299 |
SWR | 7 | £3,198,044 |
Science Co-ordination | 1 | £191,539 |
Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry | 27 | £9,376,066 |
Signals in the Soil | 14 | £8,454,162 |
Small Grants | 701 | £25,252,930 |
Soil Biodiversity | 10 | £1,045,749 |
Soil Security | 20 | £8,178,032 |
Soil Security Fellows | 4 | £1,263,020 |
Solid Earth Hazards | 5 | £4,270,537 |
South Asian Monsoon | 10 | £4,505,624 |
Southern Ocean | 17 | £6,878,768 |
Standard Grant | 2738 | £780,295,668 |
Standard Grant - NI | 116 | £48,794,028 |
Standard Grant NI | 14 | £8,094,408 |
Storm Risk Mitigation | 12 | £4,268,397 |
Sustainable Marine Bioresource | 11 | £1,589,330 |
Sustainable Minerals | 10 | £3,366,393 |
TEAMxUK | 4 | £2,034,026 |
TSEC | 39 | £16,914,294 |
TWINE | 7 | £2,810,661 |
TaSE | 8 | £2,527,849 |
Tech Proof of Concept | 100 | £10,773,271 |
Technology Clusters | 2 | £182,607 |
Theme Leader | 9 | £3,724,611 |
Thwaites Glacier | 19 | £9,048,870 |
Treescapes | 34 | £15,854,029 |
Tropical Forests | 20 | £8,292,086 |
Turbulent Processes | 6 | £5,598,394 |
UK Climate Adaptation | 1 | £4,451,575 |
UK Climate Resilience | 51 | £10,005,740 |
UK Droughts | 27 | £13,111,270 |
UK IODP | 32 | £1,207,856 |
UK IODP Phase2 | 119 | £6,931,744 |
UK IODP Phase3 | 6 | £1,219,890 |
UK IODP Phase4 | 57 | £2,462,138 |
UK IODP VSSI | 1 | £117,164 |
UK POPNET | 1 | £7,883 |
UKERC | 11 | £19,804,700 |
UKRI COVID19 Doctoral Funding | 101 | £19,129,982 |
UKRI Circular Fashion | 3 | £6,002,701 |
UKRI-JSPS | 4 | £1,841,735 |
UPGro | 48 | £11,475,449 |
URRP | 12 | £3,959,258 |
Uncon Hydrocarbons | 26 | £7,917,718 |
Upper Troposphere Lower Strato | 26 | £2,397,578 |
Urban Atmosphere Science | 10 | £2,879,634 |
Urgency | 92 | £3,443,363 |
Urgency Call | 2 | £99,117 |
Urgency Funding 2024 | 6 | £466,859 |
Urgent Grant | 126 | £6,705,540 |
VNC | 6 | £1,926,974 |
Valuation Network | 1 | £628,124 |
Valuing Nature | 7 | £4,973,583 |
Virtual Observatory Sandpit | 1 | £1,620,320 |
Volatiles | 15 | £7,669,468 |
Wallacea | 7 | £3,655,333 |
Waste | 28 | £7,427,657 |
Water Quality | 8 | £3,453,512 |
12416 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £3,582,942,334
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