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Natural Environment Research Council
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Support by Department

Search path : Institution > University of Strathclyde

Select a Department from the list below to show all grant, fellowship and training grant records held by that Department.
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67 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £29,773,404   

Department Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Biomedical Engineering1£12,737
Chemical and Process Engineering1£815,759
Civil and Environmental Engineering16£2,071,291
Electronic and Electrical Engineering1£10,670
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science1£52,886
Inst of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sci1£433,478
Management Science1£566,825
Mathematics and Statistics16£3,280,193
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering4£822,031
Pure and Applied Chemistry3£351,104
Statistics and Modelling Science5£922,373

67 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £29,773,404   

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