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Natural Environment Research Council
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Support by Department

Search path : Institution > University of Southampton

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429 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £126,504,773   

Department Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Aeronautics and Astronautics1£829,981
Centre for Biological Sciences11£2,107,274
Clinical and Experimental Sciences2£1,292,001
Electronics and Computer Science4£174,622
Faculty of Engineering & the Environment25£6,333,201
Faculty of Humanities1£393,030
Inflammation Infection and Repair1£60,680
National Oceanography Centre Southampton29£3,709,576
Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC)2£714,246
Research and Innovation Services3£1,736,138
Sch of Biological Sciences5£1,526,199
Sch of Chemistry4£315,268
Sch of Electronics and Computer Sci1£260,039
Sch of Engineering8£2,049,532
Sch of Geography & Environmental Sci14£12,321,793
Sch of Humanities1£8,300
Sch of Mathematical Sciences1£680,337
Sch of Ocean and Earth Science274£85,467,375
Sch of Physics and Astronomy7£2,639,154
School of Civil Eng and The Environment1£239,000
School of Geography32£3,272,604
School of Social Sciences1£309,215

429 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £126,504,773   

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