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Natural Environment Research Council
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Support by Department

Search path : Institution > University of Liverpool

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282 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £84,160,587   

Department Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Archaeology Classics and Egyptology1£48,808
Biochemistry & Systems Biology2£125,785
Biological Sciences (Brownlow St)2£365,542
Biomedical Sciences5£967,248
Centre for Engineering Sustainability1£94,160
Civil and Environmental Engineering1£864,685
Computer Science1£45,294
Earth Surface Dynamics43£5,971,931
Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences86£34,077,670
Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour9£1,710,748
Faculty of Arts1£405,421
Geography and Planning16£3,093,043
Institute for Sustainable Water2£190,618
Institute of Infection and Global Health1£262,753
Institute of Integrative Biology40£22,163,337
Livestock and One Health1£415,072
Mathematical Sciences2£230,381
Research Support Office1£100,810
Sch of Biological Sciences49£8,848,700
School of Engineering1£125,190
Veterinary Clinical Science3£514,650
Veterinary Preclinical Science3£1,298,073

282 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £84,160,587   

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