Grants on the Web
Daily update: 12416 awards have or will receive funding worth a total of £3,582,942,334
This site uses grants information provided to NERC from the UKRI SBS on a weekly basis - the last update was on 28 March 2025.
This site holds information about the current and past research projects, and masters and doctoral training grants which are funded by the Natural Environment Research Council through various awards.
You can find out what research is taking place, who is undertaking it, when it will be completed and how much funding NERC has provided. You can also see which projects are contributing to specific environmental issues such as climate change or biodiversity.
Other schemes such as 'core strategic' awards for long-term programmes of work at NERC's research and collaborative centres are not covered here.
Information on the individual studentship projects supported through Doctoral or Masters Training Grants is not currently available through this site.
Getting started
The menu bar at the top of the screen shows the available starting points for your search and an explanation of them is listed below.
Filter buttons in the top right hand corner of each page allow you to limit the scope of your search. For example you can select awards according to a particular year. It is important that you specify, whether you are looking for awards that are active, finished or have been announced. Once you have selected a filter, it will stay on throughout your search but you can change it at any time.
- NERC reference - Use this if you know the unique grant, fellowship or award number.
- Region - Choose a UK region to list the number of research projects and the total value of funding in that area. You can then select an institution for more detail.
- Institution - Select an institution, such as a university or research centre. You can then see what research NERC is funding within a particular department.
- Person - Search for the name of a researcher to find a list of their research projects.
- Search term - Type in a word or phrase and then display a list of all research projects containing that text in their title and abstract.
- Science classification - Search for research projects listed under categories.
- Programme - Select a NERC programme to display all the particular research projects which are taking place within it.
If you need further help, please read the user guide.