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Support by Region

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Select an Institution from the list below to show all Departments where grant, fellowship and training grant records are held.
You can also view all grant, fellowship and training grant records held by institutions in this region.

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82 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £19,600,398   

Institution Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Institute of Research for Dev (IRD)4£896,973
International Water Management Institute4£707,842
University of Malawi3£509,827
Wageningen University2£452,463
Basque Centre for Climate Change bc32£230,757
Sokoine University of Agriculture2£349,684
Makerere University2£130,538
Addis Ababa University2£301,669
Lilongwe Uni of Agri and Nat Resources2£152,220
University of Cape Town2£2,028,130
Bolivian Natura Foundation2£635,641
Council for Sci and Industrial Res2£325,905
Conservation International Foundation2£885,095
International Food Policy Research Inst2£608,731
CORDIO East Africa1£9,119
Intnl Union for Conservation of Nature1£47,753
Stony Brook University1£285,924
Hawassa University1£227,595
Wildlife Conservation Society1£32,597
Nature Conservation Research Centre1£683,562
World Agroforestry Centre1£146,827
Rhodes University1£62,127
University of California, Santa Cruz1£7,182
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee1£242,198
START International Inc1£256,406
University of Sao Paulo1£12,106
Int Centre for Tropical Agriculture1£778,003
University of Maiduguri1£15,960
North Carolina State University1£181,569
Southern Agricultural Research Institute1£315,311
Geological Survey of Ethiopia1£22,168
Kulima Integrated Development Solutions1£576,346
Laboratory of Radioisotopes1£181,031
Institute of Urban Environment1£26,636
University of Central Asia1£227,225
International Potato Centre1£51,996
East China Normal University1£14,954
Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)1£18,750
University of KwaZulu-Natal1£208,765
University of Geneva1£318,782
Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre1£207,422
Stockholm University1£1,207,243
University of Nairobi1£221,661
University of Tasmania1£7,058
Kenyatta University1£74,899
CNRS - Delegation Midi-Pyrenees1£172,281
University of Johannesburg1£177,065
ICLEI - Local Govts for Sustainability1£211,597
University of Dar es Salaam1£61,202
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich1£248,906
IHE Delft Foundation1£1,931,581
Carbon Foundation of East Africa1£87,597
University of Milan-Bicocca1£146,700
Weber State University1£93,720
Flinders University of South Australia1£106,147
Swedish Meteorological & Hydro Institute1£618,219

82 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £19,600,398   

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