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University College London
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363 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £116,216,888
Department | Number | Value UK £ |
Earth Sciences | 132 | £37,922,413 |
Geography | 61 | £31,646,614 |
Genetics Evolution and Environment | 52 | £16,672,055 |
Mullard Space Science Laboratory | 17 | £3,509,717 |
Physics and Astronomy | 16 | £2,238,184 |
Civil Environmental and Geomatic Eng | 14 | £2,688,278 |
Bartlett Sch of Env, Energy & Resources | 9 | £3,025,875 |
Institute of Archaeology | 8 | £3,282,379 |
Mathematics | 7 | £1,278,027 |
Statistical Science | 6 | £1,292,694 |
Electronic and Electrical Engineering | 6 | £918,031 |
Mechanical Engineering | 5 | £2,473,038 |
Institute for Risk and Disaster Reductio | 5 | £2,262,834 |
Anthropology | 4 | £1,182,909 |
Chemistry | 3 | £961,775 |
Geomatic Engineering | 2 | £243,083 |
Chemical Engineering | 2 | £1,563,538 |
Education, Practice & Society | 1 | £12,391 |
Research Services | 1 | £46,471 |
Bartlett Sch of Graduate Studies | 1 | £290,013 |
Structural Molecular Biology | 1 | £28,968 |
Biology at Galton Laboratory | 1 | £30,872 |
Cell and Developmental Biology | 1 | £80,564 |
Experimental Psychology | 1 | £10,450 |
CoMPLEX | 1 | £71,344 |
Bartlett Sch of Planning | 1 | £2,117,004 |
Office of Vice Provost Enterprise | 1 | £201,620 |
Epidemiology and Public Health | 1 | £12,834 |
Office of Vice Provost Research | 1 | £100,810 |
Immunology and Molecular Pathology | 1 | £39,219 |
Information Studies | 1 | £12,884 |
363 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £116,216,888
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