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Support by Department

Search path : Institution > University of Birmingham

Select a Department from the list below to show all grant, fellowship and training grant records held by that Department.
You can also view all grant, fellowship and training grant records held by this Institution.

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274 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £90,664,288   

Department Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences1£8,871
Institute of Inflammation and Ageing1£10,312
Metallurgy and Materials1£49,011
Archaeology and Antiquity1£54,718
Immunity and Infection - Infection1£96,142
Vice Chancellors Office1£100,810
Chemical Engineering2£135,257
Civil Engineering3£280,977
Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Science1£376,258
School of Computer Science2£388,733
School of Chemistry2£687,276
Institute of Applied Health Research3£749,162
The Registrar3£942,957
Institute of Microbiology and Infection1£996,801
Health and Population Sciences1£1,577,684
Electronic, Electrical and Computer Eng5£2,416,720
Sch of Biosciences54£13,706,137
Sch of Geography, Earth & Env Sciences189£67,867,609

274 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £90,664,288   

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