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Support by Department

Search path : Institution > University of Leeds

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623 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £201,413,524   

Department Up arrowDown arrowNumber Up arrowDown arrowValue UK £ Up arrowDown arrow
School of Earth and Environment365£115,772,257
Sch of Geography105£33,339,680
Sch of Chemistry55£13,860,294
Inst of Integrative & Comparative Biolog34£6,573,497
Sch of Biology13£3,748,703
National Centre for Atmospheric Science11£16,156,812
Civil Engineering6£2,283,704
Physics and Astronomy4£908,799
Centre for Molecular Nanoscience3£131,553
Applied Mathematics3£1,153,257
Research Student Administration3£3,470,384
Process, Environmental and Material Eng3£85,395
Institute for Transport Studies3£216,509
Sch of Chemistry2£152,162
School of Food Science and Nutrition1£78,984
Electronic and Electrical Engineering1£75,980
Energy Resources Research Unit1£198,157
School of Medicine1£12,502
Biodiversity and Conservation1£30,422
Sch of Design1£2,160,514
Inst of Particle Science & Engineering1£41,775
Ctr for Plant Sciences1£183,894
Sch of Molecular & Cellular Biology1£584,833
Pure Mathematics1£5,769
Inst of Molecular & Cellular Biology1£22,202

623 grant, fellowship and training grant records. Total value of £201,413,524   

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