3D Structure | 1 | £0 |
3Rs | 2 | £46,733 |
AI Planning | 1 | £0 |
Abiotic stress (microbes) | 7 | £0 |
Abiotic stress (plants) | 5 | £0 |
Accelerator R&D | 2 | £361,755 |
Access to transport | 2 | £0 |
Accident Analysis & Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Accountancy | 1 | £0 |
Acidic/basic proteins | 1 | £0 |
Acidophiles | 1 | £0 |
Acoustic Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Acoustic Signal Processing | 1 | £0 |
Acoustic Waves | 1 | £0 |
Acoustics | 12 | £288,389 |
Actor-Network Theory | 1 | £0 |
Actuators | 1 | £0 |
Adaptation | 80 | £0 |
Adaptive Grids | 3 | £0 |
Adaptive evolution | 13 | £0 |
Adaptive mesh modelling | 4 | £0 |
Adaptive processes | 34 | £0 |
Adaptive radiation | 8 | £0 |
Adaptive/Evol. Math. Process | 1 | £0 |
Addictions | 1 | £0 |
Addictive behaviours | 1 | £0 |
Adipose tissue | 3 | £0 |
Administrative data | 1 | £0 |
Aeolian processes | 4 | £0 |
Aerodynamics | 6 | £294,772 |
Aerosol chemistry | 7 | £0 |
Aerosol layer | 4 | £0 |
Aerosol precursors | 35 | £0 |
Aerosols | 144 | £0 |
Aerosols and particles | 31 | £0 |
Aesthetics | 1 | £4,287 |
African Studies | 2 | £154,859 |
Ageing | 5 | £0 |
Ageing: chemistry/biochemistry | 7 | £386,518 |
Agent-Based Models | 8 | £0 |
Aggregation | 1 | £0 |
Agrarian and Rural History | 1 | £0 |
Agricultural development | 1 | £0 |
Agricultural inputs | 11 | £0 |
Agricultural systems | 370 | £26,502,392 |
Agricultural wastes | 11 | £0 |
Agriculture | 28 | £0 |
Agriculture, agricultural policy | 7 | £0 |
Air Quality (indoors) | 4 | £0 |
Air pollution | 119 | £0 |
Air quality | 13 | £0 |
Airborne spectrometry | 2 | £0 |
Airport Operations | 1 | £0 |
Airports and air travel | 1 | £0 |
Alcohol in Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Algae | 6 | £0 |
Algal blooms | 4 | £0 |
Algebra & Geometry | 2 | £25,266 |
Algebraic Geometry | 1 | £0 |
Algorithm Development | 4 | £0 |
Algorithms | 2 | £0 |
Allergens | 2 | £0 |
Alternative Energy Biomass | 2 | £0 |
Alternative Energy Marine | 4 | £0 |
Alternative Energy Networks | 1 | £0 |
Alternative Energy Storage | 1 | £0 |
Altruism | 11 | £0 |
Alzheimer's Disease | 6 | £0 |
American Studies | 1 | £8,055 |
Ammonia oxidising bacteria | 4 | £0 |
Amphibians | 4 | £0 |
Anaerobic Digestion of Waste | 1 | £0 |
Analytical Biosensors | 4 | £0 |
Analytical Science | 134 | £9,712,325 |
Ancient DNA | 6 | £0 |
Ancient grains | 3 | £0 |
Animal & human physiology | 30 | £2,664,576 |
Animal behaviour | 90 | £6,618,196 |
Animal breeding | 1 | £0 |
Animal communications | 7 | £0 |
Animal developmental biology | 20 | £1,459,716 |
Animal diseases | 57 | £7,095,375 |
Animal domestication | 3 | £0 |
Animal ecology | 18 | £0 |
Animal husbandry welfare | 1 | £0 |
Animal metabolism | 7 | £0 |
Animal nutrition | 3 | £0 |
Animal organisms | 66 | £3,692,373 |
Animal pathogens | 7 | £0 |
Animal production, pastoralism | 2 | £0 |
Animal reproduction | 18 | £4,923,052 |
Animal systematics | 4 | £0 |
Animal welfare | 9 | £236,665 |
Annealing | 1 | £0 |
Annelids (earthworms) | 6 | £0 |
Anoxic events | 17 | £0 |
Antarctic ice | 42 | £0 |
Anthelmintics | 1 | £0 |
Anthropogenic pressures | 111 | £0 |
Anthropological Methodology | 1 | £100,908 |
Anthropology and Development | 4 | £590,502 |
Antibacterials | 5 | £0 |
Antibiotic resistance | 21 | £0 |
Antibiotics | 1 | £0 |
Antibodies | 2 | £0 |
Antifungals | 5 | £0 |
Antigens | 1 | £0 |
Antimicrobials | 4 | £0 |
Antioxidants | 2 | £0 |
Aphids | 6 | £0 |
Appl. of Expert Systems (AI) | 1 | £0 |
Applied Anthropology, Policy and International Dev | 1 | £0 |
Applied Arts HTP | 9 | £495,823 |
Applied Statistics | 18 | £0 |
Applied ecology | 14 | £0 |
Approximation Techniques | 1 | £0 |
Aquaculture | 11 | £0 |
Aquatic ecology | 17 | £0 |
Aquatic environments | 5 | £0 |
Aquatic modelling | 1 | £0 |
Aquatic organisms | 15 | £0 |
Aqueous phase reactions | 1 | £0 |
Aquifers | 14 | £0 |
Arachnids | 2 | £0 |
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | 11 | £0 |
Archaeology Of Human Origins | 9 | £744,366 |
Archaeology of Literate Soc. | 1 | £16,844 |
Area & Development Studies | 18 | £3,111,220 |
Arenaviridae | 1 | £0 |
Arenes | 1 | £0 |
Art History | 1 | £2,393 |
Art Theory & Aesthetics | 1 | £1,668 |
Arthropods | 3 | £0 |
Artificial Intelligence | 40 | £1,767,259 |
Artificial Intelligence Agents | 1 | £0 |
Artificial photosynthesis | 1 | £0 |
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies | 2 | £113,235 |
Asian history | 1 | £0 |
Assess/Remediate Contamination | 91 | £6,346,683 |
Asset pricing | 1 | £0 |
Asthenospheric processes | 2 | £0 |
Asthma | 1 | £0 |
Astron. & Space Sci. Technol. | 3 | £1,976,431 |
Atmospheric sciences | 19 | £0 |
Atmospheric Kinetics | 238 | £18,844,475 |
Atmospheric aerosols | 16 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon | 2 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon cycle | 43 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide | 37 | £0 |
Atmospheric chemistry | 65 | £0 |
Atmospheric circulation | 27 | £0 |
Atmospheric composition | 38 | £0 |
Atmospheric fluxes | 44 | £0 |
Atmospheric gas cycling | 9 | £0 |
Atmospheric halogens | 1 | £0 |
Atmospheric humidity | 7 | £0 |
Atmospheric ice | 14 | £0 |
Atmospheric ionisation | 5 | £0 |
Atmospheric modelling | 51 | £0 |
Atmospheric organics | 3 | £0 |
Atmospheric oxidants | 11 | £0 |
Atmospheric particles | 3 | £0 |
Atmospheric profiling | 12 | £0 |
Atmospheric sounding | 15 | £0 |
Atmospheric trace compounds | 7 | £0 |
Atmospheric turbulence | 11 | £0 |
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) | 4 | £0 |
Atoms & Ions | 3 | £65,321 |
Attitudes | 1 | £0 |
Attractions Management | 1 | £0 |
Audition | 3 | £0 |
Augmented Reality | 1 | £0 |
Aurora | 28 | £0 |
Autonomous Road Vehicles | 2 | £0 |
Autonomous underwater vehicles | 10 | £0 |
Avalanches | 12 | £0 |
Avalanching | 1 | £0 |
Avian influenza | 1 | £0 |
Bacterial diseases (animals) | 2 | £0 |
Bacterial diseases (plants) | 2 | £0 |
Bacterial genomics | 4 | £0 |
Bacterial systematics | 1 | £0 |
Bacteriology | 2 | £0 |
Bacteriophage | 1 | £0 |
Banking | 1 | £0 |
Banking Regulation | 1 | £0 |
Barrage & Dam hydropower | 3 | £0 |
Bayesian Methods | 19 | £0 |
Beach processes | 3 | £0 |
Beaches | 2 | £0 |
Bedforms | 14 | £0 |
Behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Behaviour & Energy Efficiency | 1 | £0 |
Behavioural & experimental eco | 8 | £735,573 |
Behavioural Ecology | 640 | £60,529,589 |
Behavioural Neuroscience | 2 | £0 |
Behavioural change | 1 | £0 |
Behavioural change interventions | 1 | £0 |
Behavioural choice | 8 | £0 |
Behavioural modelling | 29 | £0 |
Benthic communities | 41 | £0 |
Benthic foraminifera | 8 | £0 |
Bifurcations | 1 | £0 |
Bio-inspired Robotics | 2 | £0 |
Bio-organic Synthesis | 1 | £0 |
Bioaerosols | 3 | £0 |
Bioavailability | 14 | £0 |
Biochemical engineering | 3 | £76,393 |
Biochemistry & physiology | 47 | £3,858,612 |
Bioclimatology | 4 | £0 |
Biodegradation | 4 | £0 |
Biodiversity | 377 | £0 |
Biodiversity change | 6 | £0 |
Biodiversity conservation | 109 | £0 |
Biodiversity informatics | 3 | £0 |
Biodiversity monitoring | 27 | £0 |
Bioelectronic Devices | 5 | £596,092 |
Bioenergetics | 2 | £101,584 |
Bioenergy | 36 | £1,726,095 |
Bioenergy crops | 4 | £0 |
Bioenergy feedstocks | 5 | £0 |
Biofilm | 1 | £0 |
Biofilms | 7 | £0 |
Biofouling (Water Engineering) | 2 | £0 |
Biofuel Life-cycle Analysis | 3 | £0 |
Biofuels | 5 | £0 |
Biogas | 3 | £0 |
Biogenic vol organic compounds | 20 | £0 |
Biogeochemical Cycles | 1848 | £160,773,041 |
Biogeochemical cycles | 108 | £0 |
Biogeochemical cycling | 7 | £0 |
Biogeomicrobiology | 9 | £0 |
Bioinform. Function Prediction | 1 | £0 |
Bioinform. for transcriptomics | 3 | £0 |
Bioinformatic Sequence anal. | 4 | £0 |
Bioinformatics | 47 | £1,839,258 |
Bioinformatics Taxonomy | 4 | £0 |
Bioinformatics for genomics | 8 | £0 |
Bioinformatics for proteomics | 1 | £0 |
Biological & Medicinal Chem. | 3 | £13,991 |
Biological Psychology | 1 | £773 |
Biological clocks | 3 | £0 |
Biological control | 11 | £7,126 |
Biological database design | 1 | £0 |
Biological database dev. | 2 | £0 |
Biological database management | 2 | £0 |
Biological membranes | 6 | £228,959 |
Biomarker | 3 | £0 |
Biomass | 3 | £0 |
Biomass & CCS | 1 | £0 |
Biomass burning | 21 | £0 |
Biomaterials | 9 | £1,078,284 |
Biomech. of Hard Tissue- Comp. | 1 | £0 |
Biomech. of Hard Tissue-Exper. | 1 | £0 |
Biomech. of Soft tissue- comp. | 1 | £0 |
Biomech. of Soft tissue-Exper. | 1 | £0 |
Biomechanics | 7 | £0 |
Biomechanics & Rehabilitation | 1 | £84,082 |
Biomedical Informatics | 2 | £0 |
Biomedical neuroscience | 12 | £701,009 |
Biomedical sciences | 4 | £8,060 |
Biomimetic Materials | 1 | £0 |
Biomolecular Function | 1 | £0 |
Biomolecular Structure | 2 | £0 |
Biomolecular archaeology | 5 | £0 |
Biomolecular imaging | 1 | £0 |
Biomonitoring | 6 | £0 |
Bionanoscience | 3 | £108,080 |
Bionanotechnology | 2 | £44,648 |
Biophysics | 7 | £452,565 |
Bioprocess Engineering | 9 | £453,956 |
Bioreactors | 1 | £7,940 |
Biorefineries | 1 | £0 |
Bioremediation | 13 | £0 |
Bioremediation of Waste | 1 | £0 |
Bioremediation of soils | 1 | £0 |
Biostatistics | 2 | £0 |
Biotransformation | 1 | £0 |
Biotreatment | 1 | £0 |
Bipolar Affective Disorder | 1 | £0 |
Bird migration | 7 | £0 |
Birds | 4 | £0 |
Blue carbon | 9 | £0 |
Boron reagents | 2 | £0 |
Boundary Layer Meteorology | 334 | £26,961,029 |
Boundary layer | 17 | £0 |
Boundary layer models | 13 | £0 |
Bovine tuberculosis | 2 | £0 |
Brain | 3 | £0 |
Brain Injury | 6 | £0 |
Breakwaters | 1 | £0 |
Breeding system evolution | 5 | £0 |
Bridges | 1 | £0 |
Brittle faulting | 2 | £0 |
Bronze age | 1 | £0 |
Brownfield sites | 1 | £0 |
Building Envelope | 2 | £0 |
Building Materials from Waste | 1 | £0 |
Building Modelling | 2 | £0 |
Building Ops & Management | 20 | £2,822,348 |
Building Services | 2 | £0 |
Built environment | 1 | £0 |
C. Elegans | 5 | £0 |
CCD | 1 | £0 |
CCS Storage capacity analysis | 5 | £0 |
CCS whole systems | 2 | £0 |
CO2 transport systems | 2 | £0 |
Caching | 1 | £0 |
Calcium signalling | 2 | £0 |
Calorimetry | 1 | £0 |
Canals | 1 | £0 |
Cancer (Human disease) | 2 | £0 |
Capital Asset Pricing Model | 1 | £0 |
Capital Markets and Auditing | 1 | £0 |
Carbohydrate Chemistry | 1 | £163,815 |
Carbon Capture & Storage | 101 | £13,341,119 |
Carbon allocation | 4 | £0 |
Carbon capture | 1 | £0 |
Carbon capture and storage | 51 | £0 |
Carbon capture from free air | 2 | £0 |
Carbon cycle | 67 | £0 |
Carbon cycling | 185 | £0 |
Carbon dioxide | 4 | £0 |
Carbon dioxide injection | 3 | £0 |
Carbon fluxes | 53 | £0 |
Carbon sequestration | 24 | £0 |
Carbon storage | 27 | £0 |
Carbon/nitrogen assimilation | 2 | £0 |
Cartography and GIS | 33 | £970,409 |
Casting | 1 | £0 |
Catalysis & Applied Catalysis | 7 | £417,339 |
Catalysis & enzymology | 3 | £250,076 |
Catalyst Regeneration | 1 | £0 |
Catalytic Intermediate | 1 | £0 |
Catalytic Reaction Dynamics | 1 | £0 |
Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms | 1 | £0 |
Catalytic mechanism | 1 | £0 |
Catchment effects | 17 | £0 |
Catchment management | 83 | £0 |
Cattle | 1 | £0 |
Causality | 1 | £0 |
Cell Communication | 1 | £0 |
Cell Differentiation (disease) | 1 | £0 |
Cell Signalling - Synbio | 1 | £0 |
Cell culture systems | 1 | £0 |
Cell cycle | 4 | £43,918 |
Cell migration | 1 | £0 |
Cell signalling | 2 | £0 |
Cell walls (plants) | 1 | £0 |
Cell-Matrix Interactions | 2 | £0 |
Cells | 6 | £86,384 |
Cement & Concrete (Civil) | 1 | £0 |
Cenozoic | 2 | £0 |
Cenozoic climate change | 49 | £0 |
Central Bank | 1 | £0 |
Cereals | 4 | £0 |
Chaotic Processes | 3 | £0 |
Chemical Biology | 4 | £14,599 |
Chemical Biosensors | 3 | £0 |
Chemical Coupling Techniques | 1 | £0 |
Chemical Data Analysis | 8 | £0 |
Chemical Sampling Technologies | 8 | £0 |
Chemical Sensors | 15 | £0 |
Chemical Structure | 4 | £228,486 |
Chemical Synthetic Methodology | 6 | £148,317 |
Chemical Thermodynamics | 1 | £0 |
Chemical analysis | 4 | £0 |
Chemical biology | 1 | £0 |
Chemical ecology | 1 | £0 |
Chemical mobilisation | 8 | £0 |
Chemical speciation | 20 | £0 |
Chemical weathering | 15 | £0 |
Child Psychology | 3 | £63,954 |
Children and Families | 1 | £725,092 |
Children and youth in LICs | 1 | £0 |
Chromosomal cross-over | 1 | £0 |
Chromosome duplication | 2 | £0 |
Chromosome structure | 3 | £0 |
Circadian rhythm (animals) | 4 | £0 |
Circadian rhythm (plants) | 2 | £0 |
Circulation mapping | 3 | £0 |
Circulation modelling | 20 | £0 |
Cirrus cloud | 1 | £0 |
Civil Engineering Materials | 4 | £100,963 |
Civil society and NGOs | 1 | £0 |
Classical Music | 2 | £5,476 |
Classroom Discourse | 1 | £0 |
Climate | 14 | £0 |
Climate & Climate Change | 3695 | £303,971,068 |
Climate change | 168 | £0 |
Climate change adaptation in planning | 50 | £0 |
Climate change in LICs | 17 | £0 |
Climate change mitigation | 28 | £0 |
Climate modelling | 255 | £0 |
Climate sensitivity | 11 | £0 |
Climate systems | 4 | £0 |
Climate transitions | 14 | £0 |
Climate variability | 154 | £0 |
Climatic Effects | 5 | £0 |
Climatic Effects (Water Eng.) | 7 | £0 |
Climatic Effects on Land | 10 | £0 |
Climatic optima | 1 | £0 |
Climatology | 5 | £0 |
Clinical Neurology | 1 | £0 |
Clinical Trials | 1 | £0 |
Cloud distribution | 8 | £0 |
Cloud droplets | 16 | £0 |
Cloud dynamics | 34 | £0 |
Cloud formation | 37 | £0 |
Cloud particles | 4 | £0 |
Cloud physics | 36 | £0 |
Cloud properties | 3 | £0 |
Cloud types | 4 | £0 |
Cluster Analysis | 2 | £0 |
Co-Firing | 1 | £0 |
Co-ordination Chemistry | 4 | £15,386 |
Coal Technology | 7 | £335,155 |
Coast & Inland Water Trans.Ops | 1 | £0 |
Coastal & Waterway Engineering | 94 | £7,191,835 |
Coastal Defences | 8 | £0 |
Coastal Engineering | 4 | £0 |
Coastal Hydraulics | 1 | £0 |
Coastal Hydrodynamics | 3 | £0 |
Coastal Morphology | 5 | £0 |
Coastal Zone Management | 7 | £0 |
Coastal ecosystems | 27 | £0 |
Coastal erosion | 17 | £0 |
Coastal flooding | 25 | £0 |
Coastal margins | 10 | £0 |
Coastal processes | 20 | £0 |
Coastal protection | 19 | £0 |
Coastal wetlands | 8 | £0 |
Cognition | 3 | £0 |
Cognitive Psychology | 3 | £13,180 |
Cognitive decline with age | 6 | £0 |
Collision zones | 2 | £0 |
Combustion | 4 | £106,218 |
Combustion of Biomass/Biofuels | 1 | £0 |
Communication & signalling | 8 | £306,330 |
Communication Technologies | 1 | £0 |
Communication of uncertainty | 26 | £0 |
Community Art inc A & H | 9 | £1,054,281 |
Community Ecology | 1182 | £94,820,670 |
Community Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Community and Youthwork | 1 | £0 |
Community design | 3 | £0 |
Community structure | 85 | £0 |
Commutative | 1 | £0 |
Commuting | 2 | £0 |
Comparative Law | 2 | £27,153 |
Comparative development | 2 | £0 |
Comparative genomics | 9 | £0 |
Comparative metabolomics | 2 | £0 |
Competition | 15 | £0 |
Complex System Description | 2 | £0 |
Complex fluids & soft solids | 5 | £128,249 |
Complexity Science | 60 | £3,111,876 |
Complexity in Biology | 2 | £0 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics | 2 | £0 |
Computational Linguistics | 4 | £0 |
Computational Methods & Tools | 1 | £945 |
Computational Statistics | 5 | £0 |
Computational chemistry | 1 | £0 |
Computational fluid dynamics | 6 | £0 |
Computer Architecture | 1 | £0 |
Computer Graphics & Visual. | 15 | £383,552 |
Computer Sys. & Architecture | 9 | £1,036,511 |
Computer tomography | 8 | £0 |
Condensation processes | 6 | £0 |
Condensed Matter Physics | 3 | £130,539 |
Conflict/War Studies | 1 | £23,089 |
Conjugated polymers | 1 | £0 |
Conservation | 54 | £0 |
Conservation Ecology | 1060 | £80,482,227 |
Conservation Of Art & Textiles | 1 | £33,561 |
Conservation management | 71 | £0 |
Construction Ops & Management | 4 | £181,781 |
Construction Process | 1 | £0 |
Construction Scheduling | 1 | £0 |
Construction Waste | 1 | £0 |
Consumer behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Consumption | 3 | £0 |
Contaminated Land | 5 | £0 |
Contaminated Sites | 3 | £0 |
Contaminated Soil | 2 | £0 |
Contaminated Waste Waters | 13 | £0 |
Contamination Risk Assessment | 10 | £0 |
Continental boundary layer | 5 | £0 |
Continental crust | 18 | £0 |
Continental margins | 7 | £0 |
Continental weathering | 2 | £0 |
Continuum Mechanics | 16 | £753,101 |
Control Engineering | 2 | £9,250 |
Convection | 17 | £0 |
Convective cloud & precip | 39 | £0 |
Convective precipitation | 27 | £0 |
Convertors (electronics) | 1 | £0 |
Cooperation | 6 | £0 |
Cooperative behaviour | 16 | £0 |
Coordinated gene expression | 2 | £0 |
Coral reefs | 24 | £0 |
Core composition | 4 | £0 |
Core dynamics | 18 | £0 |
Core models | 21 | £0 |
Core-mantle boundary | 10 | £0 |
Coronaviridae | 3 | £0 |
Corporate Finance | 2 | £0 |
Corporate finance | 1 | £0 |
Correlated Electron Systems | 1 | £0 |
Correlated spectroscopy (COSY) | 1 | £0 |
Cosmogenic isotopes | 8 | £0 |
Cost Analysis | 2 | £0 |
CpG regions | 1 | £0 |
Crack Growth | 1 | £0 |
Creative Writing | 5 | £50,618 |
Creativity & innovation | 1 | £0 |
Creep Deformation | 1 | £0 |
Criegee intermediates | 1 | £0 |
Criminology | 1 | £2,090 |
Critical Phenomena | 2 | £0 |
Critical load | 1 | £0 |
Crop genetics | 2 | £0 |
Crop protection | 50 | £2,602,960 |
Crop science | 38 | £5,090,749 |
Cropping systems | 9 | £0 |
Crops (food) | 26 | £0 |
Crops (non-food) | 3 | £0 |
Crustaceans | 7 | £0 |
Crustal processes | 27 | £0 |
Cryomicroscopy | 1 | £0 |
Crystal Growth | 1 | £0 |
Crystal mush | 10 | £0 |
Cultural Geography | 2 | £53,110 |
Cultural History | 7 | £460,877 |
Cultural Studies | 7 | £477,960 |
Cultural and Anthrop Geography | 16 | £2,900,452 |
Cultural and Social History | 2 | £0 |
Cultural identity in LICs | 1 | £0 |
Culture | 1 | £0 |
Curriculum | 1 | £0 |
Curriculum areas | 5 | £702,092 |
Curve Fitting | 2 | £0 |
Cyanobacteria | 2 | £0 |
Cycling | 1 | £0 |
Cytokines | 1 | £0 |
DNA barcoding | 10 | £0 |
DNA sequencing | 32 | £0 |
Data Collection | 7 | £0 |
Data Exploration | 2 | £0 |
Data Fusion | 1 | £0 |
Data Fusion (Measurement) | 1 | £0 |
Data Fusion Instrumentation | 1 | £0 |
Data Handling & Storage | 2 | £5,992 |
Data Mining | 2 | £0 |
Data Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Data analysis | 20 | £0 |
Data assimilation | 22 | £0 |
Data capture | 3 | £0 |
Data integration | 1 | £0 |
Data libraries | 1 | £0 |
Data linkage | 1 | £0 |
Data repositories | 1 | £0 |
Data sampling & reduction | 1 | £0 |
Data standardisation | 1 | £0 |
Data storage | 1 | £0 |
Data visualisation | 16 | £0 |
Data-assimilative modelling | 9 | £0 |
Databases | 12 | £0 |
Dating | 14 | £0 |
Dating - amino acid racemiz | 1 | £0 |
Dating - isotopic | 22 | £0 |
Dating - radiocarbon | 11 | £0 |
Dating - stimu luminescense | 1 | £0 |
Debris flows | 39 | £0 |
Decision Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Decision Making | 3 | £0 |
Decision Making (Construction) | 2 | £0 |
Decision Support (AI) | 6 | £0 |
Decision Support for Manufact. | 1 | £0 |
Decision making | 5 | £0 |
Decision making (humans) | 1 | £0 |
Decision theory | 1 | £0 |
Decomposer fungi | 7 | £0 |
Deep biosphere | 2 | £0 |
Deep convection | 28 | £0 |
Deep mantle processes | 26 | £0 |
Deep ocean circulation | 66 | £0 |
Deep water circulation | 17 | £0 |
Deer | 2 | £0 |
Defects | 3 | £0 |
Defensive strategies | 3 | £0 |
Deforestation | 26 | £0 |
Degradable polymers | 1 | £0 |
Dehydration | 1 | £0 |
Dementia | 6 | £0 |
Demographic modelling | 7 | £0 |
Demographics of Ageing | 2 | £0 |
Demography | 10 | £794,124 |
Demography (General) | 17 | £1,899,171 |
Depression in humans | 1 | £0 |
Design & Testing Technology | 1 | £2,547 |
Design (Underwater) | 1 | £0 |
Design Decision Support Tools | 1 | £0 |
Design Engineering | 11 | £452,957 |
Design Innovation | 1 | £0 |
Design Process (Construction) | 1 | £0 |
Design Processes | 12 | £1,551,941 |
Design Reuse | 1 | £0 |
Design and conservation | 2 | £0 |
Design and sustainability | 7 | £0 |
Design for Health (Buildings) | 3 | £0 |
Design for Sustainability | 5 | £0 |
Design of Built Infrastructure | 2 | £0 |
Design of Experiments | 4 | £0 |
Design of Process systems | 1 | £83,333 |
Design of public spaces | 1 | £0 |
Designing for Risk | 2 | £0 |
Designing in Human Factors | 2 | £0 |
Deterministic Systems | 1 | £0 |
Dev Informatics & Technology | 1 | £32,082 |
Dev. Biology in eukaryotes | 1 | £0 |
Development | 1 | £0 |
Development (Biosciences) | 4 | £245,882 |
Development Frameworks | 2 | £0 |
Development Geography | 38 | £1,928,294 |
Development Management | 4 | £0 |
Development Studies | 17 | £952,243 |
Development economics | 15 | £983,457 |
Development policy | 2 | £0 |
Developmental effects | 1 | £0 |
Diabetes | 2 | £0 |
Diagenesis | 1 | £0 |
Diagnostic devices- medical | 4 | £0 |
Diamond Light Source | 3 | £80,201 |
Diamonds | 1 | £0 |
Diatom record | 6 | £0 |
Dielectric Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Diet & health | 19 | £1,297,915 |
Dietary adaptation | 4 | £0 |
Dietary analysis | 8 | £0 |
Differentiation in animals | 2 | £0 |
Differentiation in plants | 1 | £0 |
Diffuse pollution | 43 | £0 |
Digital Arts HTP | 1 | £26,322 |
Digital Signal Processing | 4 | £97,456 |
Digital terrain mapping | 11 | £0 |
Dimethyl sulphide chemistry | 16 | £0 |
Dimethyl sulphide fluxes | 8 | £0 |
Diplomacy & Internat Relations | 1 | £46,252 |
Direct toxicity assessment | 10 | £0 |
Directed evolution | 1 | £0 |
Disability and social policy | 1 | £0 |
Disaster and Trauma Studies | 1 | £0 |
Discharge regulation | 1 | £0 |
Discrete Choice Modelling | 2 | £0 |
Discrete Event Simulation | 2 | £0 |
Disease control (animals) | 3 | £0 |
Disease control (crops) | 2 | £0 |
Disease diagnosis (animals) | 1 | £0 |
Disease diagnosis (crops) | 1 | £0 |
Disease dynamics | 3 | £0 |
Disease modelling (animals) | 7 | £0 |
Disease resistance | 5 | £0 |
Disease resistance (plants) | 1 | £0 |
Disease transmission | 7 | £0 |
Dispersion | 19 | £0 |
Dissolved organic carbon | 18 | £0 |
Dissolved organic material | 21 | £0 |
Dissolved organic matter | 36 | £0 |
Dissolved organics | 2 | £0 |
Distribution Theory | 1 | £0 |
Dose exposure relations | 2 | £0 |
Downhole Technology/Processes | 5 | £0 |
Drainage Systems (Water Eng) | 1 | £0 |
Drainage systems | 9 | £0 |
Drilling for Oil/Gas | 5 | £0 |
Drinking Water Systems | 5 | £0 |
Drinking water | 25 | £0 |
Driver Behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Driver Information Systems | 1 | £0 |
Drosophila | 1 | £0 |
Drought | 12 | £0 |
Drug Design | 1 | £0 |
Drug Formulation & Delivery | 1 | £9,629 |
Drug discovery | 1 | £0 |
Drug resistance | 2 | £0 |
Drug resistance in humans | 1 | £0 |
Dusts and particles | 14 | £0 |
Dyke intrusion | 3 | £0 |
Dynamic systems | 1 | £0 |
Dynamical Systems | 1 | £0 |
ESRF | 3 | £80,201 |
Early farming | 5 | £0 |
Early life history | 7 | £0 |
Earth & environmental | 462 | £37,279,546 |
Earth Engineering | 110 | £8,621,988 |
Earth Resources | 597 | £48,507,186 |
Earth Surface Processes | 635 | £39,699,126 |
Earth energy budget | 2 | £0 |
Earth history | 29 | £0 |
Earth system modelling | 9 | £0 |
Earthquake Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Earthquakes | 76 | £0 |
East African Studies | 1 | £0 |
Ecohydrology | 16 | £0 |
Ecological Anthropology and Subsistence | 1 | £0 |
Ecological Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Ecological communities | 5 | £0 |
Ecological economics | 23 | £0 |
Ecological status | 25 | £0 |
Ecology/ecosystem | 34 | £0 |
Ecomorphology | 3 | £0 |
Econ, Pol & Env Anthropology | 10 | £581,266 |
Econometrics | 3 | £265,794 |
Economic & Social History | 7 | £150,533 |
Economic Development | 6 | £96,716 |
Economic Geography | 3 | £230,367 |
Economic Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Economic Sociology | 6 | £766,086 |
Economic decision making | 2 | £0 |
Economic effects of environmental policies | 25 | £0 |
Economic growth | 2 | £0 |
Economics | 15 | £358,037 |
Economics and Sociology | 2 | £0 |
Ecosystem Scale Processes | 1245 | £110,216,007 |
Ecosystem function | 220 | £0 |
Ecosystem impacts | 159 | £0 |
Ecosystem management | 79 | £0 |
Ecosystem modelling | 19 | £0 |
Ecosystem monitoring | 10 | £0 |
Ecosystem services | 214 | £0 |
Ecosystems | 46 | £0 |
Ecotoxicity | 19 | £0 |
Ecotoxicology | 245 | £25,526,277 |
Ectomycorrhizal fungi | 10 | £0 |
Edu Sociocloy/Sociology of Edu | 2 | £22,640 |
Education | 7 | £2,163,885 |
Education Policy | 2 | £3,962 |
Education and skills | 1 | £0 |
Efficiency of Buildings | 3 | £0 |
El Nino Southern Oscillation | 7 | £0 |
Elasticity | 2 | £0 |
Elec resistivity tomography | 6 | £0 |
Electric Motor & Drive Systems | 1 | £1,573 |
Electric fields | 36 | £0 |
Electrical Properties | 1 | £0 |
Electrical Stability | 1 | £0 |
Electricity Supply | 1 | £0 |
Electro-absorption Modulators | 1 | £0 |
Electroanalysis | 2 | £0 |
Electrochemical Science & Eng. | 11 | £628,391 |
Electromagnetic Sensors | 2 | £0 |
Electromagnetics | 1 | £4,754 |
Electron Backscatter Diffract. | 2 | £0 |
Electron microscopy | 1 | £0 |
Electron precipitation | 31 | £0 |
Electron-Atom Scattering | 2 | £0 |
Electronic Devices & Subsys. | 4 | £76,898 |
Electronic Properties | 1 | £0 |
Electrophysiology | 1 | £0 |
Element cycles | 9 | £0 |
Elemental composition | 1 | £0 |
Embodiment | 1 | £0 |
Embryos | 1 | £0 |
Emergent behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Emerging Technologies | 3 | £0 |
Emissions (Combustion) | 3 | £0 |
Emotion | 2 | £0 |
Endocrine disruption | 6 | £0 |
Endocrinology | 8 | £336,793 |
Energetic electrons | 20 | £0 |
Energetic particles | 22 | £0 |
Energy | 4 | £0 |
Energy - Conventional | 43 | £6,914,335 |
Energy - Marine & Hydropower | 58 | £2,729,575 |
Energy - Nuclear | 21 | £2,748,107 |
Energy Crops | 4 | £0 |
Energy Efficiency | 10 | £344,280 |
Energy Efficiency in Buildings | 1 | £0 |
Energy Effiiency in Industry | 2 | £0 |
Energy Storage | 9 | £436,637 |
Energy Supply | 1 | £0 |
Energy Systems: Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Energy Usage by Buildings | 2 | £0 |
Energy and LICs | 1 | £0 |
Energy balance | 3 | £0 |
Energy budgets | 8 | £0 |
Energy emissions | 2 | £0 |
Energy from Landfill | 1 | £0 |
Energy from Waste | 3 | £0 |
Energy metabolism | 1 | £0 |
Energy network maintenance | 1 | £0 |
Energy supply | 3 | £0 |
Energy systems: Process Design | 1 | £0 |
Eng. Dynamics & Tribology | 2 | £330,050 |
Engineering Geology | 5 | £0 |
Engineering geology | 8 | £0 |
English Language & Literature | 2 | £8,100 |
English/literacy | 1 | £0 |
Enhanced Oil Recovery | 5 | £0 |
Enhanced recovery | 12 | £0 |
Ensemble forecasting | 17 | £0 |
Entrepreneurship | 1 | £29,832 |
Environ. Impact of Transport | 7 | £0 |
Environment | 41 | £2,713,387 |
Environment & Health | 436 | £38,089,148 |
Environment & development | 10 | £0 |
Environment/plant interaction | 7 | £0 |
Environmental Biosensors | 2 | £0 |
Environmental Genomics | 456 | £37,136,282 |
Environmental Geography | 148 | £9,817,620 |
Environmental History | 2 | £0 |
Environmental Impact Design | 1 | £0 |
Environmental Informatics | 299 | £21,827,442 |
Environmental Microbiology | 756 | £51,752,595 |
Environmental Physiology | 310 | £19,567,964 |
Environmental Planning | 142 | £15,194,155 |
Environmental Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) | 1 | £0 |
Environmental Sensors | 39 | £0 |
Environmental Statistics | 16 | £0 |
Environmental Technology | 3 | £0 |
Environmental activism | 1 | £0 |
Environmental assessment | 19 | £0 |
Environmental biotechnology | 113 | £3,599,999 |
Environmental conditioning | 2 | £0 |
Environmental economics | 138 | £14,914,338 |
Environmental enterprises | 1 | £0 |
Environmental externalities | 9 | £0 |
Environmental factors | 37 | £0 |
Environmental genetics | 10 | £0 |
Environmental geology | 5 | £0 |
Environmental governance | 30 | £0 |
Environmental impact | 8 | £0 |
Environmental impact assessmt | 6 | £0 |
Environmental modelling | 54 | £0 |
Environmental nanoscience | 1 | £0 |
Environmental niche | 9 | £0 |
Environmental policy | 25 | £0 |
Environmental policy/regulation | 41 | £0 |
Environmental pollutants | 24 | £0 |
Environmental protection | 32 | £0 |
Environmental public goods | 15 | £0 |
Environmental regulations | 4 | £0 |
Environmental risk assessment | 23 | £0 |
Environmental sensing | 5 | £0 |
Environmental stress | 3 | £0 |
Environmental stressors | 65 | £0 |
Environmental technology | 1 | £0 |
Environmental transitions | 5 | £0 |
Environmental valuations | 20 | £0 |
Enzymes | 1 | £0 |
Enzymology | 2 | £0 |
Epidemiology | 5 | £0 |
Epidemiology (informatics) | 2 | £0 |
Epigenetics | 19 | £2,650,933 |
Epilepsy & Seizures | 1 | £0 |
Epistemology | 3 | £204,507 |
Epithelial cells | 1 | £0 |
Erosion | 22 | £0 |
Eruptive processes | 29 | £0 |
Eruptive products | 23 | £0 |
Escherichia Coli (E. coli) | 1 | £0 |
Estuaries | 26 | £0 |
Estuary Management | 1 | £0 |
Estuary processes | 3 | £0 |
Ethics | 3 | £211,191 |
Ethnography & Anthropology | 3 | £50,703 |
Ethology | 4 | £0 |
European Studies | 1 | £1,668 |
European spatial planning | 1 | £0 |
Evaporative processes | 4 | £0 |
Evodevo | 12 | £0 |
Evolution | 29 | £0 |
Evolution & populations | 241 | £29,129,276 |
Evolution of bipedalism | 1 | £0 |
Evolutionary Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Evolutionary biology | 67 | £0 |
Evolutionary diversification | 25 | £0 |
Evolutionary ecology | 70 | £0 |
Evolutionary genetics | 63 | £0 |
Evolutionary history | 44 | £0 |
Evolutionary processes | 40 | £0 |
Evolutionary rates | 20 | £0 |
Expected return | 2 | £0 |
Experimental Psychology | 8 | £357,037 |
Experimental petrology | 2 | £0 |
Exploration Technology | 6 | £171,032 |
Externalities | 1 | £0 |
Extinct species | 8 | £0 |
Extinction | 25 | £0 |
Extra Solar Planets | 2 | £29,197 |
Extratropical cyclones | 18 | £0 |
Extreme Values | 2 | £0 |
Extreme events | 11 | £0 |
Extreme pressures | 17 | £0 |
Extreme temperatures | 14 | £0 |
Extremophiles | 15 | £847,401 |
Extrusion Processes | 2 | £0 |
FT Mass Spectrometry | 4 | £0 |
Failure of Materials | 1 | £0 |
Faulting | 52 | £0 |
Feedback Loop | 1 | £0 |
Feeding modes | 3 | £0 |
Ferruginous discharge | 2 | £0 |
Ferry Operations | 1 | £0 |
Fertilisation | 1 | £0 |
Fertility rates | 1 | £0 |
Fertility, fertilizers/manures | 18 | £0 |
Fibre Systems | 1 | £0 |
Fibre-optic Sensors | 3 | £0 |
Film History, T & C | 1 | £2,393 |
Film studies | 1 | £0 |
Film-based media (H, T & P) | 9 | £599,190 |
Filoviridae | 1 | £0 |
Finance | 1 | £0 |
Finance and Accounting | 8 | £1,957,036 |
Financial Markets | 2 | £0 |
Financial Reporting | 2 | £0 |
Financial Services | 2 | £0 |
Financial economics | 10 | £562,330 |
Financial innovation | 2 | £0 |
Financial instruments | 3 | £0 |
Financial markets | 2 | £0 |
Financial regulation | 1 | £0 |
Fine Art HTP | 1 | £6,305 |
Finite Methods | 3 | £0 |
Finite element analysis | 4 | £0 |
Fire (uncontrolled combustion) | 1 | £0 |
First Nations Studies | 1 | £0 |
Fish | 5 | £0 |
Fish - freshwater | 2 | £0 |
Fish - marine | 6 | £0 |
Fisheries in LICs | 5 | £0 |
Fitness | 18 | £0 |
Flank collapse | 10 | £0 |
Flood Defences | 16 | £0 |
Flood Risk Assessment | 28 | £0 |
Flood basalts | 4 | £0 |
Flood modelling | 35 | £0 |
Flood models | 24 | £0 |
Flood risk | 79 | £0 |
Flood risk assessment | 26 | £0 |
Flooding | 25 | £0 |
Floods | 85 | £0 |
Flow Around Structures | 1 | £0 |
Flow cytometry | 1 | £0 |
Flow modelling | 18 | £0 |
Flow pathways | 18 | £0 |
Flow tracing | 6 | £0 |
Flowering | 2 | £0 |
Flowering plants | 1 | £0 |
Fluid Dynamics | 8 | £598,390 |
Fluid Dynamics (Continuum) | 2 | £0 |
Fluid dynamics | 29 | £0 |
Fluid flow | 8 | £0 |
Fluid inclusions | 4 | £0 |
Fluid modelling | 16 | £0 |
Fluorescence Spectroscopy | 2 | £0 |
Fluorescence markers | 1 | £0 |
Fluorescence microscopy | 1 | £0 |
Fluorescence-based anal. tech. | 7 | £0 |
Fluvial geomorphology | 24 | £0 |
Fluvial processes | 18 | £0 |
Fluvial systems | 25 | £0 |
Fluvial zones | 5 | £0 |
Food (access, production, preference, security) | 1 | £0 |
Food and Agriculture | 2 | £0 |
Food chains | 1 | £0 |
Food microbiology | 8 | £236,324 |
Food processing | 4 | £222,871 |
Food safety | 4 | £0 |
Food security | 25 | £0 |
Food security, food supply | 11 | £0 |
Food structure/composition | 1 | £121,495 |
Food waste reduction | 2 | £0 |
Food webs | 43 | £0 |
Food-borne diseases | 2 | £0 |
Food-borne pathogens | 2 | £0 |
Foraging | 9 | £0 |
Foraging behaviour | 37 | £0 |
Forecast Models | 1 | £0 |
Forest and woodland | 6 | £0 |
Forest canopy | 4 | £0 |
Forest ecosystems | 4 | £0 |
Forest fires | 21 | £0 |
Forest inventory | 6 | £0 |
Forestry & development | 8 | £0 |
Forestry, sylviculture | 27 | £0 |
Forests | 50 | £0 |
Fossil analysis | 13 | £0 |
Fossil fuel burning | 5 | £0 |
Fossil fuels | 19 | £0 |
Fossil record | 45 | £0 |
Fracture Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Free Radicals | 1 | £0 |
Free radicals | 2 | £0 |
Freight Operations | 1 | £0 |
French Studies | 1 | £4,064 |
Freshwater communities | 27 | £0 |
Freshwater ecosystems | 32 | £0 |
Freshwater populations | 19 | £0 |
Friction | 1 | £0 |
Fruit development | 1 | £0 |
Fruit physiology | 1 | £0 |
Fuel - Renewable or Clean | 1 | £0 |
Fuel Cell Technologies | 2 | £16,909 |
Functional Imaging Instrument. | 1 | £0 |
Functional MRI | 1 | £0 |
Functional genomics | 19 | £899,415 |
Fund Management | 1 | £0 |
Fundamentals of Computing | 1 | £7,557 |
Fungal communities | 16 | £0 |
Fungal diseases (plants) | 2 | £0 |
Fungal pathogenesis | 2 | £0 |
Fungi | 6 | £0 |
Fungicides | 7 | £0 |
Fuzzy Logic (AI) | 3 | £0 |
G-protein coupled receptors | 1 | £0 |
GIS | 15 | £0 |
GIS Mapping | 4 | £0 |
Galactic & Interstellar Astron | 1 | £1,688 |
Galerkin Methods | 4 | £0 |
Gas & Solution Phase Reactions | 25 | £1,133,925 |
Gas Chromatography | 8 | £0 |
Gas Phase Reaction Mechanisms | 3 | £0 |
Gas Sensors | 2 | £0 |
Gas Sensors Instrumentation | 10 | £0 |
Gas Transport Properties | 1 | £0 |
Gas chromatography | 2 | £0 |
Gas emissions | 37 | £0 |
Gas exchange | 18 | £0 |
Gas hydrates | 7 | £0 |
Gas/Liquid phase Kinetics | 1 | £0 |
Gasification | 1 | £0 |
Gender & Sexuality | 2 | £7,732 |
Gender and Anthropology | 1 | £0 |
Gene action & regulation | 27 | £1,256,696 |
Gene expression | 38 | £0 |
Gene flow | 19 | £0 |
Gene manipulation | 1 | £0 |
Gene mapping | 3 | £0 |
Gene targeting | 3 | £0 |
General circulation models | 9 | £0 |
Generalised Linear Models | 1 | £0 |
Generation - Renewable (grid) | 2 | £0 |
Genetic diversity | 75 | £0 |
Genetic drift | 8 | £0 |
Genetic evolution | 5 | £0 |
Genetic manipulation | 1 | £0 |
Genetic mapping/ markers | 3 | £0 |
Genetic variation | 30 | £0 |
Genetically modified crops(GM) | 2 | £0 |
Genetically modified organisms | 1 | £0 |
Genome annotation | 1 | £0 |
Genome evolution | 11 | £0 |
Genome organisation | 19 | £1,725,014 |
Genome rearrangements | 4 | £0 |
Genome sequencing | 37 | £0 |
Genomics | 85 | £6,097,200 |
Genotype to Phenotype | 1 | £0 |
Genotyping | 2 | £0 |
Geo-spatial methods | 3 | £0 |
Geochemistry | 69 | £0 |
Geodynamics | 28 | £0 |
Geodynamo | 5 | £0 |
Geog. of environmental Governance & regulation | 16 | £0 |
Geographic modelling | 3 | £0 |
Geographies of agriculture | 2 | £0 |
Geographies of crime | 1 | £0 |
Geographies of environmental risk | 24 | £0 |
Geographies of governance | 3 | £0 |
Geographies of mobility | 3 | £0 |
Geographies of risk | 1 | £0 |
Geographies of sustainability | 22 | £0 |
Geography and Development | 60 | £4,385,349 |
Geography and citizen science | 22 | £0 |
Geography and climate change adaptation | 27 | £0 |
Geography and climate change mitigation | 14 | £0 |
Geography and development policy | 2 | £0 |
Geography and ecosystem services | 29 | £0 |
Geography and energy production | 1 | £0 |
Geography and environmental justice | 3 | £0 |
Geography and food security | 1 | £0 |
Geography and identity | 1 | £0 |
Geography of climate change | 12 | £0 |
Geography of conservation | 4 | £0 |
Geography of environmental policy | 8 | £0 |
Geography of environmental resilience | 26 | £0 |
Geography of landscape | 2 | £0 |
Geography of natural hazards | 12 | £0 |
Geography of representation | 1 | £0 |
Geohazards | 848 | £69,078,543 |
Geomagnetism | 45 | £0 |
Geomechanical deformation | 1 | £0 |
Geomechanical models | 8 | £0 |
Geomechanics | 32 | £0 |
Geometric Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Geomorphology | 8 | £0 |
Geophysical Modelling | 7 | £0 |
Geophysical surveying | 26 | £0 |
Geophysics | 16 | £0 |
Geopolitics | 1 | £0 |
Geostorage | 9 | £0 |
Geotechnics | 6 | £0 |
Geothermal Energy | 1 | £0 |
Geothermal energy | 28 | £0 |
Geothermal processes | 7 | £0 |
Germination | 1 | £0 |
Glacial & Cryospheric Systems | 579 | £57,188,546 |
Glacial cycles | 7 | £0 |
Glacial hazards | 15 | £0 |
Glacial isostasy | 10 | £0 |
Glacial lakes | 9 | £0 |
Glacial processes | 54 | £0 |
Glacial systems | 7 | £0 |
Glaciation | 12 | £0 |
Glaciers | 21 | £0 |
Glaciology | 4 | £0 |
Global Health and Medicine | 6 | £836,080 |
Global atmospheric models | 6 | £0 |
Global metabolome | 2 | £0 |
Global positioning systems | 3 | £0 |
Global vegetation | 1 | £0 |
Globalisation | 3 | £0 |
Globalism and Development | 2 | £63,245 |
Governance | 8 | £80,777 |
Governance in LICs | 2 | £0 |
Governance of Science and Technology | 2 | £0 |
Grain Boundaries | 3 | £0 |
Grain boundary dynamics | 1 | £0 |
Gram negative | 4 | £0 |
Gram positive | 1 | £0 |
Granular Flows | 1 | £0 |
Grasses | 2 | £0 |
Grasslands | 2 | £0 |
Gravitational field | 1 | £0 |
Gravity | 9 | £0 |
Gravity currents | 6 | £0 |
Gravity flows | 25 | £0 |
Gravity waves | 25 | £0 |
Grazing systems | 9 | £0 |
Grd &surface water interaction | 21 | £0 |
Green banking | 2 | £0 |
Green corridors | 4 | £0 |
Green infrastructure | 16 | £0 |
Greenhouse gas emission | 35 | £0 |
Greenhouse gases | 118 | £0 |
Ground Engineering | 22 | £877,520 |
Ground Predictive Models | 2 | £0 |
Ground deformation | 11 | £0 |
Ground-based measurement | 25 | £0 |
Ground-based networks | 6 | £0 |
Groundwater | 30 | £0 |
Groundwater Investigation | 6 | £0 |
Groundwater Pollution | 4 | £0 |
Groundwater abstraction | 4 | £0 |
Groundwater contamination | 2 | £0 |
Groundwater pollution | 24 | £0 |
Group dynamics | 1 | £0 |
Growth factors | 1 | £0 |
HCI - Design & Eval. of Sys. | 1 | £0 |
HCI - User Interaction | 1 | £0 |
HPC Architecure | 1 | £0 |
HPC Software | 1 | £0 |
HPLC | 6 | £0 |
Habit formation | 1 | £0 |
Habitat change | 51 | £0 |
Habitat fragmentation | 47 | £0 |
Habitat modification | 43 | £0 |
Habitat use | 30 | £0 |
Halocarbons | 6 | £0 |
Halogen chemistry | 6 | £0 |
Halogen species | 1 | £0 |
Handling Fluid/Solid Products | 1 | £0 |
Haptic Robotics Force Feedback | 1 | £0 |
Hazard warning systems | 43 | £0 |
Health Monitoring (Civil) | 1 | £0 |
Health Psychology | 7 | £335,927 |
Health and well-being | 4 | £0 |
Health behaviour | 2 | £0 |
Health care spending | 1 | £0 |
Health hazards | 12 | £0 |
Health inequalities in LICs | 1 | £0 |
Health policy | 9 | £0 |
Health risk | 5 | £0 |
Heat & Mass Transfer | 2 | £6,556 |
Heat exchange | 7 | £0 |
Heat fluxes | 17 | £0 |
Heat pump | 4 | £0 |
Heat stress | 5 | £0 |
Heat transport | 38 | £0 |
Heating of Buildings | 1 | £0 |
Heavy metal stress | 1 | £0 |
Heavy metals | 12 | £0 |
Hedging | 1 | £0 |
Heinrich events | 2 | £0 |
Heritage Management | 6 | £284,405 |
Heritage tourism | 1 | £0 |
Heterogeneous chemistry | 2 | £0 |
High Energy Cosmic Rays | 2 | £150,344 |
High Performance Computing | 28 | £1,514,836 |
High latitude physics | 31 | £0 |
Higher Education | 2 | £0 |
Highway Maintenance | 1 | £0 |
Hillslopes | 8 | £0 |
Histocompatibility complex | 1 | £0 |
Historical Geography | 4 | £361,428 |
Historical Structures | 1 | £0 |
History Of Ideas | 1 | £695 |
History Of Music | 1 | £2,739 |
History Of Philosophy | 1 | £2,781 |
History of Sci./Med./Technol. | 1 | £22,605 |
Holocene | 11 | £0 |
Holography Instrumentation | 4 | £0 |
Homeostasis | 2 | £0 |
Homogeneous Catalysis | 2 | £0 |
Homological Algebra | 1 | £0 |
Homologous recombination | 2 | £0 |
Horticulture | 1 | £0 |
Hosp, Leisure & tourism manage | 1 | £24,455 |
Host pathogen interact.-plants | 2 | £0 |
Host symbiont interactions | 2 | £0 |
Host-parasite interactions | 11 | £0 |
Host-parasite relations | 24 | £0 |
Host-pathogen interactions | 8 | £0 |
Housing geographies | 1 | £0 |
Housing policy | 1 | £0 |
Human Behaviour in Buildings | 1 | £0 |
Human Factors in Complexity | 3 | £0 |
Human Geography | 19 | £1,358,219 |
Human Geography (General) | 12 | £1,366,081 |
Human dispersal | 3 | £0 |
Human ecology | 4 | £0 |
Human health | 22 | £0 |
Human health impacts | 29 | £0 |
Human pathogens | 24 | £0 |
Human-Computer Interactions | 4 | £25,642 |
Human-Structure Interaction | 1 | £0 |
Humanitarian assistance | 2 | £0 |
Humanities curriculum | 1 | £0 |
Hybrid speciation | 1 | £0 |
Hybridisation | 8 | £0 |
Hydraulics (Water Eng) | 3 | £0 |
Hydrocarbon reservoirs | 15 | £0 |
Hydrodynamics of Oil or Gas | 6 | £0 |
Hydrogen & carbon capture | 3 | £0 |
Hydrogen Economy | 5 | £0 |
Hydrogen Energy | 2 | £0 |
Hydrogen Fuel (Vectors) | 1 | £0 |
Hydrogen Infrastructure | 2 | £0 |
Hydrogen Production (Vectors) | 2 | £0 |
Hydrogen Storage | 4 | £0 |
Hydrogen Transportation | 2 | £0 |
Hydrogeology | 260 | £14,092,309 |
Hydrologic scaling | 11 | £0 |
Hydrological Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Hydrological Processes | 682 | £39,462,328 |
Hydrological cycle | 17 | £0 |
Hydrology | 62 | £0 |
Hydropedology | 7 | £0 |
Hydropower | 3 | £0 |
Hydrothermal circulation | 19 | £0 |
Hydrothermal fluids | 28 | £0 |
Hydroxyl radical chemistry | 33 | £0 |
Hypersaline fluids | 5 | £0 |
Hyperspectral remote sensing | 4 | £0 |
Hyporheic processes | 1 | £0 |
Hyporheic zones | 3 | £0 |
Hypothesis Testing | 1 | £0 |
Hypothesis generation | 1 | £0 |
III-V Thin Films | 1 | £0 |
IT System Simulation | 1 | £0 |
IT Systems | 1 | £0 |
IT in Construction | 1 | £0 |
Ice ages | 28 | £0 |
Ice caps | 6 | £0 |
Ice coring | 10 | £0 |
Ice flow | 3 | £0 |
Ice flow models | 26 | £0 |
Ice formation | 2 | £0 |
Ice nucleation | 6 | £0 |
Ice processes | 12 | £0 |
Ice sheet dynamics | 7 | £0 |
Ice sheets | 42 | £0 |
Ice shelf collapse | 11 | £0 |
Ice shelf dynamics | 14 | £0 |
Ice shelves | 36 | £0 |
Ice streams | 24 | £0 |
Icebergs | 6 | £0 |
Identities | 1 | £0 |
Igneous petrology | 7 | £0 |
Igneous provinces | 18 | £0 |
Image & Vision Comp.- Hardware | 1 | £0 |
Image & Vision Computing | 10 | £222,040 |
Image Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Image Reconstruction | 2 | £0 |
Image Registration | 1 | £0 |
Immune system | 1 | £0 |
Immunity | 4 | £0 |
Immunohistochemistry | 1 | £0 |
Immunology | 20 | £1,516,161 |
Impedance Sensors | 1 | £0 |
Imperial/Colonial History | 1 | £4,461 |
In-situ Catalytic Studies | 1 | £0 |
In-situ Ground Testing | 1 | £0 |
In-situ Mech. Testing Tech. | 2 | £0 |
Inbreeding depression | 2 | £0 |
Inclusive Design | 1 | £0 |
Inclusive Transport | 1 | £0 |
Indicator species | 2 | £0 |
Indigenous people | 1 | £0 |
Indigenous people and cultures | 2 | £0 |
Indoor Comfort | 3 | £0 |
Industrial Organisation (R&D) | 1 | £8,139 |
Industrial Sustainability | 1 | £0 |
Industrial contaminants | 1 | £0 |
Industrial-Org/Occupational | 2 | £25,753 |
Inelastic | 1 | £0 |
Inequalities | 1 | £0 |
Infection | 5 | £0 |
Infectious disease | 49 | £0 |
Inference | 3 | £0 |
Inflammation (Human disease) | 2 | £0 |
Influenza | 1 | £0 |
Information & Knowledge Mgmt | 24 | £1,097,283 |
Information Sci. & Retrieval | 1 | £4,030 |
Information Technology | 1 | £0 |
Infrared Imaging (IR) | 1 | £0 |
Infrared imaging | 4 | £0 |
Infrared radiation | 3 | £0 |
Infrared remote sensing | 4 | £0 |
Infrastructure Planning | 17 | £0 |
Initial Value Problem | 2 | £0 |
Injection sites for CO2 | 8 | £0 |
Innovation | 5 | £64,794 |
Insecticides | 4 | £0 |
Insects | 20 | £0 |
Institutions and organisations | 1 | £0 |
Instrumentation Eng. & Dev. | 120 | £8,647,001 |
Integrated pest management | 2 | £0 |
Integration of Design | 1 | £0 |
Integrative animal physiology | 3 | £0 |
Intelligent & Expert Systems | 3 | £30,370 |
Intelligent Instrument | 2 | £0 |
Intelligent Measurement Sys. | 17 | £519,061 |
Intelligent Systems (AI) | 3 | £0 |
Intelligent Transport Systems | 2 | £0 |
Interaction with organisms | 43 | £3,796,631 |
Interface Properties | 4 | £0 |
Interglacials | 6 | £0 |
Intergroup Contact | 1 | £0 |
Intermittency of Supply | 2 | £0 |
Internal waves | 11 | £0 |
Internat Political Economy | 4 | £545,444 |
Internat. Studies & Relations | 1 | £15,100 |
International Diplomacy | 1 | £0 |
International Law | 3 | £40,730 |
International Social Work | 1 | £1,493 |
International economics | 2 | £21,225 |
Internet of things | 2 | £0 |
Interpreting & Translation | 1 | £3,048 |
Intracellular signalling | 1 | £0 |
Intraplate volcanism | 4 | £0 |
Intrusions | 14 | £0 |
Invasive species | 35 | £0 |
Inverse Problems | 9 | £0 |
Invertebrate development | 2 | £0 |
Invertebrate pests | 6 | £0 |
Invertebrates | 3 | £0 |
Investment Management | 1 | £0 |
Ion & water transport | 1 | £0 |
Ion Chromatography | 1 | £0 |
Ion Trap Mass spectrometry | 2 | £0 |
Ionic conductivity | 1 | £0 |
Iono - thermosphere coupling | 41 | £0 |
Ionosphere | 50 | £0 |
Iron age | 2 | £0 |
Irrigation | 2 | £0 |
Islands | 2 | £0 |
Isotopic analysis | 79 | £0 |
Isotopic record | 50 | £0 |
Italian Studies | 1 | £0 |
Iterative Methods | 1 | £0 |
Jellyfish abundance | 1 | £0 |
Jet stream dynamics | 6 | £0 |
Journalism | 2 | £10,706 |
Kernel Mathods | 1 | £0 |
Kin selection | 6 | £0 |
Kinetic Isotope Effect | 3 | £0 |
Kinetics & Catalysis | 1 | £0 |
Knockouts | 1 | £0 |
Knowledge Elicitation | 1 | £0 |
Knowledge Exchange | 6 | £0 |
Knowledge Management | 7 | £269,283 |
Knowledge gen. -crowd sourcing | 2 | £0 |
Labour economics | 1 | £2,478 |
Lake sediments | 17 | £0 |
Lakes | 10 | £0 |
Land - Atmosphere Interactions | 871 | £60,220,725 |
Land - Ocean Interactions | 463 | £23,776,053 |
Land Assessment | 1 | £0 |
Land Design | 1 | £0 |
Land Drainage | 1 | £0 |
Land Predictive Models | 2 | £0 |
Land Quality | 2 | £0 |
Land Remediation | 3 | £0 |
Land ownership and tenure | 1 | £0 |
Land surface modelling | 17 | £0 |
Land temperature | 1 | £0 |
Land use | 57 | £0 |
Land use change | 100 | £0 |
Landfill | 5 | £0 |
Landfill Management | 2 | £0 |
Landfill Minimisation | 8 | £0 |
Landscape Architecture | 26 | £1,010,606 |
Landscape & Environ. Archaeol. | 16 | £840,784 |
Landscape assessment | 3 | £0 |
Landscape planning and design | 7 | £0 |
Landslides | 34 | £0 |
Language | 1 | £0 |
Language Variation & Change | 1 | £181,939 |
Lanscape restoration | 5 | £0 |
Large Eddy Simulation | 5 | £0 |
Large Scale Dynamics/Transport | 292 | £23,852,101 |
Large igneous provinces | 19 | £0 |
Large scale atmos circulation | 35 | £0 |
Large scale atmos modelling | 64 | £0 |
Laser Induced Mass Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Laser Sensors | 1 | £0 |
Laser scanning | 1 | £0 |
Laser tech. in biosciences | 1 | £0 |
Lasers & Optics | 13 | £225,475 |
Lasers - Nonlinear Optics | 1 | £0 |
Lattice QCD | 1 | £7,773 |
Lava domes | 3 | £0 |
Lava flows | 8 | £0 |
Law and economics | 1 | £1,286 |
Leadership | 1 | £15,689 |
Leadership in Higher Education | 1 | £0 |
Leakage risk | 3 | £0 |
Learning | 6 | £0 |
Leaves | 1 | £0 |
Legislation Contamination | 1 | £0 |
Lesser developed economies | 2 | £0 |
Lichens | 2 | £0 |
Lidar sensing | 5 | £0 |
Life cycles | 5 | £0 |
Life history | 11 | £0 |
Lifewriting | 2 | £33,517 |
Ligands | 1 | £0 |
Light | 5 | £0 |
Light Scattering | 2 | £0 |
Light scattering | 3 | £0 |
Lignification | 1 | £0 |
Likelihood Function | 1 | £0 |
Limnology | 5 | £0 |
Linkage disequilibrium | 9 | £0 |
Lipid metabolism | 3 | £0 |
Lipid signalling | 1 | £0 |
Literary & Cultural Theory | 2 | £8,673 |
Lithium-Ion batteries | 2 | £0 |
Lithosphere | 19 | £0 |
Lithospheric processes | 14 | £0 |
Livelihoods, wellbeing | 2 | £0 |
Livestock | 10 | £0 |
Livestock management | 5 | £0 |
Livestock production | 16 | £960,672 |
Local Government and Public Services | 4 | £0 |
Local Planning | 8 | £0 |
Local adaptation | 35 | £0 |
Local and Regional History | 1 | £0 |
Logistics | 2 | £0 |
Low dose effects | 1 | £0 |
Lowland catchments | 1 | £0 |
Lubricants & Lubrication | 1 | £0 |
Luminescence | 1 | £0 |
MEMS | 1 | £0 |
MIMO | 1 | £0 |
MRI for healthcare | 2 | £0 |
Machine Learning (AI) | 18 | £0 |
Macro-molecular delivery | 2 | £52,584 |
Macroeconomics | 2 | £5,201 |
Macrofossils | 1 | £0 |
Macromolecular structure/func. | 2 | £0 |
Magma chambers | 31 | £0 |
Magmatism | 42 | £0 |
Magnetic reversal | 11 | £0 |
Magnetic switching | 1 | £0 |
Magnetisation | 8 | £0 |
Magnetism/Magnetic Phenomena | 1 | £59,127 |
Magneto - ionosphere coupling | 41 | £0 |
Magnetosphere | 17 | £0 |
Maize | 1 | £0 |
Making, Implementing, Governing, Managing Soc Pol | 1 | £0 |
Mammals | 6 | £0 |
Managed landscapes | 41 | £0 |
Management | 2 | £0 |
Management & Business Studies | 5 | £375,224 |
Mantle & Core Processes | 423 | £54,024,059 |
Mantle composition | 28 | £0 |
Mantle convection | 24 | £0 |
Mantle plumes | 26 | £0 |
Mantle processes | 23 | £0 |
Manufact. Business Strategy | 4 | £106,527 |
Manufact. Enterprise Ops& Mgmt | 2 | £63,760 |
Manufacturing Machine & Plant | 4 | £546,702 |
Manufacturing Risk Assessment | 1 | £0 |
Mapping | 3 | £0 |
Marine Transport Operations | 2 | £0 |
Marine biogeochemistry | 39 | £0 |
Marine boundary layer | 49 | £0 |
Marine carbonates | 35 | £0 |
Marine communities | 50 | £0 |
Marine ecosystem services | 52 | £0 |
Marine ecosystems | 8 | £0 |
Marine environments | 1 | £65,227 |
Marine habitats | 14 | £0 |
Marine populations | 37 | £0 |
Marine power Hydraulics | 3 | £0 |
Marine protected areas | 10 | £0 |
Marine renewable energy | 25 | £0 |
Marine resources | 1 | £0 |
Marine sediments | 102 | £0 |
Marine studies | 18 | £0 |
Maritime Archaeology | 1 | £2,348 |
Marketing | 1 | £152,051 |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo | 6 | £0 |
Masonry Structures (Civil) | 1 | £0 |
Mass Spectrometry | 28 | £0 |
Mass balances | 12 | £0 |
Mass extinctions | 15 | £0 |
Mass spectrometry | 3 | £0 |
Master planning | 2 | £0 |
Material Fabrication | 5 | £0 |
Material and cultural factors | 1 | £0 |
Materials Characterisation | 49 | £3,545,846 |
Materials Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Materials Processing | 27 | £1,853,459 |
Materials Synthesis & Growth | 13 | £400,420 |
Materials morphology | 2 | £0 |
Materials testing & eng. | 7 | £517,171 |
Maternal behaviour | 3 | £0 |
Mathematical & Statistic Psych | 1 | £1,546 |
Mathematical Analysis | 6 | £178,755 |
Mathematical Aspects of OR | 10 | £1,229,228 |
Mathematical Physics | 2 | £32,729 |
Mathematical Statistics | 2 | £0 |
Mathematical modelling | 7 | £0 |
Mating systems | 13 | £0 |
Matrices - Tissue Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Maximum Likelihood | 2 | £0 |
Measurement Error Modelling | 2 | £0 |
Measurement technology | 1 | £0 |
Mechanical Properties of Mat. | 7 | £0 |
Med Soc/Soc Health & Illness | 1 | £1,989 |
Med.Instrument.Device& Equip. | 6 | £176,961 |
Media | 1 | £0 |
Media & Communication Studies | 13 | £954,736 |
Media Studies | 3 | £34,678 |
Medical Imaging | 2 | £12,044 |
Medical science & disease | 22 | £188,668 |
Medical sensors | 1 | £0 |
Medical signal analysis | 1 | £0 |
Medicinal Bio-catalysis | 1 | £0 |
Megafauna | 4 | £0 |
Meiosis | 4 | £0 |
Melt inclusions | 8 | £0 |
Membrane Filtration | 1 | £0 |
Mental Health | 1 | £2,977 |
Mental Health & Well-Being | 2 | £0 |
Mental health | 1 | £0 |
Mental health (Human disease) | 1 | £0 |
Meridional circulation | 15 | £0 |
Meridional overturning circ | 44 | £0 |
Meristem | 1 | £0 |
Meristem development | 1 | £0 |
Mesh Methods | 3 | £0 |
Mesoscale convective systems | 6 | £0 |
Mesoscale processes | 10 | £0 |
Mesoscale structures | 15 | £0 |
Mesosphere | 16 | £0 |
Mesospheric chemistry | 5 | £0 |
Mesospheric processes | 4 | £0 |
Mesozoic | 3 | £0 |
Mesozoic climate change | 12 | £0 |
Metabarcoding | 1 | £0 |
Metabolic engineering | 1 | £3,826 |
Metabolic fingerprinting | 1 | £0 |
Metabolic networks | 1 | £0 |
Metabolic profiling | 5 | £0 |
Metabolic syndrome | 2 | £0 |
Metabolism | 1 | £0 |
Metabolomics / Metabonomics | 38 | £1,868,068 |
Metagenomics | 13 | £0 |
Metal Waste | 1 | £0 |
Metal layers | 1 | £0 |
Metals | 17 | £0 |
Metamorphic petrology | 5 | £0 |
Metaphysics | 1 | £2,434 |
Meteor winds | 5 | £0 |
Meteorites | 3 | £0 |
Meteorology | 11 | £0 |
Methane by Anaerobic Digestion | 2 | £0 |
Methane chemistry | 2 | £0 |
Methane emission | 5 | £0 |
Methanogenesis | 10 | £0 |
Methanogens | 1 | £0 |
Methylation | 9 | £0 |
Methylotrophy | 3 | £0 |
Micro - Hydropower | 1 | £0 |
Micro precipitation | 2 | £0 |
Micro-Generation | 1 | £0 |
Micro-Grids | 1 | £0 |
Microalgae | 5 | £0 |
Microbes | 39 | £0 |
Microbial | 16 | £885,069 |
Microbial biodiversity | 29 | £0 |
Microbial communities | 110 | £0 |
Microbial degradation | 6 | £0 |
Microbial diversity | 1 | £0 |
Microbial metabolism | 1 | £0 |
Microbial photosynthesis | 3 | £0 |
Microbial substrates | 1 | £0 |
Microbial virulence | 8 | £0 |
Microbiology | 91 | £5,311,322 |
Microeconomic theory | 1 | £28,116 |
Microfabricated devices | 1 | £0 |
Microfluidics | 1 | £0 |
Microfluidics (biol. appl.) | 1 | £0 |
Microfossils | 9 | £0 |
Micromechanics of Materials | 1 | £0 |
Microorganisms | 58 | £2,608,418 |
Microphysics | 10 | £0 |
Microseismicity | 7 | £0 |
Microstructure analysis | 6 | £0 |
Microsystems | 4 | £264,386 |
Microwave limb sounding | 5 | £0 |
Mid-ocean ridges | 11 | £0 |
Migration | 16 | £0 |
Millennium Development Goals | 2 | £0 |
Millimetre Wave devices | 1 | £0 |
Mineral deposits | 48 | £0 |
Mineral dust | 10 | £0 |
Mineral physics | 21 | £0 |
Mineralisation -carbon capture | 6 | £0 |
Mineralogy | 8 | £0 |
Minerals Extracting | 5 | £0 |
Minerals Processing | 10 | £0 |
Minerals and waste planning | 2 | £0 |
Mining | 3 | £0 |
Mining & Minerals Extraction | 21 | £1,223,425 |
Mining Subsidence | 2 | £0 |
Mixed and Interdisciplinary methods | 1 | £0 |
Mixed phase cloud | 13 | £0 |
Mixing | 1 | £0 |
Mobile Computing | 5 | £147,588 |
Mobile Data management | 1 | £0 |
Mobile Robots | 3 | £0 |
Mobile systems & services | 2 | £0 |
Modal Choice | 1 | £0 |
Model plants | 1 | £0 |
Model-driven Software Eng | 3 | £0 |
Modelling & simul. of IT sys. | 1 | £2,322 |
Modelling behaviour | 4 | £0 |
Moisture fluxes | 12 | £0 |
Molecular Complexes Design | 1 | £0 |
Molecular analysis | 1 | £0 |
Molecular biology | 2 | £0 |
Molecular clock | 7 | £0 |
Molecular clocks | 3 | £0 |
Molecular ecology | 29 | £0 |
Molecular evolution | 19 | £0 |
Molecular genetics | 12 | £0 |
Molecular phylogeny | 7 | £0 |
Monitoring of CO2 storage | 9 | £0 |
Monsoon systems | 8 | £0 |
Monsoonal processes | 12 | £0 |
Monsoons | 8 | £0 |
Morphology | 1 | £0 |
Mortality rates | 5 | £0 |
Motivation | 1 | £0 |
Multi-objective Decisions | 1 | £0 |
Multi-sensory processing | 1 | £0 |
Multigene families | 4 | £0 |
Multimedia | 2 | £463,554 |
Multimedia - Human Factors | 1 | £0 |
Multiphase Flow | 1 | £28,105 |
Multiplexing methods | 1 | £0 |
Multiprotein complexes | 3 | £11,977 |
Multivariate | 2 | £0 |
Musculoskeletal development | 1 | £0 |
Musculoskeletal system | 11 | £894,481 |
Museum collections | 15 | £0 |
Music & Acoustic Technology | 2 | £22,213 |
Music & Society | 1 | £2,626 |
Musical Performance | 1 | £1,751 |
Musicology | 2 | £5,559 |
Mutagenesis | 2 | £0 |
Mutation | 7 | £0 |
Mutation detection | 1 | £0 |
Mutualists | 7 | £0 |
Mycobacteria | 1 | £0 |
Mycology | 5 | £0 |
Mycorrhizae | 20 | £0 |
Mycorrhizal fungi | 4 | £0 |
Myocytes | 1 | £0 |
Myxobacteria | 1 | £0 |
Nanocomposites | 1 | £0 |
Nanofabrication | 1 | £0 |
Nanomaterials | 6 | £0 |
Nanoparticles | 7 | £0 |
Nanoporous Materials | 2 | £0 |
Nanostructures | 1 | £0 |
Nanowires | 1 | £0 |
Nat Resources, Env & Rural Dev | 118 | £9,399,110 |
National Grid | 2 | £0 |
Natural Product Structures | 1 | £0 |
Natural disasters | 7 | £0 |
Natural enemies | 4 | £0 |
Natural hazards | 16 | £0 |
Natural resistance | 3 | £0 |
Natural resources | 1 | £0 |
Natural selection | 35 | £0 |
Natural variation | 28 | £0 |
Nature conservation | 6 | £0 |
Nature geographies | 2 | £0 |
Nature tourism | 1 | £0 |
Navier-Stokes Equations | 1 | £0 |
Navier-Stokes Solutions | 3 | £0 |
Near Shore Devices | 4 | £0 |
Neolithic period | 3 | £0 |
Nerves | 2 | £0 |
Nervous system | 2 | £0 |
Network Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Network Management | 2 | £0 |
Network Theory & Complexity | 7 | £0 |
Networks & Distributed Systems | 2 | £200,966 |
Neural Networks (AI) | 5 | £0 |
Neuroanatomy | 2 | £0 |
Neurobiology | 2 | £0 |
Neurodevelopment | 1 | £0 |
Neuroimaging | 2 | £0 |
Neuropsychology | 2 | £0 |
Neuroscience (Human disease) | 3 | £0 |
Neurotransmitter receptors | 1 | £0 |
Neutron Diffraction | 1 | £0 |
New & Emerging Comp. Paradigms | 3 | £765,418 |
New Business Models | 2 | £0 |
New Media/Web-Based Studies | 4 | £29,410 |
New business models | 1 | £0 |
Nitrate cycling | 4 | £0 |
Nitrates | 10 | £0 |
Nitrification denitirifcation | 3 | £0 |
Nitrogen cycling | 58 | £0 |
Nitrogen fixation | 5 | £0 |
Nitrogen fixation in plants | 1 | £0 |
Nitrogen oxides | 53 | £0 |
Noble gases | 8 | £0 |
Non-Equilibrium Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Non-Newtonian Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Non-Terrestrial Planetary Sci. | 4 | £186,614 |
Non-linear Systems Mathematics | 13 | £738,197 |
Non-radiogenic isotopes | 4 | £0 |
Non-viral vector | 1 | £0 |
Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos | 2 | £0 |
Nonlinear Partial DEs | 2 | £0 |
Nonlinear Waves | 1 | £0 |
Nuclear Magn. Resonance NMR | 3 | £0 |
Nuclear energy | 2 | £0 |
Nucleation | 7 | £0 |
Numerical Analysis | 29 | £1,853,296 |
Numerical weather prediction | 6 | £0 |
Nutrient cycling | 53 | £0 |
Nutrient deficiency - microbes | 7 | £0 |
Nutrient deficiency in plants | 1 | £0 |
Nutrient enrichment | 12 | £0 |
Nutrient leaching | 8 | £0 |
Nutrient limitation | 51 | £0 |
Nutrient sensing | 1 | £0 |
Nutrient-gene interactions | 1 | £0 |
Nutrition | 3 | £0 |
ODEs | 1 | £0 |
Obesity | 3 | £0 |
Obstetrics | 1 | £0 |
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact. | 886 | £68,015,693 |
Ocean Circulation | 795 | £78,377,733 |
Ocean Mechanical Energy | 4 | £0 |
Ocean acidification | 33 | £0 |
Ocean atmosphere interaction | 77 | £0 |
Ocean circulation | 60 | £0 |
Ocean circulation indices | 1 | £0 |
Ocean drilling | 69 | £0 |
Ocean modelling | 122 | £0 |
Ocean ridge volcanism | 17 | £0 |
Ocean ridges | 1 | £0 |
Ocean turbulence | 49 | £0 |
Oceanic Studies | 4 | £168,373 |
Oceanic crust | 26 | £0 |
Oceanic eddies | 23 | £0 |
Oceanography | 31 | £0 |
Oestrogens | 3 | £0 |
Offshore Construction | 1 | £0 |
Offshore Decommissioning | 9 | £0 |
Offshore Devices | 7 | £0 |
Offshore Installations:Design | 1 | £0 |
Offshore Processing | 1 | £0 |
Offshore Safety | 3 | £0 |
Offshore Wind Turbines | 16 | £0 |
Oil & Gas Extraction | 26 | £1,574,774 |
Oil and gas | 21 | £0 |
Oil/Gas Reservoir Management | 9 | £0 |
Olfaction | 1 | £0 |
Omics | 5 | £0 |
Onshore Wind Turbines | 3 | £0 |
Oomycetes | 3 | £0 |
Open space design | 4 | £0 |
Operational Research (Trans.) | 1 | £0 |
Operations Management | 2 | £208,734 |
Optical Biosensors | 2 | £0 |
Optical Chemical Sensors | 1 | £0 |
Optical Communications | 1 | £26,758 |
Optical Devices & Subsystems | 13 | £570,610 |
Optical Fibres | 2 | £0 |
Optical Instrument. (Measure.) | 1 | £0 |
Optical Phenomena | 4 | £264,853 |
Optical Sensors | 7 | £0 |
Optical Systems | 1 | £0 |
Optical remote sensing | 7 | £0 |
Optics - Imaging | 1 | £0 |
Optics - Light Scattering | 4 | £0 |
Optics - Quantum | 1 | £0 |
Optics - Sensors | 1 | £0 |
Optimal Design | 1 | £0 |
Optimisation (AI) | 1 | £0 |
Optimisation Constraints | 2 | £0 |
Optimisation Problems | 1 | £0 |
Optoelect. Devices & Circuits | 2 | £11,996 |
Ore deposits | 9 | £0 |
Ore deposits & mineralisation | 34 | £0 |
Organelles & components | 3 | £22,873 |
Organic Dyes | 1 | £0 |
Organic Photovoltaic Materials | 1 | £0 |
Organic Reactive Intermediate | 1 | £0 |
Organic aerosols | 13 | £0 |
Organic carbon | 14 | £0 |
Organic farming | 5 | £0 |
Organic matter | 77 | £0 |
Organic phosphorus | 1 | £0 |
Organic pollutants | 7 | £0 |
Organic residue analysis | 1 | £0 |
Organisational Studies | 2 | £152,712 |
Organometallic Catalysis | 1 | £0 |
Organometallic complexes | 3 | £0 |
Organometallic syntheses | 1 | £0 |
Orogenesis | 9 | £0 |
Orographic processes | 8 | £0 |
Orthomyxoviridae | 1 | £0 |
Outdoor Urban Climate | 8 | £0 |
Ovarian function | 1 | £0 |
Oxidative stress | 13 | £0 |
Oxygen fugacity | 6 | £0 |
Ozone | 12 | £0 |
Ozone chemistry | 33 | £0 |
Ozone depletion | 1 | £0 |
Ozone layer | 2 | £0 |
Ozone production | 2 | £0 |
Packaging | 1 | £0 |
Paediatrics (Human disease) | 1 | £0 |
Palaeo circulation | 6 | £0 |
Palaeo proxies | 65 | £0 |
Palaeo-ocean circulation | 15 | £0 |
Palaeoanthropology | 3 | £0 |
Palaeobiology | 263 | £18,709,502 |
Palaeoclimate | 13 | £0 |
Palaeoclimate observation | 39 | £0 |
Palaeoclimate simulation | 25 | £0 |
Palaeoclimatology | 65 | £0 |
Palaeoecology | 59 | £0 |
Palaeoenvironments | 922 | £61,917,944 |
Palaeogeology | 10 | £0 |
Palaeomagnetism | 28 | £0 |
Palaeontology | 23 | £0 |
Palaeozoic | 5 | £0 |
Palaeozoic climate change | 6 | £0 |
Parallel Algorithm Design | 3 | £0 |
Parallel Comp. Apps - HPC | 3 | £0 |
Parallel Comp. Apps-Simulation | 3 | £0 |
Parallel Comp.Apps - Sci./Num. | 4 | £0 |
Parallel Computation | 7 | £0 |
Parallel Computing | 9 | £243,820 |
Parametric Estimation | 1 | £0 |
Paramyxoviridae | 1 | £0 |
Parasite biology | 1 | £0 |
Parasitic diseases | 4 | £0 |
Parasitic plants | 1 | £0 |
Parasitism | 3 | £0 |
Parasitology | 28 | £2,106,560 |
Parent-offspring effects | 5 | £0 |
Parental effects | 2 | £0 |
Park & garden design | 2 | £0 |
Parkinson's Disease | 1 | £0 |
Part. Phys/Astron. Instrument. | 1 | £2,531 |
Partial Differential Equations | 5 | £0 |
Participant observation | 1 | £0 |
Particle Technology | 4 | £158,306 |
Particle detection | 2 | £0 |
Particle size analysis | 1 | £0 |
Particulate organics | 12 | £0 |
Particulates | 5 | £0 |
Passenger Information Systems | 1 | £0 |
Past environments | 7 | £0 |
Path Planning | 1 | £0 |
Pathogenic bacteria | 6 | £0 |
Pathogenic fungi | 7 | £0 |
Pathogenic microbes | 5 | £0 |
Patterning | 2 | £0 |
Pavement Engineering | 1 | £69,435 |
Peace Studies | 1 | £11,545 |
Peat | 17 | £0 |
Peat bogs | 5 | £0 |
Peatland carbon | 5 | £0 |
Peatlands | 36 | £0 |
Pedestrians | 1 | £0 |
Pedology | 2 | £0 |
Peptide delivery | 1 | £0 |
Performance & Live Art | 7 | £182,362 |
Permafrost | 6 | £0 |
Permeability | 10 | £0 |
Persistent organic compounds | 11 | £0 |
Persistent organic pollutants | 5 | £0 |
Personal Robotics | 1 | £0 |
Pesticide pollution | 13 | £0 |
Pesticides | 17 | £0 |
Pet animals | 1 | £0 |
Pharmaceuticals | 3 | £0 |
Pharmaceuticals personal care | 16 | £0 |
Phase Transitions in materials | 1 | £0 |
Phase transitions | 12 | £0 |
Phases of education | 2 | £38,935 |
Phenology | 1 | £0 |
Phenotypes | 1 | £0 |
Phenotypic plasticity | 21 | £0 |
Pheromones | 1 | £0 |
Phosphate cycling | 6 | £0 |
Phosphorus reagents | 1 | £0 |
Photocatalysis | 1 | £0 |
Photochemical reactions | 4 | £0 |
Photochemistry | 2 | £0 |
Photography HTP | 3 | £45,505 |
Photoluminescence | 1 | £0 |
Photolysis | 1 | £0 |
Photosynthesis | 3 | £0 |
Photosynthesis in plants | 4 | £0 |
Photosystem II | 1 | £0 |
Photovoltaic Devices | 1 | £0 |
Phylogenetics | 24 | £0 |
Phylogenetics (bioinformatics) | 4 | £0 |
Phylogeography | 7 | £0 |
Physical Biosensors | 3 | £0 |
Physical Organic Chemistry | 2 | £90,173 |
Physical activity/ exercise | 1 | £0 |
Physical weathering | 3 | £0 |
Physics of Biophotonics | 1 | £0 |
Physics of Magnetic Materials | 1 | £0 |
Physiological Effects of Noise | 1 | £0 |
Phytoplankton | 58 | £0 |
Phytoplankton transport | 8 | £0 |
Phytoremediation | 5 | £0 |
Pigs | 2 | £0 |
Pipelines | 3 | £0 |
Planetary Atmospheres | 6 | £265,078 |
Planetary Surfaces & Geology | 34 | £3,016,101 |
Planetary science | 69 | £2,197,143 |
Plankton | 9 | £0 |
Plankton recorders | 2 | £0 |
Planktonic foraminifera | 2 | £0 |
Planning | 3 | £0 |
Planning governance | 12 | £0 |
Planning in developing countries | 9 | £0 |
Planning regulation | 1 | £0 |
Plant bacterial interactions | 3 | £0 |
Plant defence responses | 1 | £0 |
Plant defences | 3 | £0 |
Plant developmental biology | 3 | £141,458 |
Plant ecology | 18 | £0 |
Plant fungi interactions | 2 | £0 |
Plant insect interactions | 7 | £0 |
Plant invertebrate interact. | 1 | £0 |
Plant microbe interactions | 5 | £0 |
Plant organisms | 13 | £705,039 |
Plant pathogens | 2 | £0 |
Plant pathology | 2 | £0 |
Plant physiology | 31 | £1,808,000 |
Plant production, crops | 1 | £0 |
Plant reproductive biology | 22 | £838,094 |
Plant responses to environment | 91 | £6,269,450 |
Plant senescence | 3 | £0 |
Plant systematics | 6 | £0 |
Plant vertebrate interactions | 1 | £0 |
Plant viruses | 2 | £0 |
Plant-animal interactions | 9 | £0 |
Plant-herbivore interactions | 1 | £0 |
Plant-soil interactions | 54 | £0 |
Plastic Waste | 11 | £0 |
Plasticity | 5 | £0 |
Plastics Manufacturing | 4 | £0 |
Plate boundary tectonics | 11 | £0 |
Plate dynamics | 1 | £0 |
Plate margins | 18 | £0 |
Plate tectonics | 37 | £0 |
Platinum group elements | 1 | £0 |
Play area design | 1 | £0 |
Pleistocene | 13 | £0 |
Ploidy | 4 | £0 |
Pol.,International Rel.&Dev. | 1 | £12,695 |
Polar ice | 19 | £0 |
Polar vortices | 6 | £0 |
Policy, Arts Mgmt & Creat Ind | 1 | £1,436 |
Political Economics | 1 | £0 |
Political Geography | 5 | £50,335 |
Political History | 1 | £25,619 |
Political Philosophy | 3 | £63,225 |
Political Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Political Science | 4 | £162,152 |
Politics | 1 | £101,493 |
Pollen | 5 | £0 |
Pollen analysis | 5 | £0 |
Pollination | 9 | £0 |
Pollutant budgets | 21 | £0 |
Pollutant pathways | 46 | £0 |
Pollutant transport | 57 | £0 |
Pollutants | 12 | £0 |
Pollution | 942 | £74,773,833 |
Pollution Control & Management | 4 | £0 |
Pollution Life-cycle Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Pollution Management | 5 | £0 |
Pollution/pollution control | 30 | £0 |
Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons | 2 | £0 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls | 7 | £0 |
Polymer Coatings | 1 | £0 |
Polymorphism | 4 | £0 |
Pop. estimates & projections | 2 | £0 |
Poplar | 1 | £0 |
Population Ecology | 1075 | £72,413,729 |
Population Genetics/Evolution | 813 | £67,206,721 |
Population density | 12 | £0 |
Population dynamics | 92 | £0 |
Population genetics | 43 | £54,310 |
Population modelling | 66 | £0 |
Population size | 7 | £0 |
Population size and structure | 5 | £0 |
Population structure | 42 | £0 |
Port Operations | 2 | £0 |
Portfolio management | 1 | £0 |
Post-Colonial Studies | 1 | £2,756 |
Post-colonial studies | 1 | £3,048 |
Poverty | 7 | £0 |
Poverty and measurement | 1 | £0 |
Poverty alleviation | 19 | £0 |
Poverty and inequality | 1 | £0 |
Powder Processing | 1 | £0 |
Power | 1 | £0 |
Power Electronics | 2 | £3,654 |
Power Sys Man, Prot & Control | 3 | £155,620 |
Power Systems - Management | 1 | £0 |
Power generation | 1 | £0 |
Precambrian | 4 | £0 |
Precambrian climate change | 2 | £0 |
Precipitation modelling | 20 | £0 |
Precipitation patterns | 1 | £0 |
Precision agriculture | 11 | £0 |
Predation | 15 | £0 |
Predator-prey interactions | 42 | £0 |
Predictive biology | 2 | £0 |
Predictive modelling | 4 | £0 |
Predictive models | 2 | £0 |
Pregnancy | 1 | £0 |
Prehistoric Archaeology | 15 | £3,178,255 |
Prehistoric humans | 4 | £0 |
Prejudice and discrimination | 1 | £0 |
Pressure (Oil/Gas) | 1 | £0 |
Pressure Sensors | 2 | £0 |
Pricing of environmental resources | 15 | £0 |
Primary Schools | 1 | £0 |
Primary care (Health) | 1 | £0 |
Primary production | 97 | £0 |
Primary productivity | 4 | £0 |
Primates | 3 | £0 |
Process Systems Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Process Waste Minimisation | 10 | £0 |
Product Design | 2 | £16,796 |
Production system husbandry | 1 | £0 |
Productivity (Construction) | 1 | £0 |
Productivity in Buildings | 2 | £0 |
Programmable Hardware | 1 | £0 |
Properties Of Earth Materials | 460 | £37,114,798 |
Property rights | 4 | £0 |
Protected areas | 44 | £0 |
Protective immunity | 2 | £0 |
Protein Structure & Function | 1 | £0 |
Protein chemistry | 2 | £156,934 |
Protein complexes | 1 | £0 |
Protein delivery | 1 | £0 |
Protein expression | 1 | £39,773 |
Protein function | 1 | £0 |
Protein function prediction | 1 | £0 |
Protein identification | 1 | £0 |
Protein ligand interaction | 1 | £0 |
Protein separation | 1 | £0 |
Protein sequence analysis | 1 | £0 |
Protein structure | 3 | £0 |
Protein-protein interactions | 1 | £0 |
Proteomic databases | 1 | £0 |
Proteomics | 17 | £671,038 |
Protozoa | 5 | £0 |
Pseudomonas | 2 | £0 |
Psycholinguistics | 1 | £3,278 |
Psychological wellbeing | 2 | £0 |
Psychology | 5 | £313,890 |
Psychology of risk | 3 | £0 |
Psychrophiles | 1 | £0 |
Public Administration | 4 | £100,701 |
Public Finance | 1 | £0 |
Public Policy Analysis | 4 | £0 |
Public Transport Operations | 1 | £0 |
Public Transport Systems | 2 | £0 |
Public acceptability of CCS | 5 | £0 |
Public economics | 3 | £15,528 |
Public goods | 1 | £0 |
Public health | 2 | £0 |
Public health systems in LICs | 1 | £0 |
Public realm design | 4 | £0 |
Public spending | 1 | £0 |
Pyroclastic flows | 18 | £0 |
Quality of Life | 2 | £0 |
Quality of life | 5 | £0 |
Quantitative 'omics and imaging technology | 2 | £0 |
Quantitative 'omics: imaging | 1 | £0 |
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) | 1 | £0 |
Quantitative genetics | 9 | £0 |
Quantum Many Body Theory | 1 | £0 |
Quantum Optics & Information | 2 | £30,233 |
Quasi-biennial oscillation | 1 | £0 |
Quaternary Science | 515 | £23,984,443 |
Quaternary climate change | 31 | £0 |
RF & Microwave Technology | 7 | £107,619 |
Radar & Radio Navigation | 5 | £0 |
Radar networks | 18 | £0 |
Radar observation | 12 | £0 |
Radiation Sources | 1 | £0 |
Radiation balance | 9 | £0 |
Radiation belt | 9 | £0 |
Radiation budget | 19 | £0 |
Radiation modelling | 7 | £0 |
Radiation spectrum | 5 | £0 |
Radiative Processes & Effects | 297 | £21,262,351 |
Radiative forcing | 31 | £0 |
Radiative transfer | 8 | £0 |
Radical chemistry | 20 | £0 |
Radiogenic isotopes | 12 | £0 |
Radiometry | 1 | £0 |
Radiometry - limb sounder | 1 | £0 |
Radionucleide Imaging | 4 | £0 |
Radionucleide Imaging Instrum. | 5 | £0 |
Railway Operations | 4 | £0 |
Rain formation | 8 | £0 |
Rainfall | 9 | £0 |
Rainfall events | 15 | £0 |
Raman Spectroscopy | 2 | £0 |
Raman optical activity spect. | 1 | £0 |
Raman spectroscopy | 4 | £0 |
Randomness | 1 | £0 |
Reaction Kinetics | 2 | £0 |
Reaction Mechanisms | 2 | £0 |
Reaction rates | 5 | £0 |
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) | 3 | £0 |
Reactive radical species | 1 | £0 |
Real-time Monitoring | 15 | £0 |
Real-time Monitoring of Sys. | 2 | £0 |
Receptor binding | 1 | £0 |
Receptor trafficking | 1 | £0 |
Receptors | 4 | £97,637 |
Recognition | 3 | £0 |
Recombination | 7 | £164,782 |
Recovery of Waste Materials | 6 | £0 |
Recreation/Tourism Geography | 2 | £34,968 |
Recreational waters | 5 | £0 |
Recycling end-of-life Mat. | 1 | £0 |
Recycling of Waste Materials | 2 | £0 |
Reflection | 2 | £0 |
Reflective processes | 1 | £0 |
Regenerative Medicine | 1 | £0 |
Regional & Extreme Weather | 653 | £54,034,481 |
Regional Development | 2 | £27,153 |
Regional Geography | 15 | £898,577 |
Regional climate | 78 | £0 |
Regulated industries | 1 | £0 |
Regulation | 1 | £0 |
Regulatory Networks (bioinf.) | 1 | £0 |
Rel, Material & Cog Anthrop | 1 | £58,955 |
Remediation | 2 | £0 |
Remote Sensing & Earth Obs. | 142 | £9,200,090 |
Remote sensing | 146 | £0 |
Renewable energy | 14 | £0 |
Renewables | 2 | £16,979 |
Representation Theory | 1 | £0 |
Reproduction | 11 | £0 |
Reproduction in plants | 1 | £0 |
Reproductive and sexual health | 2 | £10,631 |
Reproductive effects | 3 | £0 |
Reproductive health | 1 | £0 |
Reproductive hormones | 1 | £0 |
Reproductive isolation | 4 | £0 |
Reproductive strategy | 15 | £0 |
Reptiles | 2 | £0 |
Research and Development | 3 | £0 |
Research approaches | 24 | £673,928 |
Reservoir modelling for CCS | 11 | £0 |
Reservoir technology | 4 | £0 |
Reservoir/Dam Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Resource partitioning | 2 | £0 |
Resource use efficiency | 15 | £0 |
Respiration | 1 | £0 |
Respiration (plants) | 2 | £0 |
Respiratory disease | 1 | £0 |
Responses to acidification | 1 | £0 |
Responses to environment | 104 | £6,891,805 |
Retrofit of Buildings | 3 | £0 |
Reuse of Waste Materials | 22 | £0 |
Rhabdoviridae | 1 | £0 |
Rheology | 20 | £140,253 |
Rhizoremediation | 8 | £0 |
Rhizosphere biology | 31 | £0 |
Rice | 1 | £0 |
Risk & Reliability | 2 | £0 |
Risk Management | 2 | £0 |
Risk Mgmt in Construction | 1 | £0 |
Risk analysis | 35 | £0 |
Risk and uncertainty | 3 | £0 |
Risk assessment | 35 | £0 |
Risk assessment by animals | 1 | £0 |
Risk in Complex Systems | 11 | £0 |
Risk management | 112 | £0 |
Risk perception | 2 | £0 |
River Dynamics | 7 | £0 |
River Engineering | 3 | £0 |
River Hydraulics | 8 | £0 |
River flow | 3 | £0 |
River morphology | 15 | £0 |
Road Charging Systems | 1 | £0 |
Road Safety | 2 | £0 |
Road Transport Operations | 1 | £0 |
Robot Control | 2 | £0 |
Robotics & Autonomy | 15 | £1,869,572 |
Rock Engineering | 4 | £0 |
Rock Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Rock Permeability | 4 | £0 |
Rock fracture | 9 | £0 |
Roots | 3 | £0 |
Rotifera | 1 | £0 |
Route Choice | 1 | £0 |
Runoff modelling | 30 | £0 |
Rural Development | 1 | £0 |
Rural Geography | 5 | £160,594 |
Rural Livelihoods | 16 | £0 |
Rural and Pastoral development | 1 | £0 |
Rural areas, rural development | 3 | £0 |
Rural economies | 1 | £0 |
Rural governance | 1 | £0 |
Rural planning | 6 | £0 |
SNP | 1 | £0 |
Safe Handling | 1 | £0 |
Saline aquifers & CCS | 9 | £0 |
Salt marshes | 8 | £0 |
Salt stress | 2 | £0 |
Sampling | 5 | £0 |
Sanitation in LICs | 2 | £0 |
Saprophytism | 1 | £0 |
Satellite & Microwave Systems | 1 | £0 |
Satellite altimetry | 12 | £0 |
Satellite observation | 74 | £0 |
Scaffolds & Scaffold Design | 1 | £0 |
Scale in Oil Recovery | 1 | £0 |
Scale-up production | 2 | £0 |
Scaling | 1 | £0 |
Scanning Electron Microscopy | 6 | £0 |
Scattering & Spectroscopy | 10 | £445,703 |
Science & Eng. using HPC | 7 | £0 |
Science & Maths, & Math Logic | 1 | £1,391 |
Science Curriculum | 2 | £0 |
Science and Technology Education | 1 | £0 |
Science and Technology Engagement | 5 | £0 |
Science and Technology Knowledge | 4 | £0 |
Science and Technology Practice | 3 | £0 |
Science and Technology Studies | 37 | £3,190,640 |
Science and technology | 2 | £0 |
Science-Based Archaeology | 217 | £17,681,267 |
Sea ice | 60 | £0 |
Sea ice communities | 2 | £0 |
Sea level | 21 | £0 |
Sea level change | 33 | £0 |
Sea level history | 21 | £0 |
Sea level observing system | 3 | £0 |
Sea level rise | 55 | £0 |
Sea level variation | 17 | £0 |
Sea surface temperature | 44 | £0 |
Sea-ice processes | 30 | £0 |
Seafloor spreading | 17 | £0 |
Seamount chains | 4 | £0 |
Seawalls | 1 | £0 |
Seawater composition | 7 | £0 |
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrom. | 2 | £0 |
Secondary Schools | 1 | £0 |
Secondary metabolism (plants) | 1 | £0 |
Sediment | 6 | £0 |
Sediment Transport | 9 | £0 |
Sediment coring | 30 | £0 |
Sediment supply | 11 | £0 |
Sediment suspension | 15 | £0 |
Sediment transport | 82 | £0 |
Sediment/Sedimentary Processes | 773 | £40,245,483 |
Sedimentary basins | 10 | £0 |
Sedimentary deposits | 25 | £0 |
Sedimentary properties | 1 | £0 |
Sedimentary record | 8 | £0 |
Sedimentary rocks | 24 | £0 |
Sediments | 5 | £0 |
Seeds | 1 | £0 |
Seeds (plant reproduction) | 2 | £0 |
Seismic Oil Recovery | 5 | £0 |
Seismic analysis | 4 | £0 |
Seismic hazards | 21 | £0 |
Seismic reflection | 13 | £0 |
Seismic risk analysis | 26 | £0 |
Seismic structure | 19 | £0 |
Seismic tomography | 1 | £0 |
Seismic waves | 17 | £0 |
Seismicity | 51 | £0 |
Selection | 34 | £0 |
Selection pressure | 8 | £0 |
Selection processes | 5 | £0 |
Self incompatibility (SI) | 2 | £0 |
Selfish gene | 2 | £0 |
Semi-volatile organics | 1 | £0 |
Senescence | 4 | £0 |
Sensing applications | 1 | £0 |
Sensor Arrays | 13 | £0 |
Sensor Data Fusion | 1 | £0 |
Sensor Integration | 13 | £0 |
Sensor networks | 11 | £0 |
Sensor-Guided Robots | 1 | £0 |
Sensors (Bioelectronics) | 4 | £0 |
Sensory perception | 4 | £0 |
Sensory receptors | 2 | £0 |
Separation Processes | 1 | £69,791 |
Sequence databases | 3 | £0 |
Sequencing | 9 | £0 |
Sequencing technologies | 6 | £0 |
Service business models | 1 | £0 |
Sewage effluent | 6 | £0 |
Sewage treatment | 2 | £0 |
Sewerage Systems | 3 | £0 |
Sex chromosomes | 3 | £0 |
Sex hormones | 1 | £0 |
Sex ratio | 5 | £0 |
Sexual conflict | 4 | £0 |
Sexual selection | 14 | £0 |
Shale gas | 25 | £0 |
Shear Thinning Fluids | 1 | £0 |
Shelf life of food | 1 | £0 |
Shelf ocean dynamics | 38 | £0 |
Shoot development | 1 | £0 |
Shoots | 3 | £0 |
Shoreline Wave Devices | 7 | £0 |
Short rotation coppice | 2 | £0 |
Siderophile elements | 3 | £0 |
Signal mimicry | 2 | £0 |
Signal transduction | 2 | £0 |
Silicon Technology | 1 | £0 |
Simulations | 4 | £0 |
Single molecule sequencing | 1 | £0 |
Singularity Theory | 1 | £0 |
Site Investigation | 4 | £0 |
Skeletal development | 3 | £0 |
Skills and Capabilities | 1 | £0 |
Sleep Disorders | 1 | £0 |
Slips and faults | 2 | £0 |
Slopes | 5 | £0 |
Small Group Behaviour | 2 | £0 |
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) | 1 | £0 |
Smart Sensors | 3 | £0 |
Snow | 20 | £0 |
Snow and ice flows | 9 | £0 |
Social Accept. of Wind Energy | 1 | £0 |
Social Anthropology | 16 | £941,698 |
Social Care | 1 | £0 |
Social Geography | 19 | £1,535,812 |
Social Mobility | 1 | £0 |
Social Policy | 45 | £2,223,440 |
Social Psychology | 14 | £782,794 |
Social Stats., Comp. & Methods | 6 | £93,874 |
Social Values | 5 | £0 |
Social Work | 1 | £23,892 |
Social Work with Adults | 1 | £1,194 |
Social and Environmental Accounting | 6 | £0 |
Social behaviour | 25 | £0 |
Social cognition | 4 | £0 |
Social identity | 2 | £0 |
Social influence | 1 | £0 |
Social insects | 11 | £0 |
Social movements | 1 | £0 |
Social networking | 1 | £0 |
Social policy and Development | 6 | £230,993 |
Social technology systems | 2 | £0 |
Socially Responsible Investment | 1 | £0 |
Sociolinguistics | 8 | £248,875 |
Sociology | 14 | £1,508,598 |
Sociology and Development | 3 | £403,454 |
Sociology of Education | 5 | £23,173 |
Sociology of Food | 1 | £0 |
Sociotechnical | 2 | £0 |
Software Eng. Methods & Tools | 4 | £0 |
Software Engineering | 15 | £508,432 |
Software Maintenance | 2 | £0 |
Software Quality | 1 | £0 |
Software Reliability | 3 | £0 |
Software Reuse | 3 | £0 |
Software Testing | 1 | £0 |
Software Visualisation | 2 | £0 |
Soil | 1 | £0 |
Soil & Rock: Fundamentals | 1 | £0 |
Soil & Rock: Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Soil Behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Soil Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Soil Properties | 3 | £0 |
Soil acidity | 14 | £0 |
Soil biochemistry | 19 | £0 |
Soil biodiversity | 14 | £0 |
Soil biology | 40 | £0 |
Soil carbon | 35 | £0 |
Soil chemistry & soil physics | 50 | £0 |
Soil compaction | 5 | £0 |
Soil conservation | 36 | £0 |
Soil contamination | 11 | £0 |
Soil cultivation | 17 | £0 |
Soil ecosystems | 46 | £0 |
Soil ecotoxicology | 6 | £0 |
Soil erosion | 22 | £0 |
Soil fauna | 4 | £0 |
Soil formation | 4 | £0 |
Soil management | 50 | £0 |
Soil mechanics | 12 | £0 |
Soil microbes | 11 | £0 |
Soil microbiology | 43 | £0 |
Soil micromorphology | 1 | £0 |
Soil moisture | 17 | £0 |
Soil organic carbon | 5 | £0 |
Soil organic matter | 18 | £0 |
Soil organics | 16 | £0 |
Soil pollution | 37 | £0 |
Soil process modelling | 7 | £0 |
Soil resources | 34 | £0 |
Soil science | 710 | £49,462,363 |
Soil structure | 34 | £0 |
Soil types | 7 | £0 |
Soil-Structure Interaction | 1 | £0 |
Soils | 1 | £0 |
Solar & Solar-Terrestrial Phys | 93 | £14,047,695 |
Solar Heating | 1 | £0 |
Solar Studies | 3 | £51,618 |
Solar Technology | 17 | £671,337 |
Solar Thermal Technologies | 1 | £0 |
Solar activity | 31 | £0 |
Solar cycle | 11 | £0 |
Solar radiation | 12 | £0 |
Solar wind | 21 | £0 |
Solid Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
Solid-state NMR | 2 | £0 |
Sonar | 3 | £0 |
Southeast Asian Studies | 1 | £0 |
Southern ocean circulation | 14 | £0 |
Spatial Planning | 149 | £9,123,562 |
Spatial Statistics | 8 | £0 |
Speciation | 26 | £0 |
Species adaptation | 12 | £0 |
Species divergence | 19 | £0 |
Species diversity | 50 | £0 |
Species response | 33 | £0 |
Species richness | 20 | £0 |
Spectral Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Speleothems | 5 | £0 |
Sperm competition | 2 | £0 |
Sperm production & development | 3 | £0 |
Sport and Exercise | 1 | £1,291 |
Stable isotope analysis | 6 | £0 |
Stable isotopes | 5 | £0 |
Statistical Ecology | 15 | £0 |
Statistical Estimation | 4 | £0 |
Statistical Methodology | 3 | £0 |
Statistical Signal Processing | 2 | £0 |
Statistical Uncertainty | 17 | £0 |
Statistical genetics | 9 | £0 |
Statistics & Appl. Probability | 102 | £7,102,535 |
Statistics of Genetics | 1 | £0 |
Stellar Astronomy | 1 | £844 |
Steroids | 1 | £0 |
Stimulated luminescence | 6 | £0 |
Stimulus response | 1 | £0 |
Stochastic Differential Eqns | 1 | £0 |
Stochastic Methods | 3 | £0 |
Stochastic Processes | 5 | £0 |
Stone age | 1 | £0 |
Storm events | 7 | £0 |
Storm risk | 23 | £0 |
Storm surges | 5 | £0 |
Storm tracks | 4 | £0 |
Strain (Materials) | 1 | £0 |
Strategic & Regional Planning | 14 | £0 |
Strategic Decision Making | 1 | £0 |
Strategic Innovation | 1 | £0 |
Strategic Management | 5 | £1,335,127 |
Stratification | 1 | £911 |
Stratosphere | 4 | £0 |
Stratosphere-mesosphere coupling | 7 | £0 |
Stratospheric Processes | 203 | £14,414,131 |
Stratospheric chemistry | 1 | £0 |
Stratospheric circulation | 9 | £0 |
Stratospheric ozone | 14 | £0 |
Streetscapes | 1 | £0 |
Streptomyces | 1 | £0 |
Stress (Materials) | 1 | £0 |
Stress hormones | 1 | £0 |
Stress in animals | 2 | £0 |
Stress responses in microbes | 8 | £0 |
Stress responses in plants | 6 | £0 |
Stress tolerance | 2 | £0 |
Structural Engineering | 9 | £167,915 |
Structural Health Monit. Sens. | 2 | £0 |
Structural biology | 4 | £176,880 |
Structural proteomics | 1 | £0 |
Sub-Saharan Africa | 13 | £0 |
Subduction | 36 | £0 |
Subduction zones | 25 | £0 |
Subglacial lakes | 4 | £0 |
Submarine groundwater | 1 | £0 |
Submarine landslides | 18 | £0 |
Subsea Technology | 1 | £0 |
Subsidence | 2 | £0 |
Substance abuse | 1 | £0 |
Subsurface injection | 10 | £0 |
Succession | 22 | £0 |
Sulphide minerals | 18 | £0 |
Sulphur cycling | 15 | £0 |
Sulphur oxides | 17 | £0 |
Supply chain | 1 | £0 |
Surface Analysis | 2 | £0 |
Surface light Scattering | 1 | £0 |
Surface ocean circulation | 33 | £0 |
Surface temperature | 7 | £0 |
Surface water circulation | 5 | £0 |
Surfaces & Interfaces | 6 | £436,499 |
Survey & Monitoring | 403 | £15,626,493 |
Surveying | 1 | £0 |
Survival Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Suspended particulates | 10 | £0 |
Sustainability | 24 | £0 |
Sustainability Management | 15 | £714,865 |
Sustainability: Environmental | 19 | £0 |
Sustainability: Urban | 18 | £0 |
Sustainable Energy Networks | 16 | £2,436,428 |
Sustainable Energy Vectors | 11 | £315,612 |
Sustainable Tourism Management | 1 | £0 |
Sustainable agriculture | 56 | £0 |
Sustainable crop production | 6 | £0 |
Sustainable development | 52 | £0 |
Sustainable energy production | 3 | £0 |
Sustainable urban drainage systems | 3 | £0 |
Symbionts | 7 | £0 |
Sympatric speciation | 2 | £0 |
Synthetic aperture radar | 13 | £0 |
Synthetic biology | 1 | £429,682 |
System on Chip | 5 | £405,478 |
Systematics & Taxonomy | 394 | £21,891,442 |
Systems biology | 2 | £0 |
Systems development | 1 | £0 |
Systems neuroscience | 5 | £139,899 |
Tariff | 1 | £0 |
Teaching | 1 | £0 |
Technol. for Environ. Appl. | 473 | £46,866,463 |
Technology and method dev | 23 | £2,047,168 |
Tectonic Processes | 514 | £34,186,986 |
Tectonic modelling | 21 | £0 |
Tectonic systems | 17 | £0 |
Teleconnections | 11 | £0 |
Teleoperation | 1 | £0 |
Telomeres | 3 | £0 |
Temperature | 4 | £0 |
Terrest. & freshwater environ. | 1 | £1,200 |
Terrestrial communities | 37 | £0 |
Terrestrial ecosystems | 58 | £0 |
Terrestrial populations | 21 | £0 |
Territory, borders and boundaries | 1 | £0 |
Testes function | 1 | £0 |
Text Extraction | 1 | £0 |
The Standard Model | 1 | £1,943 |
Theatre & Society | 4 | £270,536 |
Themosphere | 29 | £0 |
Theoretical Condensed Matter | 1 | £0 |
Theoretical biology | 18 | £2,815,392 |
Thermal Oil Recovery | 1 | £0 |
Thermal Properties (materials) | 1 | £0 |
Thermohaline circulation | 31 | £0 |
Thermophiles | 1 | £0 |
Tidal Currents | 14 | £0 |
Tidal Farms | 12 | £0 |
Time Series | 3 | £0 |
Time-series data | 2 | £0 |
Tissue Engineering | 2 | £8,564 |
Tissue Engineering of Muscle | 1 | £0 |
Tissue engineering | 3 | £23,661 |
Tissue repair | 1 | £0 |
Tomography Instrumentation | 3 | £0 |
Tools for the biosciences | 31 | £1,193,606 |
Toughness | 1 | £0 |
Tourism and LICs | 1 | £0 |
Toxic waste | 4 | £0 |
Toxicity | 10 | £0 |
Toxicity testing | 13 | £0 |
Trace elements | 23 | £0 |
Trace gas chemistry | 2 | £0 |
Trace gas measurement | 5 | £0 |
Trace gas transport | 4 | £0 |
Trace gas uptake and emission | 8 | £0 |
Trace gases | 72 | £0 |
Trace metals | 6 | £0 |
Tracer Radioactive Elements | 2 | £0 |
Tracers | 16 | £0 |
Trade | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Assignment | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Control | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Forecasting | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Impact Assessment | 3 | £0 |
Traffic Management | 2 | £0 |
Traffic Modelling | 1 | £0 |
Traffic Simulation | 1 | £0 |
Trait locus analysis | 1 | £0 |
Trait locus quantification | 4 | £0 |
Transcript profiling | 3 | £0 |
Transcription | 1 | £0 |
Transcriptional regulation | 2 | £0 |
Transcriptomics | 49 | £2,860,304 |
Transit times | 6 | £0 |
Transition economies | 2 | £0 |
Translational regulation | 1 | £0 |
Transmission Electron Microsc. | 1 | £0 |
Transport & Land Use | 1 | £0 |
Transport Economics | 2 | £0 |
Transport Emissions | 6 | £0 |
Transport Geography | 8 | £840,359 |
Transport Modelling | 2 | £0 |
Transport Noise & Vibration | 1 | £0 |
Transport Ops & Management | 31 | £1,646,533 |
Transport Planning | 2 | £0 |
Transport Policy | 1 | £0 |
Transport Pollution Management | 6 | £0 |
Transport Safety | 6 | £0 |
Transport Scheduling | 1 | £0 |
Transport Telematics | 1 | £0 |
Transport infrastructure | 2 | £0 |
Transport networks | 2 | £0 |
Transport processes | 2 | £0 |
Transportation Demand Mgmt | 1 | £0 |
Travel Behaviour | 1 | £0 |
Trees | 3 | £0 |
Trophic relations | 39 | £0 |
Trophic structures | 35 | £0 |
Tropical cyclones | 8 | £0 |
Tropical ecosystems | 40 | £0 |
Tropical forests | 66 | £0 |
Tropical tropopause | 3 | £0 |
Tropical tropopause dynamics | 1 | £0 |
Tropo - stratosphere exchanges | 2 | £0 |
Troposphere | 12 | £0 |
Tropospheric Processes | 804 | £60,691,872 |
Tropospheric modelling | 36 | £0 |
Tropospheric ozone | 43 | £0 |
Tropospheric processes | 13 | £0 |
Tropospheric winds | 4 | £0 |
Tsunamis | 16 | £0 |
Tumour - Tissue Engineering | 1 | £0 |
Tunnelling | 1 | £0 |
Turbidity currents | 10 | £0 |
Turbulence | 26 | £0 |
Turbulence (Aerodynamics) | 1 | £0 |
Turbulent Mechanics | 1 | £0 |
UK Diplomacy | 1 | £0 |
UV/Visible Spectroscopy | 7 | £0 |
Ult-high pressure metamorphics | 1 | £0 |
Ultra Trace Analysis | 3 | £0 |
Ultrasound | 1 | £0 |
Ultrasound Instrumentation | 1 | £0 |
Uncertainty communication | 20 | £0 |
Uncertainty estimation | 41 | £0 |
Uncertainty in complex systems | 13 | £0 |
Unculturable microorganisms | 4 | £0 |
Underwater Autonomous Vehicles | 5 | £0 |
Underwater Engineering | 4 | £56,724 |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | 3 | £0 |
Uplands | 8 | £0 |
Upper Atmos Process & Geospace | 147 | £23,308,791 |
Upper troposphere | 5 | £0 |
Urban & Land Management | 59 | £8,097,717 |
Urban Air Quality | 8 | £0 |
Urban Design | 31 | £1,484,066 |
Urban Design Against Crime | 1 | £0 |
Urban Gentrification | 1 | £0 |
Urban Geography | 16 | £908,627 |
Urban Housing Management | 1 | £0 |
Urban Issues in social policy | 1 | £0 |
Urban Land Use | 12 | £0 |
Urban Lighting | 2 | £0 |
Urban Noise & Tranquility | 1 | £0 |
Urban Planning & Management | 11 | £0 |
Urban Pollution Management | 4 | £0 |
Urban Predictive Models | 2 | £0 |
Urban areas | 9 | £0 |
Urban areas, urbanisation | 2 | £0 |
Urban ecology | 15 | £0 |
Urban emissions | 48 | £0 |
Urban environments | 14 | £0 |
Urban governance | 2 | £0 |
Urban infrastructure | 3 | £0 |
Urban planning | 12 | £0 |
Urban policy and regeneration | 13 | £0 |
Urban services | 1 | £0 |
Urban space | 1 | £0 |
Urban structure & design | 3 | £0 |
Urbanisation | 1 | £33,687 |
Use of Sensors (Civil) | 1 | £0 |
User Involvement | 1 | £0 |
VLSI CAD Tools | 1 | £0 |
VLSI Design | 1 | £13,598 |
Vaccine development | 3 | £0 |
Vaccine discovery | 1 | £0 |
Vaccines | 2 | £0 |
Value Management | 2 | £0 |
Vegetation change | 30 | £0 |
Vegetation management | 11 | £0 |
Vegetation modelling | 27 | £0 |
Vegetation monitoring | 10 | £0 |
Vehicle Locationing Systems | 1 | £0 |
Ventilation in Buildings | 2 | £0 |
Vertebrates | 1 | £0 |
Vertical coupling | 19 | £0 |
Vibration Engineering (Civil) | 1 | £0 |
Vibrational spectroscopy | 1 | £0 |
Viral diseases (animals) | 4 | £0 |
Viral diseases (plants) | 1 | £0 |
Virology | 5 | £0 |
Viscoelastic | 1 | £0 |
Vision in exp. Psychology | 1 | £0 |
Vision system | 2 | £0 |
Visualisation | 10 | £0 |
Visualisation (bioinformatics) | 1 | £0 |
Visualisation of Info. & Data. | 8 | £0 |
Vitamins | 1 | £0 |
Volatile organic compounds | 30 | £0 |
Volatile organics | 7 | £0 |
Volcanic Processes | 533 | £41,068,506 |
Volcanic ash | 10 | £0 |
Volcanic eruptions | 69 | £0 |
Volcanic gases | 20 | £0 |
Volcanic plumes | 14 | £0 |
Volcanic processes | 10 | £0 |
Volcanism | 5 | £0 |
Volcano monitoring | 45 | £0 |
Walking and cycling | 2 | £0 |
Warning systems | 24 | £0 |
Waste | 10 | £0 |
Waste Design | 1 | £0 |
Waste Disposal | 1 | £0 |
Waste Management | 68 | £6,770,015 |
Waste Minimisation | 81 | £8,428,700 |
Waste Minimisation Legislation | 4 | £0 |
Waste Packaging | 7 | £0 |
Waste Pollution Management | 8 | £0 |
Waste Sorting Technology | 4 | £0 |
Waste Water | 1 | £0 |
Waste Waters Management | 5 | £0 |
Waste Waters Minimisation | 8 | £0 |
Waste disposal | 10 | £0 |
Wastes management | 4 | £0 |
Wastewater treatment | 16 | £0 |
Water & Coastal Structures | 4 | £0 |
Water Engineering | 38 | £3,116,922 |
Water In The Atmosphere | 292 | £24,680,600 |
Water Pipes | 2 | £0 |
Water Quality | 552 | £27,151,368 |
Water Resources | 7 | £0 |
Water Risk Assessment | 5 | £0 |
Water age | 2 | £0 |
Water engineering control | 2 | £0 |
Water flow | 2 | £0 |
Water framework directive | 12 | £0 |
Water mass analysis | 35 | £0 |
Water pollution | 46 | £0 |
Water quality | 98 | £0 |
Water quality
| 12 | £0 |
Water resources | 67 | £0 |
Water resources in LICs | 17 | £0 |
Water storage | 11 | £0 |
Water stress | 6 | £0 |
Water supply | 2 | £0 |
Water vapour | 16 | £0 |
Water waste | 7 | £0 |
Waterway Management | 1 | £0 |
Wave Action | 3 | £0 |
Wave Energy | 10 | £0 |
Wave Impact Forces | 2 | £0 |
Wave Over-Topping | 4 | £0 |
Wave Turbines | 10 | £0 |
Wave dynamics | 7 | £0 |
Wave processes | 1 | £0 |
Waves | 7 | £0 |
Wealth and inequality | 1 | £0 |
Wear/Tribology | 1 | £0 |
Weather balloons | 1 | £0 |
Weather forecasting | 52 | £0 |
Weather modelling | 20 | £0 |
Weather prediction | 23 | £0 |
Weathering | 12 | £0 |
Web Technol. & Architectures | 1 | £0 |
Web interfaces | 1 | £0 |
Weeds | 1 | £0 |
Welfare geographies | 1 | £0 |
Well Exploration | 5 | £0 |
Well Productivity & Recovery | 3 | £0 |
Wellbeing | 4 | £0 |
Western boundary currents | 22 | £0 |
Wetlands | 19 | £0 |
Wheat | 1 | £0 |
Whole body imaging | 2 | £0 |
Wide/small angle diffraction | 1 | £0 |
Wildlife corridors | 5 | £0 |
Wind Life-cycle Analysis | 1 | £0 |
Wind Power | 47 | £3,988,465 |
Wind Tunnel | 5 | £0 |
Wind power maintenance | 1 | £0 |
Wind power transmission | 1 | £0 |
Wind waves | 19 | £0 |
Windstorms | 13 | £0 |
Wireless Sensor Networks | 2 | £0 |
Wnt genes | 1 | £0 |
Women | 2 | £0 |
Womens and Gender Studies | 4 | £57,614 |
Work and employment | 1 | £0 |
Work-based Learning | 1 | £0 |
Wound - Tissue Engineering | 1 | £0 |
X-ray Diffraction (Crystal) | 1 | £0 |
X-ray Diffraction (Powder) | 1 | £0 |
Xenobiotics | 1 | £0 |
Yeasts | 1 | £0 |
Zebra fish | 3 | £0 |
Zeolites | 1 | £0 |
Zoonoses | 10 | £0 |
eScience | 7 | £441,635 |
in vivo monitoring | 1 | £0 |
mRNA | 2 | £0 |
medical decision support tools | 1 | £0 |
miRNA | 1 | £0 |