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List of Awards

Science Classification: Grants and fellowships can have their funding split across several science classifications and financial years. The list below identifies how the funding is divided for this award.

Grant Reference: NE/Z000408/1

Title: NSFGEO-NERC: Direct comparison of ocean temperature and velocity structure from in-situ measurements and distributed optical fiber sensing

Total value: £313,596

Environmental Risks and Hazards2024£25,495
Environmental Risks and Hazards2025£26,128
Environmental Risks and Hazards2026£26,776
Global Change2024£50,990
Global Change2025£52,256
Global Change2026£53,552
Natural Resource Management2024£5,099
Natural Resource Management2025£5,226
Natural Resource Management2026£5,355
Pollution and Waste2024£5,099
Pollution and Waste2025£5,226
Pollution and Waste2026£5,355
Science AreaFYValue
Science TopicFYValue
Deep convection2024£0
Deep convection2025£0
Deep convection2026£0
Deep ocean circulation2024£0
Deep ocean circulation2025£0
Deep ocean circulation2026£0
Internal waves2024£0
Internal waves2025£0
Internal waves2026£0
Marine boundary layer2024£0
Marine boundary layer2025£0
Marine boundary layer2026£0
Meridional overturning circ2024£0
Meridional overturning circ2025£0
Meridional overturning circ2026£0
Ocean Circulation2024£101,980
Ocean Circulation2025£104,512
Ocean Circulation2026£107,103
Ocean modelling2024£0
Ocean modelling2025£0
Ocean modelling2026£0
Ocean turbulence2024£0
Ocean turbulence2025£0
Ocean turbulence2026£0
Oceanic eddies2024£0
Oceanic eddies2025£0
Oceanic eddies2026£0
Shelf ocean dynamics2024£0
Shelf ocean dynamics2025£0
Shelf ocean dynamics2026£0

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