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List of Awards

Science Classification: Grants and fellowships can have their funding split across several science classifications and financial years. The list below identifies how the funding is divided for this award.

Grant Reference: NE/T013451/1

Title: Wider Impacts of Subpolar nortH atlantic decadal variaBility on the OceaN and atmospherE (WISHBONE)

Total value: £245,150

Environmental Risks and Hazards2020£10,667
Environmental Risks and Hazards2021£39,133
Environmental Risks and Hazards2022£86,448
Environmental Risks and Hazards2023£5,420
Environmental Risks and Hazards2024£5,420
Global Change2020£7,112
Global Change2021£26,088
Global Change2022£57,632
Global Change2023£3,613
Global Change2024£3,614
Science AreaFYValue
Science TopicFYValue
Atmospheric circulation2020£0
Atmospheric circulation2021£0
Atmospheric circulation2022£0
Atmospheric circulation2023£0
Atmospheric circulation2024£0
Atmospheric modelling2020£0
Atmospheric modelling2021£0
Atmospheric modelling2022£0
Atmospheric modelling2023£0
Atmospheric modelling2024£0
Climate & Climate Change2020£1,778
Climate & Climate Change2021£6,522
Climate & Climate Change2022£14,408
Climate & Climate Change2023£903
Climate & Climate Change2024£903
Climate modelling2020£0
Climate modelling2021£0
Climate modelling2022£0
Climate modelling2023£0
Climate modelling2024£0
Climate variability2020£0
Climate variability2021£0
Climate variability2022£0
Climate variability2023£0
Climate variability2024£0
Deep convection2020£0
Deep convection2021£0
Deep convection2022£0
Deep convection2023£0
Deep convection2024£0
Deep ocean circulation2020£0
Deep ocean circulation2021£0
Deep ocean circulation2022£0
Deep ocean circulation2023£0
Deep ocean circulation2024£0
Large scale atmos circulation2020£0
Large scale atmos circulation2021£0
Large scale atmos circulation2022£0
Large scale atmos circulation2023£0
Large scale atmos circulation2024£0
Meridional circulation2020£0
Meridional circulation2021£0
Meridional circulation2022£0
Meridional circulation2023£0
Meridional circulation2024£0
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.2020£7,112
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.2021£26,088
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.2022£57,632
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.2023£3,613
Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.2024£3,614
Ocean Circulation2020£8,890
Ocean Circulation2021£32,611
Ocean Circulation2022£72,040
Ocean Circulation2023£4,517
Ocean Circulation2024£4,517
Ocean atmosphere interaction2020£0
Ocean atmosphere interaction2021£0
Ocean atmosphere interaction2022£0
Ocean atmosphere interaction2023£0
Ocean atmosphere interaction2024£0
Ocean circulation2020£0
Ocean circulation2021£0
Ocean circulation2022£0
Ocean circulation2023£0
Ocean circulation2024£0
Ocean modelling2020£0
Ocean modelling2021£0
Ocean modelling2022£0
Ocean modelling2023£0
Ocean modelling2024£0
Regional climate2020£0
Regional climate2021£0
Regional climate2022£0
Regional climate2023£0
Regional climate2024£0
Sea surface temperature2020£0
Sea surface temperature2021£0
Sea surface temperature2022£0
Sea surface temperature2023£0
Sea surface temperature2024£0
Surface ocean circulation2020£0
Surface ocean circulation2021£0
Surface ocean circulation2022£0
Surface ocean circulation2023£0
Surface ocean circulation2024£0
Thermohaline circulation2020£0
Thermohaline circulation2021£0
Thermohaline circulation2022£0
Thermohaline circulation2023£0
Thermohaline circulation2024£0
Western boundary currents2020£0
Western boundary currents2021£0
Western boundary currents2022£0
Western boundary currents2023£0
Western boundary currents2024£0

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