List of Awards
Science Classification: Grants and fellowships can have their funding split across several science classifications and financial years. The list below identifies how the funding is divided for this award.
Grant Reference: NE/P019668/1
Title: Harmonising and UPgrading GREENhouse gas removal (GGR) consequential Life Cycle Assessment (UP-green-LCA)
Total value: £253,908
ENRIs | FY | Value |
Biodiversity | 2017 | £5,716 |
Biodiversity | 2018 | £3,400 |
Biodiversity | 2019 | £2,836 |
Biodiversity | 2020 | £744 |
Environmental Risks and Hazards | 2017 | £22,864 |
Environmental Risks and Hazards | 2018 | £13,600 |
Environmental Risks and Hazards | 2019 | £11,344 |
Environmental Risks and Hazards | 2020 | £2,975 |
Global Change | 2017 | £45,728 |
Global Change | 2018 | £27,199 |
Global Change | 2019 | £22,687 |
Global Change | 2020 | £5,949 |
Natural Resource Management | 2017 | £17,148 |
Natural Resource Management | 2018 | £10,200 |
Natural Resource Management | 2019 | £8,508 |
Natural Resource Management | 2020 | £2,231 |
Pollution and Waste | 2017 | £22,864 |
Pollution and Waste | 2018 | £13,600 |
Pollution and Waste | 2019 | £11,344 |
Pollution and Waste | 2020 | £2,975 |
Science Area | FY | Value |
Atmospheric | 2017 | £34,296 |
Atmospheric | 2018 | £20,399 |
Atmospheric | 2019 | £17,015 |
Atmospheric | 2020 | £4,462 |
Earth | 2017 | £22,864 |
Earth | 2018 | £13,600 |
Earth | 2019 | £11,344 |
Earth | 2020 | £2,975 |
Freshwater | 2017 | £11,432 |
Freshwater | 2018 | £6,800 |
Freshwater | 2019 | £5,672 |
Freshwater | 2020 | £1,487 |
Marine | 2017 | £22,864 |
Marine | 2018 | £13,600 |
Marine | 2019 | £11,344 |
Marine | 2020 | £2,975 |
Terrestrial | 2017 | £22,864 |
Terrestrial | 2018 | £13,600 |
Terrestrial | 2019 | £11,344 |
Terrestrial | 2020 | £2,975 |
Science Topic | FY | Value |
Atmospheric carbon cycle | 2017 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon cycle | 2018 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon cycle | 2019 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon cycle | 2020 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide | 2017 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide | 2018 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide | 2019 | £0 |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide | 2020 | £0 |
Bioenergy | 2017 | £5,716 |
Bioenergy | 2018 | £3,400 |
Bioenergy | 2019 | £2,836 |
Bioenergy | 2020 | £744 |
Biofuel Life-cycle Analysis | 2017 | £0 |
Biofuel Life-cycle Analysis | 2018 | £0 |
Biofuel Life-cycle Analysis | 2019 | £0 |
Biofuel Life-cycle Analysis | 2020 | £0 |
Carbon storage | 2017 | £0 |
Carbon storage | 2018 | £0 |
Carbon storage | 2019 | £0 |
Carbon storage | 2020 | £0 |
Climate & Climate Change | 2017 | £34,296 |
Climate & Climate Change | 2018 | £20,399 |
Climate & Climate Change | 2019 | £17,015 |
Climate & Climate Change | 2020 | £4,462 |
Data analysis | 2017 | £0 |
Data analysis | 2018 | £0 |
Data analysis | 2019 | £0 |
Data analysis | 2020 | £0 |
Earth & environmental | 2017 | £11,432 |
Earth & environmental | 2018 | £6,800 |
Earth & environmental | 2019 | £5,672 |
Earth & environmental | 2020 | £1,487 |
Environmental Informatics | 2017 | £34,296 |
Environmental Informatics | 2018 | £20,399 |
Environmental Informatics | 2019 | £17,015 |
Environmental Informatics | 2020 | £4,462 |
Environmental impact assessmt | 2017 | £0 |
Environmental impact assessmt | 2018 | £0 |
Environmental impact assessmt | 2019 | £0 |
Environmental impact assessmt | 2020 | £0 |
Environmental modelling | 2017 | £0 |
Environmental modelling | 2018 | £0 |
Environmental modelling | 2019 | £0 |
Environmental modelling | 2020 | £0 |
Greenhouse gases | 2017 | £0 |
Greenhouse gases | 2018 | £0 |
Greenhouse gases | 2019 | £0 |
Greenhouse gases | 2020 | £0 |
Technol. for Environ. Appl. | 2017 | £28,580 |
Technol. for Environ. Appl. | 2018 | £17,000 |
Technol. for Environ. Appl. | 2019 | £14,180 |
Technol. for Environ. Appl. | 2020 | £3,718 |
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