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List of Awards

Science Classification: Grants and fellowships can have their funding split across several science classifications and financial years. The list below identifies how the funding is divided for this award.

Grant Reference: NE/P015379/1

Title: From mangrove to milpa: what determines resilience to extreme weather events in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico?

Total value: £84,284

Environmental Risks and Hazards2016£63,213
Global Change2016£12,643
Natural Resource Management2016£4,214
Science AreaFYValue
Science TopicFYValue
Agricultural development2016£0
Agriculture, agricultural policy2016£0
Anthropology and Development2016£18,542
Catchment management2016£0
Climate & Climate Change2016£18,542
Climate change in LICs2016£0
Communication of uncertainty2016£0
Cultural identity in LICs2016£0
Ecosystem Scale Processes2016£10,114
Ecosystem impacts2016£0
Ecosystem management2016£0
Ecosystem services2016£0
Fisheries in LICs2016£0
Food (access, production, preference, security)2016£0
Food security2016£0
Food security, food supply2016£0
Forestry & development2016£0
Freshwater ecosystems2016£0
Gender and Anthropology2016£0
Indigenous people and cultures2016£0
Nat Resources, Env & Rural Dev2016£18,542
Natural disasters2016£0
Natural hazards2016£0
Participant observation2016£0
Plant production, crops2016£0
Poverty alleviation2016£0
Regional & Extreme Weather2016£18,542
Regional climate2016£0
Risk management2016£0
Rural Livelihoods2016£0
Rural and Pastoral development2016£0
Rural areas, rural development2016£0
Storm risk2016£0
Sustainable development2016£0
Terrestrial ecosystems2016£0
Tropical cyclones2016£0
Tropical ecosystems2016£0
Vegetation change2016£0

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