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List of Awards

Science Classification: Grants and fellowships can have their funding split across several science classifications and financial years. The list below identifies how the funding is divided for this award.

Grant Reference: NE/H525870/1

Title: Petroleum Geoscience (Basin Evolution and Dynamics). Masters Training Grant (MTG) to provide funding for 5 full studentships for two years.

Total value: £150,910

Science AreaFYValue
Science TopicFYValue
Earth Resources2009£9,243
Earth Resources2010£18,864
Earth Resources2011£9,621
Mantle & Core Processes2009£3,697
Mantle & Core Processes2010£7,546
Mantle & Core Processes2011£3,848
Population Ecology2009£12,941
Population Ecology2010£26,409
Population Ecology2011£13,469
Sediment/Sedimentary Processes2009£11,092
Sediment/Sedimentary Processes2010£22,637
Sediment/Sedimentary Processes2011£11,545

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