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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/T007397/2

NSFGEO-NERC Pliocene sea level amplitudes (PLIOAMP)

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Dr EGW Gasson, University of Exeter, Geography
Professor AJ Payne, University of Liverpool, Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences
Professor C Lear, Cardiff University, Sch of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Panel A
Environmental Risks and Hazards
Global Change
Science Topics:
Climate & Climate Change
Sea level history
Isotopic record
Palaeoclimate observation
Palaeoclimate simulation
Sea level rise
Glacial & Cryospheric Systems
Sea level change
Polar ice
Antarctic ice
Climate transitions
Glacial cycles
Ice ages
Mass balances
Cenozoic climate change
Climate change
Dating - isotopic
Ice ages
Ice sheets
Marine sediments
Ocean drilling
Palaeo proxies
Climate modelling
It is estimated that 5% of the world's population lives on land which is less than 5 metres above current sea level, in communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, either from direct loss of land, or increased flood risk. Society more broadly may be impacted by disruption to key infrastructure which is located on the coast e.g. power stations, and by the movement of displaced communities. The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest potential contributor to future sea level rise and projections of Antarctic ice sheet change in the future also have the largest range of estimates. This makes it difficult to accurately determine the risks of future sea level rise. Because sea level rise from Antarctic ice loss is not evenly distributed across the oceans, retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet will disproportionately affect coastlines that are furthest away, such as those in Europe and North America. In this proposal we will improve projections of Antarctic ice sheet change by reconstructing how the ice sheet changed during past warm intervals during the mid-Pliocene (approximately 3 million years ago). The mid-Pliocene is the last geological interval when atmospheric CO2 was similar to present day. The proposal will focus on reconstructing the amplitudes of mid-Pliocene sea level change between colder glacial stages and warmer interglacial states. We will use these data as a constraint for two types of ice sheet models. Recent work has used Pliocene interglacial sea level maxima as a constraint for Antarctic ice sheet models and has led to much higher projections of future sea level rise from Antarctica under anthropogenic warming. However, subsequent work has suggested that it may not be possible to accurately determine absolute Pliocene sea level maxima, such that the value of using these data has been questioned. The main source of uncertainty on these estimates comes from attempts to quantify them relative to a modern-day reference (i.e. as metres above present). An alternative approach that we will propose and one that can greatly improve past sea level estimates is to focus on the Pliocene glacial-interglacial sea level amplitude. We will reconstruct the glacial-interglacial sea level amplitude for 3 intervals in the mid-Pliocene using analysis of sediments recovered from the drilling of ocean sediment cores. Specifically, we will measure the geochemical composition (the isotopes of oxygen, magnesium and calcium) of calcite microorganisms (benthic foraminifera) to reconstruct past ice volume. In the absence of a modern-day reference we will simulate both the Pliocene glacial (cooler climate intervals) and interglacial (warmer climate intervals) extent of the Antarctic and Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets (principally the Greenland Ice Sheet) and compare this with the sea level data that we will produce. We will then be able to determine what was the magnitude of Antarctic ice sheet melt during the past. Combining two groups based in the UK and US, the ice sheet models used will include the Penn State Ice Sheet Model (PSU-ISM) and the BISICLES ice sheet model. The treatment of the grounding line physics (the point at which grounded ice becomes floating ice shelf) is very different in these two models. The PSU-ISM requires additional processes (ice shelf hydrofracture and ice cliff failure) to simulate Antarctic retreat that was consistent with Pliocene sea level maxima. By using the BISICLES model, which has much higher resolution at the grounding line, we will be able to test whether these processes are needed to simulate ice retreat consistent with our measured Pliocene sea level amplitudes. Finally, we will use what we learn to produce a new set of future sea level estimates that are constrained using the palaeoclimate data. These will have tighter constraints than previous future sea level projections, enabling a more accurate estimate of the risk of future sea level rise from Antarctica.
Period of Award:
15 Apr 2021 - 30 Jun 2024
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Awaiting Completion
Standard Grant FEC
Grant Status:

This grant award has a total value of £416,070  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

DI - Other CostsIndirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDI - StaffDA - Estate CostsDI - T&SDA - Other Directly Allocated

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