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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/T003863/1

Understanding and Representing Atmospheric Convection across Scales - ParaCon Phase 2

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Professor J Thuburn, University of Exeter, Mathematics
Professor RJ Beare, University of Exeter, Mathematics and Statistics
Professor G Vallis, University of Exeter, Mathematics and Statistics
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Environmental Risks and Hazards
Global Change
Science Topics:
Boundary Layer Meteorology
Convective cloud & precip
Large Scale Dynamics/Transport
Weather modelling
Tropospheric Processes
Convective precipitation
Climate & Climate Change
Climate modelling
Cumulus clouds are produced by the vigorous ascent of buoyant air, a process known as convection. The weather and climate of the tropics are dominated by cumulus clouds, and severe weather at all latitudes involves convection. Convection communicates heat and moisture from the Earth's surface throughout the atmosphere. It is the main process controlling the change of temperature and moisture content with height in the tropical atmosphere. On the global scale, cumulus clouds are responsible for the majority of the rainfall, and convection is a crucial component in the overall pattern of the Earth's atmospheric flows. Computer modelling of the atmosphere is essential for both numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate projections. Society benefits enormously from their outputs to inform decision making on all scales from the individual member of the public to weather-sensitive business activities, the energy sector, the emergency services, and government policy on climate risks. Computer models for NWP and for climate projection divide the atmosphere into boxes with typical horizontal sizes of 10km and 100km respectively. Convective elements such as thunderstorms, on the other hand, are typically only around 1km in size so they cannot be explicitly represented in the models. Instead we must somehow estimate what cumulus clouds will be present in each of the boxes and what their collective effects will be on the larger-scale atmosphere. This is known as a cumulus parameterization. Cumulus parameterization is a stubborn and difficult problem and is the largest single uncertainty that we face. It is a severe and unforgiving test of just how well we understand the fundamental science of convection and its role in the atmosphere. Defects in the existing parameterizations are known to translate into serious deficiencies in weather and climate models. These include errors in the distribution, timing, and intensity of convective rainfall, as well as the behaviour of larger-scale weather systems that are coupled to convection. ParaCon Phase 2 is a wide-ranging plan to redesign the convection parameterization for the Met Office Model, to demonstrate clear improvements in model fidelity and performance, and to lay the groundwork for the next generation of parameterization research. In Phase 1 we have developed a new convection scheme infrastructure called CoMorph, which enables many of the assumptions that are made in such parameterizations to be relaxed, removed or generalized and we have begun the process of developing a formulation based on alternative and more general assumptions. Also in Phase 1 we have performed promising investigations into radically different formulations based on modelling convection as a manifestation of turbulence, and on a multi-fluid approach that relaxes the usual assumptions even further than CoMorph does. In Phase 2 we will continue the development of CoMorph with a view to its adoption for operational forecasting. Building on the work in Phase 1, improved formulations for the components of the scheme will be developed and implemented. The performance of CoMorph will be evaluated in a wide range of test cases. These will include comparison with a suite of high-resolution simulations of idealized convective archetypes conducted in Phase 1, as well as a range of operational-style configurations. In Phase 2 we will also continue to develop the turbulence-based and multi-fluid-based approaches and to evaluate their potential for representing convection in atmospheric models. A key goal will be to clarify the relationship between the three approaches and to understand the extent to which some unification or combination of the approaches might be possible and beneficial.
Period of Award:
1 Oct 2019 - 31 Dec 2022
£495,938 Split Award
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Directed (Research Programmes)
Grant Status:

This grant award has a total value of £495,938  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

Indirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDI - StaffDA - Estate CostsDI - T&SDA - Other Directly Allocated

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