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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/S016937/2

Forecasting Risk of Environmental Exacerbation of Dissolved Organic Matter - Building Climate Change Resilience (FREEDOM-BCCR)

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Mr D Monteith, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Water Resources (Lancaster)
Professor P Chapman, University of Leeds, Sch of Geography
Dr A Elliott, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Water Resources (Lancaster)
Professor B Spears, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Water Resources (Penicuik)
Professor S Waldron, University of Glasgow, School of Geographical & Earth Sciences
Dr DB Clark, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Hydro-climate Risks
Professor CD Evans, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Soils and Land Use (Bangor)
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Environmental Risks and Hazards
Global Change
Natural Resource Management
Pollution and Waste
Science Topics:
Atmospheric carbon cycle
Water Quality
Climate variability
Dissolved organic matter
Human health impacts
Regional climate
Climate & Climate Change
Water pollution
Carbon cycling
Lake sediments
Microbial communities
Primary production
Water quality
Biogeochemical Cycles
Carbon fluxes
Climate modelling
Nutrient cycling
Soil organic matter
Water resources
Land - Atmosphere Interactions
Biogeochemical cycles
Catchment management
Diffuse pollution
Dissolved organic carbon
Drainage systems
Drinking water
Ecological status
Human health
Lake sediments
Nutrient leaching
Soil carbon
Climate modelling
The water industry faces intensifying risks to its water treatment systems through rising dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations, especially in upland raw water supplies which provide 70% of the UK's drinking water. Rain and meltwater percolating through soils transports DOM to reservoirs. The water industry has to restrict DOM concentrations to minimise taste and odour problems, reduce the potential for algal growth, and prevent the generation of potentially harmful levels of disinfection bi-products, formed from reactions between DOM and chemical disinfectants. DOM concentrations are increasing primarily as a result of an increase in soil organic matter solubility in response to regional reductions in atmospheric pollutants to soils. However, DOM levels in upland waters are also sensitive to variation, and long-term change, in soil temperatures, amounts and intensity of precipitation, the ionic strength of soil waters, the residence time of reservoirs, and seasalt deposition events during winter storms. The influence of these climate-related effects is increasing as organic matter continues to become more soluble. Currently, the primary industry approach to reduce DOM concentrations is the application of coagulant to precipitate the organic matter from the water, but additional filtration may also be required to remove DOM compounds that are less sensitive to this chemical effect. Both processes have a significant carbon footprint and are estimated to have already cost the industry hundreds of millions of pounds through the installation of new equipment where existing infrastructure was no longer able to deal with rising DOM concentrations. There is a pressing need, therefore, to foster a Climate Change Resilience Community that will combine the extensive expertise of the research and industry communities in the UK in order to address this challenge. FREEDOM-BCCR will develop an entirely new approach to understanding, managing, and planning responses to DOM increases in response to climate change. The community will provide the basis of support for decision making and will deliver adaptive (e.g. infrastructure investment) and mitigative (e.g. land-use interventions) approaches with which to build resilience in the upland water supply. We will augment the capability of a prototype Decision Support tool (DSt), developed by the current NERC FREEDOM Project with support from for Scottish Water, by incorporating catchment-specific climate change projections, predictive models and industry knowledge. This development of the FREEDOM DSt will fill critical knowledge gaps in model functionality including climate change impacts on soil and in-reservoir processing of DOM. We will define operational thresholds for DOM quantity and quality across the treatment chain and combine these to produce forecasts, at a UK scale, of DOM risk to drinking water supply. Proposed activities and respective Work Packages include: generation of UKCP18-based climate change projections using Hydro-JULES downscaled to specific catchments (WP1); Coupling of downscaled climate predictions with catchment and lake/reservoir models to explore the potential impact of climate change in influencing seasonal variation in DOM quantity, quality and vertical distribution in priority intensively monitored drinking water reservoirs and their catchments (WP2); validation of predictions of DOM quantity and quality produced by the FREEDOM DSt, beyond the parameterisation data set from Scottish Water, using hind-casting informed by wider UK industry data (WP3); upscaling application of the FREEDOM-UK DSt to provide predictions of the effects of climate change, land-use change and air pollution scenarios on DOM quantity and quality in other regions of the UK (WP4); and, foster the FREEDOM Climate Change Resilience Community focussing on co-development, application, and show-casing the FREEDOM-UK DSt through a programme of knowledge exchange activities (WP5).
Period of Award:
1 Dec 2019 - 30 Oct 2020
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Directed (RP) - NR1
Grant Status:

This grant award has a total value of £62,876  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

Indirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDA - Estate CostsDI - StaffDA - Other Directly AllocatedDI - T&S

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