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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/S009736/1

Beyond the instrumental record: Reconstructing Atlantic overturning over the past 7000 yrs (ReconAMOC)

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Professor DJR Thornalley, University College London, Geography
Professor C Brierley, University College London, Geography
Dr S Moreton, Scottish Universities Env Research Cen, SUERC
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Panel A
Environmental Risks and Hazards
Global Change
Natural Resource Management
Science Topics:
Climate & Climate Change
Climate modelling
Climate variability
Quaternary Science
Marine sediments
Meridional overturning circ
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) - part of the so-called 'ocean conveyor belt' - is a key component of Earth's climate system. It involves the northward transport of warm surface waters to the high latitude North Atlantic, where they cool (releasing heat to the atmosphere), sink and flow back southwards at depth. Changes in the AMOC are thought to alter global temperature and precipitation patterns, regional sea-level, and socio-economically important marine ecosystems. There are concerns regarding the strength and stability of AMOC in the future. This is because predicted surface ocean warming and freshening could weaken the formation of dense water that helps drive the AMOC. Earlier research suggests that the AMOC may have different stable states, raising the possibility that the AMOC could rapidly switch to a weaker, or even an 'off', state, having a severe impact on global climate. IPCC models do not predict an abrupt weakening of the AMOC under typical 21st century scenarios; yet there are suggestions that current climate models may be excessively stable. NERC and the international community have invested heavily in monitoring the AMOC, including the implementation of the RAPID array since 2004 and more recently the OSNAP array. Since observations began in 2004, AMOC has weakened at a rate ten times faster than predicted by most models. Yet the extent to which this decline can be attributed to natural multi-decadal variability is uncertain. The limited time span of the RAPID array means we are unable to gain an understanding of the nature of AMOC variability on timescales longer than interannual-to-decadal. Therefore we must turn to geological archives to reconstruct AMOC changes beyond the instrumental record. Yet there are no existing records to provide perspective on recent AMOC variability at multi-decadal and longer timescales. Using recent, novel techniques to constrain past variability, coupled with exceptional sediment archives, ReconAMOC will constrain past AMOC variability on decadal to centennial timescales, generating records for the last 7000 years that will become benchmark constraints on AMOC behaviour. We will focus on the past 7000 years because the climate was not dramatically different to the present day, and remnant glacial ice sheets had melted away so that the major features of deep Atlantic circulation were broadly similar to modern. ReconAMOC deploys a twin approach that utilizes (i) the characteristic subsurface temperature AMOC fingerprint, and (ii) the deep western boundary current response to AMOC change. We have verified these new paleoclimate approaches against variability in the instrumental record and demonstrated their applicability through an extensive pilot study. ReconAMOC is therefore a low risk yet ambitious project, bringing together an international team of collaborators, that will meet a long-sought and much-needed requirement of a wide range of climate scientists and modellers. ReconAMOC will enable testing and improvement of model simulations of AMOC that help facilitate assessment of the vulnerability of the AMOC to climate change, and permit the investigation of the role of AMOC on other components of the climate system. The topics addressed by ReconAMOC are key research targets at national UK (e.g. identified strategic science themes and goals within the NERC strategy) and international (e.g. CMIP6, IMAGESII, SCOR, PAGES, IODP and NSF) levels. Specifically, the ReconAMOC proposal builds on the NERC programmes RAPID, RAPID-WATCH, and RAPID-AMOC, in which interannual to multi-decadal variability in the AMOC is a central focus, as well as NERC programme ACSIS examining interannual to decadal climate variability in the Atlantic.
Period of Award:
1 Feb 2019 - 31 Jan 2023
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Standard Grant FEC
Grant Status:

This grant award has a total value of £548,105  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

DI - Other CostsIndirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDI - StaffDA - Estate CostsDI - T&S

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