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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/R01177X/1

Engaging Environments Hub

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Mr P Manners, University of the West of England, Research Business and Innovation
Ms S Duncan, University of Bristol, Research and Enterprise Development
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Science Topics:
NERC is ambitious to see a step change in the quality and impact of public engagement (PE) with environmental science. Its recently published PE strategy committed its support and funding for public engagement activity, to trigger debate, dialogue and inspiration. NERC's strategy also recognises that quality public engagement activity requires work 'behind the scenes'. Key focal points are: 1) Strengthening the quality of partnerships and collaborative working across the environmental science research community; other researcher disciplines; with the wider community of PE professionals working in the environmental sector and with communities 2) Addressing those aspects of the professional culture of research which inhibit excellence and involvement in PE 3) Building the capacity of the environmental science sector to do excellent PE with research The Engaging Environments call recognises that these outcomes are likely to require collaboration on a national scale, across academic disciplines, including those outside of NERC's remit, and partnerships with organisations and publics. The call is likely to fund a consortium of up to 6 different projects. The expectation is that arising from these projects will be one large scale project involving consortium members. We believe that there is a crucial role to be played by the NCCPE to act as a coordinating and facilitating hub for the funded projects. The coordination and facilitation offered by the NCCPE will help ensure that the investment in stage 1 ends up being 'greater than the sum of its parts'. We have worked closely with a number of the teams who are preparing bids for stage 1, and have received enthusiastic endorsement of the value of such a coordinating function and commitment from those teams to invest time and energy in the consortium building work we will support. We are framing our contribution as the creation of an Engaging Environments 'hub': we will work closely with the funded projects, with NERC, and with stakeholders to ensure the programme as a hole is coherent, comprehensive and fit for purpose. The NCCPE has extensive experience of providing such support for similarly ambitious projects. Established in 2008, we have supported a host of similar projects, and participants have really valued the opportunity to work together, learn from one another, and realise the ambitions of their work. Over the course of the year we plan to: 1. Work closely with the successful projects and with NERC to implement a governance process for the coordinating work which ensures it meets their needs, involves other key stakeholders (including unsuccessful bidders) and delivers quick and effective collective decision making 2. Ensure that the plans of the different project align effectively to realise a coherent programme of activities which realise the call's overarching aims 3. Work with the funded teams to generate a learning and evaluation framework which focuses and accelerates understanding and evidence of what is working and why; and identifies gaps in our knowledge and sensible ways to address these 4. Ensure that the ways in which the programme as a whole communicates and engages with stakeholders is open and involving, meets their expectations and needs and maximises a feeling of 'ownership' 5. Maximise the influence the project on policy and practice, through ensuring a coherent programme of interventions such as training; piloting of innovative approaches; and identifying and addressing barriers 6. Support those not funded through the process to participate effectively in the learning, and where relevant forge new partnerships for stage 2. 7. Realise the potential for a step change in how environmental researchers engage the public with their work, ensuring that learning from their projects is embedded in both the stage 2 project, and also other engagement initiatives.
Period of Award:
2 Oct 2017 - 26 Apr 2019
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Grant Status:

This grant award has a total value of £40,458  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

DI - Other CostsIndirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDA - Estate CostsDI - T&S

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