Details of Award
NERC Reference : NE/R010331/1
Understanding temperature adaptation in tropical insects
Grant Award
- Principal Investigator:
- Dr N Nadeau, University of Sheffield, School of Biosciences
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor CD Jiggins, University of Cambridge, Zoology
- Grant held at:
- University of Sheffield, School of Biosciences
- Science Area:
- Terrestrial
- Overall Classification:
- Panel C
- ENRIs:
- Biodiversity
- Global Change
- Science Topics:
- Animal metabolism
- Homeostasis
- Animal & human physiology
- Biodiversity
- Evolutionary ecology
- Evolutionary processes
- Genetic diversity
- Habitat use
- Life cycles
- Local adaptation
- Population structure
- Population Ecology
- Adaptation
- Evolution & populations
- Evolutionary genetics
- Gene flow
- Genetic variation
- Molecular ecology
- Natural variation
- Population genetics
- Selection
- Speciation
- Evolution & populations
- Adaptive processes
- Ecological communities
- Evolutionary ecology
- Gene flow
- Genetic diversity
- Molecular genetics
- Natural selection
- Phenotypic plasticity
- Population structure
- Speciation
- Species adaptation
- Species divergence
- Sympatric speciation
- Trait locus quantification
- Population Genetics/Evolution
- Adaptive evolution
- Gene flow
- Genetic diversity
- Genetic evolution
- Natural selection
- Polymorphism
- Population dynamics
- Population structure
- Species divergence
- Sympatric speciation
- Environmental Genomics
- Abstract:
- Understanding thermal adaptation is a priority if we wish to understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Organisms' current tolerances and their ability to adapt or move to new areas will determine whether they survive warming environments or not. There is currently a relative paucity of data on thermal adaptation in tropical as compared to temperate species. Tropical insects make up a large proportion of the Earth's biodiversity, but little is currently known about their ability to respond to climate change. We propose to use a well-studied group of tropical ectotherms, the Heliconius butterflies, to assess thermal adaptation across altitudinal gradients, to determine the contributions of genetic and environmental variation to these traits, and to identify the underlying genetic loci. Within Heliconius there are several instances of subspecies that also show structuring by altitude. Using population genomic sequence data and the reference genome for H. melpomene we recently showed that three subspecies pairs of H. melpomene and H. erato across altitudinal gradients exhibit divergence in regions of the genome that contain candidate genes for thermal adaptation such as metabolic enzymes and heat shock proteins. We will characterise the ecophysiology of these species, through characterisation of the physiological differences found between populations and species. Within Ecuador these species have parallel altitudinal clines on the east and west side of the Andes allowing us to assess the replicability of any trends we identify. Temperature can also be an important factor in delimiting the ecological niche and so in driving divergence and speciation. Research on the Heliconius system has largely focussed on the role of colour patterns in driving divergence between populations and species, but habitat differences are also present and thought to contribute to divergence. For example, the species pair H. melpomene and H. cydno on the western side of the Andes, which have become a classic system in speciation research, show divergent altitudinal ranges. The phenotypic differences driving divergence in habitat use have yet to be investigated, but physiological adaptations to temperature seem highly likely. Therefore, we will experimentally test for thermal adaptation differences between the sister clades H. melpomene and H. cydno/timareta, to assess the importance of temperature in determining altitudinal range and species distributions in these species. We will use the extensive genomic resources available for Heliconius to perform genome scans and detailed association mapping analyses to identify loci responsible for thermal adaptation within H. melpomene. Identifying these loci will then allow us to address the question of whether genes involved in temperature adaptation show evidence for either introgression or divergent selection between species. Sharing of temperature adaptation genes between species could allow rapid adaptation to novel environments, while divergence would suggest thermal adaptation is important in maintaining species identities. Research on Heliconius has flourished in recent years leading to many insights into the process of divergence and speciation in the genome. However, the ecological characters investigated have remained largely restricted to colour pattern. This project will be a major step towards establishing Heliconius as a more comprehensive model system for ecological genetics, making use of the existing knowledge, genomic resources and techniques available in this system to investigate broader ecological issues in the tropics.
- NERC Reference:
- NE/R010331/1
- Grant Stage:
- Completed
- Scheme:
- Standard Grant FEC
- Grant Status:
- Closed
- Programme:
- Standard Grant - NI
This grant award has a total value of £505,200
FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)
DI - Other Costs | Indirect - Indirect Costs | DA - Investigators | DI - Staff | DA - Estate Costs | DA - Other Directly Allocated | DI - T&S |
£25,139 | £179,688 | £35,859 | £162,856 | £54,990 | £12,448 | £34,222 |
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