Details of Award
NERC Reference : NE/R004854/1
Market Research for Groundhog Desktop Software
Grant Award
- Principal Investigator:
- Mr B Wood, British Geological Survey, Environmental Modelling
- Co-Investigator:
- Mr H Kessler, British Geological Survey, Environmental Modelling
- Grant held at:
- British Geological Survey, Environmental Modelling
- Science Area:
- Atmospheric
- Earth
- Freshwater
- Marine
- Terrestrial
- Overall Classification:
- Unknown
- ENRIs:
- Biodiversity
- Environmental Risks and Hazards
- Global Change
- Natural Resource Management
- Pollution and Waste
- Science Topics:
- Earth & environmental
- Assess/Remediate Contamination
- Earth Engineering
- Geohazards
- Hydrogeology
- Abstract:
- Groundhog Desktop is technical/scientific desktop software created by the British Geological Survey for visualizing and interpreting a range of geological and environmental data such as boreholes, water levels, geo-technical and geo-chemical measurements, geological maps, conceptual models and cross-sections. It can be used to assess, cross-reference and filter site data and its outputs can be used to produce site investigation and technical feasibility reports. As such it is useful to a range of geo-environmental professionals and this project will explore the market to assess whether it has commercial potential.
- NERC Reference:
- NE/R004854/1
- Grant Stage:
- Completed
- Scheme:
- Innovation
- Grant Status:
- Closed
- Programme:
- Follow on Fund Pathfinder
This grant award has a total value of £11,852
FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)
DI - Other Costs | Indirect - Indirect Costs | DA - Estate Costs | DI - Staff |
£8,105 | £1,310 | £455 | £1,982 |
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