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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/R002738/1

Plankton science for supporting the implementation of marine ecosystem-based management and conservation

Fellowship Award

Dr A McQuatters-Gollop, University of Plymouth, Sch of Biological and Marine Sciences
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Global Change
Natural Resource Management
Science Topics:
Climate & Climate Change
Marine ecosystem services
Conservation Ecology
Biodiversity conservation
Ecosystem Scale Processes
Ecosystem management
Ecosystem-based management is key to holistically managing our seas. Under this approach, robust scientific evidence provides the critical foundation upon which to base policy and management decisions. The science and policy communities must work together to integrate scientific research into the decision-making process. Such collaboration can be challenging as policymakers and scientists communicate in their own jargon-centric languages; limited funding is available for scientists to input into the policy process; policy-makers work to tight timescales that can be difficult for scientists to respond to; and the route through which scientists can engage with decision makers may be unclear. Consequently, end users may be left either unaware of or not clearly understanding how science can support and inform management options. My first KE fellowship enabled me to overcome these challenges, resulting in significant progress towards the development of biodiversity indicators for UK, EU and international policy obligations, production of the first ever coherent assessment of UK and OSPAR (Northeast Europe) pelagic habitats, and the fostering of collaboration within the previously-disparate UK plankton research community. My understanding of policy needs has expanded, placing me in an informed position to respond to evolving policy challenges such as Brexit. Despite these successes, substantial work remains towards implementing ecosystem-based management in UK, EU and international seas, such as setting politically-agreed environmental targets, achieving regional coherence for management, and continued development of plankton indicators. This fellowship will build on the achievements of my first NERC KE fellowship to: progress the integration of UK plankton science and data into the UK and European decision-making processes; facilitate the interpretation and translation of UK scientific research into targeted policy advice; communicate policy needs to the scientific community to facilitate and encourage scientific input to decision-making; and turn emerging marine policy challenges into opportunities to use UK plankton data and research to support existing and emerging legislation. I will apply my science-policy expertise to integrate UK plankton science into the UK and EU political processes through involvement in national and international pelagic expert groups, including leadership of the implementation of the MSFD for pelagic habitats at the UK and OSPAR levels, and membership on key UK and international policy boards. UK plankton data and research will also be transformed to targeted policy-relevant scientific advice for UK, EU and international policy-makers. Policy advice gaps and future needs will be assessed in order to steer the plankton research community towards policy relevance. The new political challenges of Brexit and the MSFD's 2017 Revision will require innovation by both scientists and policy-makers as we seek to implement marine ecosystem-based management under new and uncertain political requirements. This fellowship will exploit my position of influence in the UK and EU science-policy communities to ensure that scientific evidence and data continue to underpin the marine policy process. These steps towards the effective application and development of plankton science will result in the best use of evidence to support marine management and conservation. I am experienced in engaging and communicating with UK, EU and international policy and decision makers, and drawing links between scientific research and policy needs. I would like to continue and evolve the work I started, directly contributing to UK and EU marine policy implementation; building scientific cohesion, and therefore the capacity to address policy problems, within the UK plankton research community; and acting as a conduit between the UK and EU science and policy communities by serving on evidence groups and providing targeted and timely advice.
Period of Award:
1 Apr 2018 - 30 Apr 2024
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Awaiting Completion
Knowledge Exchange Fellowships
Grant Status:
KE Fellows

This fellowship award has a total value of £69,938  

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