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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/N003861/1

Bridging the timing gap: connecting Southern Ocean and Antarctic Climate records

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Professor L Robinson, University of Bristol, Earth Sciences
Dr JWB Rae, University of St Andrews, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Panel A
Global Change
Science Topics:
Climate change
Dating - isotopic
Deep water circulation
Fossil record
Ice ages
Marine carbonates
Palaeo proxies
Quaternary climate change
Climate change
Dating - isotopic
Deep water circulation
Fossil record
Ice ages
Marine carbonates
Palaeo proxies
Quaternary climate change
Ocean Circulation
Carbon cycle
Climate transitions
Deep ocean circulation
Heat transport
Marine biogeochemistry
Marine carbonates
Palaeo-ocean circulation
In light of current concerns over greenhouse-gas emissions and related temperature rise it is important to understand the mechanisms operating in the global climate system. This understanding may allow us to anticipate human-induced climate change and related ecosystem vulnerability. The Southern Ocean plays a central role in defining Earth's climate because it is a location where cold, deep waters rise to the surface and exchange gases and heat with the atmosphere. One of the most important gases for the climate system is carbon dioxide (CO2). Since the oceans contain about 60 times more carbon than the atmosphere, it only takes a small perturbation in the ocean to have a large climate impact. Atmospheric CO2 levels have shown systematic changes over the past 800,000 years as revealed by gasses trapped in ice cores, and recent evidence has come to light that shows that CO2 can increase rapidly over only hundreds of years. We still do not know how and why these changes in CO2 occur but their size and speed suggests that they must have been driven by changes in the deep ocean. Mechanisms that have been put forward to explain lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations during past cold (glacial) periods focus on increased CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean. This could have been achieved by a combination of increased sea ice cover and a more layered structure in the water column, which prevents CO2 from escaping to the atmosphere. The concept is supported by modeling evidence and predicts that we should find old, carbon-rich waters in the deep Southern Ocean during past cold times. If this layered water structure was removed, then these deep waters would release CO2 to the atmosphere as ice ages came to a close. Records from ice cores show us that the actual rise of CO2 during the end of the last ice age ('last deglaciation') happened in multiple steps. So far, however, it has been very difficult to obtain records from the Southern Ocean to test the hypothesis posed above, or the alternative hypothesis that carbon sequestration in the South was achieved due to more active CO2 uptake by planktonic marine plants. What we have been lacking is a suitable recorder ('archive') of past environmental conditions directly in the Southern Ocean that can resolve time increments of about 100 years or less, similar to in the record preserved in ice cores. With our project we aim to transform understanding of the Southern Ocean's role in climate change by creating detailed records of the circulation, temperature, and CO2 chemistry of the Southern Ocean at the end of the last ice age and into the current warm period (past 25,000 years) at unprecedented temporal resolution. To achieve this we will make geochemical measurements on the skeletons of fossil deep-sea corals, a novel archive that allows us to create unique coupled records of past oceanographic change on a precise and accurate timescale. The skeletons of deep-sea corals are formed using the chemical ingredients of the seawater that they live in. This means that during the lifetime of a coral (~100 years) a record of water mass composition and temperature is captured as they grow. By performing a suite of geochemical measurements on each fossil coral, we can reconstruct environmental conditions at the time it grew. Repeating this exercise for hundreds of corals will allow us to construct the first directly dated record of the Southern Ocean's behavior since the last ice age. Our new record will allow comparison of the relative timing of environmental changes in the Southern Ocean with those of ice core records. It will therefore address one of the most hotly debated questions in global climate change research, the origin of changes in atmospheric CO2 and temperature on time scales of hundreds to thousands of years.
Period of Award:
1 Dec 2015 - 11 Jun 2019
£414,767 Lead Split Award
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Standard Grant FEC
Grant Status:
Standard Grant

This grant award has a total value of £414,767  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

DI - Other CostsIndirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDI - StaffDA - Estate CostsDA - Other Directly AllocatedDI - T&S

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