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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/M017508/1

Human-modified Tropical Forest Programme Management

Grant Award

Principal Investigator:
Professor Y Teh, University of Aberdeen, Inst of Biological and Environmental Sci
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Global Change
Natural Resource Management
Science Topics:
Community Ecology
Biogeochemical Cycles
Ecosystem Scale Processes
Land - Atmosphere Interactions
Soil science
ROLE OF THE PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT TEAM (PMT): The PMT will coordinate Programme-level activities and facilitate communication, collaboration and integration among the consortia. Specifically, the PMT will be responsible for: - Monitoring research progress - Budget monitoring - Facilitating communication, collaboration and integration among the consortia - Facilitating data management for the Programme - Planning impact and knowledge exchange activities - Logistics support Key Programme management activities are described below. PROGRAMME COORDINATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT: To assist the PMT in fulfilling their responsibilities, the PMT will appoint a Programme Coordinator to help them in research and budget monitoring, report writing, and managing communication across the Programme (e.g. organising annual meetings, website development and maintenance, etc.). The HMTF Programme will also appoint a Programme Data Manager who will: (1) Assist in development of data nomenclature, archiving and metadata protocols; (2) Ensure well documented data collection and data encoding; (3) Support importing of new data into the existing databases; (4) Facilitate compatibility of data between the various databases, including suggesting modifications of existing databases and nomenclature; (5) Ensure and develop comprehensive metadata and data set descriptions through frequent liaison with all investigators; (6) Report to the PMT and NERC, on data management needs and progress. The outline Data Management Plan for the HMTF Programme is presented in Appendix B. PROGRAMME COMMUNICATION: Communication within consortia, among consortia and with external actors will be facilitated by the development of a HMTF Programme website, with separate portals for each of the consortia. Among-consortia communication will be further facilitated by a meetings budget that includes funds for bringing Brazilian and Malaysian partners together with the UK-based researchers. IMPACT AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE: The PMT will also coordinate the impact and knowledge exchangee activities of the three consortia. Specifically, the PMT will: (1) provide KE support during the initial stage of fieldwork, when projects are establishing field sites and liaising with multiple stakeholders including private landholders and reserve managers; and (2) support the dissemination of results, in particular providing detailed feedback to key stakeholders, including landholders, relevant industries, and local and national government departments. Programme funds will support these activities in Malaysia and Brazil through non-academic Knowledge Exchange officers who will be tasked with preparing dissemination materials and meeting with stakeholders. These will be hired on short-term contracts, providing the PMT with crucial KE support when and where it is most needed. Delivery of the impact plans put forward by the individual consortia will be devolved to the KE officers who will lead a unified, cross-consortia approach to delivering impact. LOGISTICS SUPPORT: The HMTF Programme will provide funds for logistics in Malaysia and Brazil. Malaysian funds have been allocated to support SAFE/SEARRP and the costs of the NERC-ARSF. For Brazil, funds will be allocated to support transport costs, offsetting unforeseen budget reductions by FAPESP in this area.
Period of Award:
1 Oct 2014 - 30 Jun 2018
£560,382 Lead Split Award
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Directed (RP) - NR1
Grant Status:
RP Coordination

This grant award has a total value of £560,382  

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FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)

Exception - EquipmentDI - Other CostsIndirect - Indirect CostsDA - InvestigatorsDA - Estate CostsDI - StaffDA - Other Directly Allocated

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