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Details of Award

NERC Reference : NE/C518373/1

Is everything everywhere? Dispersal, endemism and conservation of microalgae

Fellowship Award

Dr KM Evans, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Science Area:
Overall Classification:
Pollution and Waste
Natural Resource Management
Global Change
Science Topics:
Population Genetics/Evolution
Systematics & Taxonomy
Conservation Ecology
Microbes are tiny, microscopic organisms that are vital to the functioning of every ecosystem on Earth. Despite this, very little is known about many aspects of their basic biology. For example, we know neither the number nor the distribution of species. It was recently suggested in the high profile journal Science that because microbes are so abundant, no barrier will prevent their dispersal and therefore all species will be found everywhere (I will call this the dispersal-equilibrium theory) Consequently, there will be relatively few species worldwide, there will be little chance of extinction and new species will be rare. This idea has serious implications for the conservation of microbes, since, if all species are found everywhere, then as long as enough of each habitat type is preserved, the future of all microbial species will be assured. However, this theory has never been tested thoroughly and each geographical area may in fact possess its own special, endemic species. Using the freshwater diatom Sellaphora pupula (diatoms are one-celled algae with a silica cell wall), I will test the dispersal-equilibrium theory by sampling hundreds of individuals from 10-15 lakes across Europe (a distance of approximately 3000 km). Using microsatellite markers (also used in forensic investigations to identify different people), I will fingerprint each diatom and determine the relatedness between individuals from different lakes. If I detect that increasing geographical distance between individuals corresponds to increasing genetic distinctiveness, this will provide strong evidence against the idea that dispersal does not limit the distribution of microbial species and will lead to a re-think of microbial conservation strategies. However, if there is little difference between individuals living in a lake in Scotland and those living in, say, a lake in Poland, then this will suggest that microbes are regularly dispersed widely. Using the same diatoms, I will address a number of other important hypotheses. Recently it was suggested that alt species could be routinely identified by unique areas of their DNA; consequently a DNA barcoding system could be developed, similar to the system used to label supermarket products. Although this idea is appealing in its potential universal application, some important aspects have yet to be tested. Two of the most important are how well differences in organisms' DNA correspond to differences in their appearances (their morphologies) and their ability to interbreed. Because the S pupula species complex consists of morphologically very similar species, it provides an ideal system in which to test whether a universal DNA barcoding system is a practical idea. I will also relate different aspects of diatoms' biology to the pattern of genetic variation within and between their populations; for example, some diatoms are able to inbreed whereas others have mechanisms that force them to outbreed and some diatoms live in the mud at the bottom of lakes, whereas others live as plankton in the water column. I will relate the genetic information collected in the testing of the dispersal-equilibrium hypothesis to information related to their life cycles. Very few previous such studies have been conducted. The research described will be carried out in collaboration with experts in the fields of diatom and microbial research and those who are experts in the use of microsatellite markers and other such molecular tools to investigate plant populations. Diatoms and other microalgae, though they provide half of the oxygen we breathe, play a vital role in controlling climate, and are very important as indicators in environmental monitoring, are currently understudied compared to plants. By working alongside experts in microbial and plant research, I will help to lessen this imbalance.
Period of Award:
15 Nov 2005 - 14 Jan 2010
Authorised funds only
NERC Reference:
Grant Stage:
Postdoctoral Fellow
Grant Status:

This fellowship award has a total value of £145,353  

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Total - T&STotal - StaffTotal - Other Costs

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