Details of Award
NERC Reference : NE/Z000335/1
Closing the budget in marine atmospheric Oxidative Capacity through the quantification of Oceanic VOC emissions (COCO-VOC)
Grant Award
- Principal Investigator:
- Dr M Yang, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth Marine Lab
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr FE Hopkins, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth Marine Lab
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr G Forster, University of East Anglia, Environmental Sciences
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr L Whalley, University of Leeds, Sch of Chemistry
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor T McGenity, University of Essex, Life Sciences
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr D Stone, University of Leeds, Sch of Chemistry
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor SR Arnold, University of Leeds, School of Earth and Environment
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr TG Bell, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth Marine Lab
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr MM Shaw, University of York, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor DE Heard, University of Leeds, Sch of Chemistry
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor D Oram, University of East Anglia, Environmental Sciences
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor LJ Carpenter, University of York, Chemistry
- Co-Investigator:
- Dr R Ferguson, University of Essex, Life Sciences
- Grant held at:
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth Marine Lab
- Science Area:
- Atmospheric
- Marine
- Overall Classification:
- Unknown
- ENRIs:
- Environmental Risks and Hazards
- Global Change
- Pollution and Waste
- Science Topics:
- Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.
- Radiative Processes & Effects
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- Ocean - Atmosphere Interact.
- Environmental Microbiology
- Abstract:
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the marine environment and the atmospheric oxidative capacity over the ocean are critical but poorly understood components of the Earth System. There are tens of thousands of different VOC species in air, and they react with the hydroxyl radical (OH) and determine the reactivity of the atmosphere - often referred to as the oxidative capacity (the ability for air to cleanse itself). The oxidative capacity is key for climate through OH oxidation of methane and for air quality (e.g. via formation of ozone). Yet ~1/4 of the observed total OH reactivity over the ocean remains unexplained. VOCs are also precursors to secondary organic aerosol (SOA), which have the potential to enable particle growth to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Over the ocean and far away from anthropogenic sources where aerosol concentrations are typically low, clouds are far more sensitive to changes in aerosol than over land, highlighting the essential need to understand marine VOCs. Yet to date, the number of intensive VOC studies over land outnumbers studies over the ocean by orders of magnitude. The ocean contains a vast number of VOCs. Beyond a few well-studied gases, the inventory of these sea-air emissions is in its infancy due to the paucity of measurements. Compared to recent observations, models consistently underpredict the marine atmospheric concentrations of many VOCs, the total oxidative capacity, and marine SOA, strongly suggesting poorly constrained or unidentified oceanic emissions of VOCs. The highly uncertain VOC fluxes take the forms of "known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns". For the known unknowns, some VOCs are thought to be produced by marine biota or by photochemistry in seawater, but their oceanic emissions are poorly quantified. For the unknown unknowns, there are VOC fluxes or production pathways that we currently have little clue about, including light- or ozone-driven production from the sea surface. The sources and cycling of SOA over the background ocean are also poorly understood. While sea spray tends to dominate marine aerosol mass, SOA can be an important source of submicron particles and affect the abundance of CCN and so cloud droplets. In this project, we will combine a) intensive and comprehensive field measurements using novel instrumentation, b) innovative laboratory studies of physicochemical/biological processes, and c) state-of-the- art modeling on multiple scales to paint an unprecedented, holistic picture of reactive carbon and OH cycling in the background marine atmosphere. Constrained by atmospheric observations of total OH reactivity and total organic carbon mass, we will substantially improve flux estimates of established VOCs, identify new VOC emission sources, and evaluate their atmospheric impact. The fundamental questions we will address are: 1) Which VOCs exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere and what are their fluxes? 2) What are the physicochemical/biological processes that determine these fluxes? 3) What are the impacts of these marine VOCs on oxidative capacity, aerosol, clouds, and climate? COCO-VOC will achieve a step-change in understanding of VOC and OH cycling in the background environment, thereby constraining the sensitivities of VOCs, aerosol, and the global atmospheric oxidative capacity to changes in anthropogenic and natural emissions. This work will enable more accurate predictions of chemistry and climate in the past, present, and future. The new understanding will also offer insight into potential natural climate feedback processes caused by climate- driven changes in ocean-atmosphere VOC fluxes.
- NERC Reference:
- NE/Z000335/1
- Grant Stage:
- Awaiting Event/Action
- Scheme:
- Large Grant
- Grant Status:
- Active
- Programme:
- Large Grant
This grant award has a total value of £3,230,063
FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)
DI - Other Costs | Indirect - Indirect Costs | Exception - Other Costs | DA - Investigators | DA - Estate Costs | DI - Staff | DI - Equipment | Exception - Staff | DA - Other Directly Allocated | DI - T&S |
£262,698 | £1,079,481 | £18,279 | £133,818 | £397,278 | £1,000,988 | £125,000 | £73,471 | £46,064 | £92,986 |
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