Details of Award
NERC Reference : NE/W007134/1
Net-Zero Digital Research Infrastructure Scoping
Grant Award
- Principal Investigator:
- Dr M Juckes, University of Leeds, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Co-Investigator:
- Professor S Mobbs, University of Leeds, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Grant held at:
- University of Leeds, National Centre for Atmospheric Science
- Science Area:
- Atmospheric
- Earth
- Freshwater
- Marine
- Terrestrial
- Overall Classification:
- Unknown
- ENRIs:
- Biodiversity
- Environmental Risks and Hazards
- Global Change
- Natural Resource Management
- Pollution and Waste
- Science Topics:
- Carbon Capture & Storage
- Earth Resources
- Sustainability
- Communication Technologies
- Energy
- Governance of Science and Technology
- IT Systems
- Science and Technology Practice
- Science and Technology Studies
- Computer Sys. & Architecture
- Abstract:
- UKRI is committed to becoming 'Net Zero' by 2040. To support this goal, carbon implications of data generation,analysis, storage and dissemination from our owned digital infrastructure must be considered. This scoping project will support the journey towards environmental sustainability by improving our understanding of the carbon 'cost' of digital research and developing adaptation strategies for managing our data as part of a Net-Zero Data Roadmap. NERC will lead an initial 2-year UKRI-wide study to develop a survey of the digital carbon landscape, a roadmap and a set of demonstrators to ensure that our data infrastructure can achieve net-zero. Taking a systems-based approach, we will work to develop adaptation strategies for the way data is conserved, analysed and managed. This will support the aims of the UKRI Environmental Sustainability Strategy and the vision to create net-zero UKRI owned and majority funded data infrastructure, that places carbon-reduction targets in the context of broader research, innovation and sustainability goals. Our Net Zero ambitions mean that this needs to be achieved whilst simultaneously meeting the goals set out in the UKRI 'Opportunities to grow our capability' report.
- NERC Reference:
- NE/W007134/1
- Grant Stage:
- Completed
- Scheme:
- NC&C NR1
- Grant Status:
- Closed
- Programme:
- Net Zero DRI
This grant award has a total value of £1,880,022
FDAB - Financial Details (Award breakdown by headings)
Exception - Other Costs |
£1,880,022 |
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